My Little Pony: The Movie

Discussion in 'Movies Discussion' started by Non Sequitor Madness, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. Non Sequitor Madness

    Non Sequitor Madness Knight of the Round Table
    New Pony

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2016
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    South America
    I just came back from seeing it, and... was pretty good!

    The action scenes were great, all the characters were written well, and the Storm King was a great villain.

    Now, if I were to judge the movie on its own merits rather than as a MLP movie, I say it's a decent animated movie. Much like "Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie" or "Hotel Transylvania", it's an animated movie that aims to nothing more than be entertaning and funny, and it manages to be both.

    Again, my only gripe is the release date. The fact that "Blade Runner 2049" was released the same week was very unfortunate, since "Blade Runner 2049" got all the marketing and all the attention, leaving this movie to be almost invisible to the general public.

    So, what do you guys think of the movie?
    #1 Non Sequitor Madness, Oct 7, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
    Appledash2012 and CloudMistDragon bro hoofs this.
  2. CloudMistDragon

    CloudMistDragon Practically Part of the Site Itself
    New Pony

    Jul 10, 2016
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    I also went to watch it in theaters on opening day and was mostly impressed. My only real disappointment was that the movie felt very...traditional in that it didn't throw anything at me that I wasn't expecting as an MLP fan, but holy Luna, was it entertaining. Definitely better than the Equestria Girls movies. The pacing and storytelling was very smooth and the humor was fantastic. Despite being very let down by Tempest Shadow's backstory (the new character I was most excited for), I liked all the new characters much better than I thought it would. Definitely rewatching when it comes out on DVD and here's hopes that they make an awesome sequel! :smile2:
  3. Rockout E. Stringer

    Rockout E. Stringer Feelin' guitty!!
    Community Moderator egg Old-Timer

    Cutie Mark:
    Jan 29, 2013
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    The Tarhoof State!!
    Was this movie worth the wait? In a word... TOTALLY FREAKING YES!!!!!!!!! It had it all, songs, action, songs, pirates, songs, cool villains, and who can forget those songs!? (I'm a music pony, remember? :p)

    So after a few years of knowing for a fact this was coming, what a hell of a payoff!! Can't say enough about the story. As many times as we see stories about friendship, it's a theme that never seems to get old for me! Sure the formula of "we've got this", one friend causes a falling out, and getting back together has been done to death but by Celestia, IT FREAKING WORKS!! And those characters!! I will say that I am on the lookout for figures of Capt. Celaeno and Tempest! The art style is SO beautiful too!! Not sure why but that combined with the animation reminded me a lot of the old Don Bluth movies!! This movie was the total package!!

    Tidbits: Equestria has apparently upgraded to dial up internet! Cable, here we come!! Hungry. Hungry? HIPPOS!! And lest we forget, the REAL savior of Equestria...


    All hail Princess Derpy!!

    Overall: 12/10 because this movie was 20% cooler than I could have ever imagined!!!
    Appledash2012 and CloudMistDragon bro hoofs this.
  4. CloudMistDragon

    CloudMistDragon Practically Part of the Site Itself
    New Pony

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Decided to cover my thoughts in much more detail.

    I honestly did immensely enjoy this movie and desperately want to call it a masterpiece. However, I have to be fair, be both subjective and objective, in saying that this movie was not the best it could have been. Like I already said in my spoiler-free thoughts, the first half had me thoroughly impressed with the film, as I found my worries that the movie's glaring flaw would be trying to cram too much story into a 90-minute film not become reality. The storytelling and pacing up until then is quite satisfying, as no scene goes on for too long, the action, suspense, and humor never take a break (especially not the humor, everyone in the theater including myself could not get enough moments of comedy gold from Rarity and Pinkie Pie XD), and all of the new supporting characters fit in with the main plot surprisingly well. Though I wouldn't go so far to call Capper, the pirates, the seaponies, and Grubber particularly interesting characters, I did quickly find them to be acquired tastes, as they do display enough charisma and personality for me to consider them memorable. But then came...Tempest Shadow at the turning point of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I love Tempest all around, and her performance at the beginning of the movie made her an easy choice for my favorite new character in the film. In fact, even before that, just from watching the trailers, I fell in love with her. I had great expectations for her...that I knew wouldn't ever be realized. Quote for truth, I watched what should have been the best scene in the movie fully expecting to not get what I wanted out of Tempest Shadow's backstory. Just not a freaking bear.

