11 GB? Oh wow. Maybe I dropped the extra digit? XD I just remembered it was a big file, but maybe I forgot how big it really was. LOL! Nah, I downloaded it via Steam. It was actually given to me as a gift by a friend of mine. ^_^
Yeah, haha. It is quite the big file. Over a GB if I remember correctly. Took me about an hour and a half to download, which, for my connection, is quite a while.
Wow. Lucky you. Hehe. I usually only play Portal or Portal 2 while I'm on there, at least for now. I don't really have the resources at the time to buy a bunch of games. Oh well.
Yes and no. I mean, some good things have happened, but it's ultimately not the same, celebrating Christmas after a bereavement.
It's been pretty good I guess. I visited family for Thanksgiving, and I'm probably going to be visiting them again for Christmas, so that's something to look forward to. How about yourself?
Sorry i took you off Skype, I thought you were done with the web or something since you were never on. XD
OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT YOU DIED! D8 Also, I was gone for a month, but I came back recently. How are you doing, buddy? XD