Scio nescio
Last Activity:
Jun 8, 2012 at 10:48 PM
Sep 26, 2011
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Jan 21, 1991 (Age: 34)
Whaever you say i'd be good at

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Scio nescio

New In Town, 34

Scio nescio was last seen:
Jun 8, 2012
    1. Rashall
      whats up???
    2. ePONYmous
      Thank you for accepting my friend request. :grin:
    3. Rashall
      whats up Scio???
    4. Dwynter
      Well, you seem to have quite a few friends already - hope you have room for one more!
    5. Thanapony
      Welcome to Everypony, Scio... if you ever want to talk about anything, feel free to message me if you want to... I may not be of much help, but I would like to be of as much help as I can.
    6. Zephyr Wind
      Zephyr Wind
      Many welcomes to you Scio....I hope this is the first of many days that we get to enjoy your company!
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  • About

    Jan 21, 1991 (Age: 34)
    Whaever you say i'd be good at
    Pegasus (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    I'm a rather quiet fellow...mostly lost in my own thoughts, be it the latest song I have stuck in my head, or replaying past events to see how I could have changed them. I can read others rather easily, almost instantly knowing their personality with just a greeting that is if I ever could bring myself to great them in the first place. I however...know nothing about myself, and can't tell what I’m like or seen as from others, which leads me to think the worst and apologizing for everything I do, even if I really didn't do anything. I cling to the friends I do have, and I don't usually reach out to others. I usually just sit back and wait for someone to come and say hi...I'm much too afraid of messing up and just making someone upset.

    I just know what i like...just not sure why >.>