    I am sadly not joking. That is the reason Tempest became evil. She was scratched by a bear. That's how her horn was broken and what made her friends stop liking her. That was supposed to be the big twist. Now, why is this twist so bad? Well, first of all, this would make Tempest nothing more than a rip-off of Starlight Glimmer, who became evil for the exact same reason, having one bad experience with friendship as a kid, but became good because Twilight did something good for her and blah blah. Second, this reveal of Tempest's weak motive as a villain shows off the only problem with the movie that ruins the enjoyment of it better than anything else, doing nothing with the lightning in a bottle that it's built up. This scene was the movie's turning point. This was their golden opportunity to make it the best movie they could have possibly made it. Tempest Shadow having a strong, relatable reason for believing what she believed would've been the easiest chance to throw in a creative twist that would've led the movie's latter half on a more than thrilling ride towards a spectacular conclusion.

    But of course, that didn't happen because, "Business! And marketing! And time constraints! And...bleh."


    Preach it, Storm King. Though you were easily the film's weakest new character, as you turned out to have no personality beyond being a generic bad guy and a rip-off of Tirek, at least you provided some genuinely entertaining dialogue. Also, kudos to the team for having the balls to kill you off. At least that wasn't something I was expecting.

    That's all for the cynicism, I'm done. This movie is still far above average for both kid's cartoon movie standards and the show's standards. I just have to be honest in giving the most constructive, unbiased critique I can give when I look at a masterpiece...that sadly was not finished. However, moving on to the optimism, I absolutely want this movie to not just be a one-off, but the beginning of something much greater. So yeah, if you are in any way a fan of My Little Pony, please go to watch this movie in theaters. I can't tell you how to live your life, but I can tell you that if you see this franchise as a team you're rooting for, you're definitely not rooting for it by not showing up to its game. Screw what other people think, stand up and tell them go Broncos...I mean, go My Little Pony. [​IMG]
    #4 CloudMistDragon, Oct 8, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
    Appledash2012 and Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  5. Appledash2012

    Appledash2012 A Pony Every Pony Should Know

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Sugar Rush
    I been waiting in ages for this movie and it was worth it. Anyway congrats to FiM's 7 years Birthday, and 2 years of CMC cutie marks
    CloudMistDragon bro hoofs this.
  6. Fenris Rose

    Fenris Rose Going Through Changes
    Deactivated Old-Timer

    Cutie Mark:
    Feb 16, 2013
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    Fizzlepop Berrytwist is Best Pony.
    Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  7. Prof. Flying Joe Mule

    Prof. Flying Joe Mule Blank Flank
    Blank Flank

    Dec 14, 2017
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    I don't know about you guys but i liked the movie on and all.

    I'm sure their are many who didn't liked it and got disappointed of the movie because they expected more of Hasbro or the writers , the staff or how the trailer was shown,but to those i would like to say was this, you were expecting to much or you set the expectations to high because of the promotion of this for along time, let me remind you that this movie is the first big screen movie that they did on MLP, to be honest this movie is for those who don't know what this fandom is or the brony community, to me this is the key to the fandom we all love is not for us brony's because i didn't see fan pandering on this movie and it shouldn't like i said is not for us but to all of the world, my advice for the future is don't get your hopes to high or expect to much of the writers or the staff because you will get disappointed really in the end im sure the next one that they might do will do good if they ever do, thought to be honest i don't think they will do one like this one but i could be wrong on this so i would like to see what you think of this ?.

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