Hey guys! We have our facebook page up and running once again! Mind helping us dust the cobwebs off of it? Awesome! Well, we'd love to have a new profile picture, as beautiful as Rarity is, it needs updating. Prizes The winner will have their picture as the profile picture for AT LEAST a month, or until we decide we need another one. But it's guaranteed a month! They will also get a shout out in the community post, as well as, their picture highlighted in said community post. Not to mention, who doesn't want bragging rights? *NEW* The winner will also receive their choice of any $20 Steam Game (or below if it's below $20) of their choice! If you are not a gamer, then I will pay for a $20 commission from any artist of your choice! Now remember, it's not about winning, it's about having fun~ Now the rules are simple. - Any form of art is fine. This means it can be a real life picture, it can be hand drawn, it can be digitally painted (or drawn). As long as it is a picture that can be uploaded, it doesn't matter! - The requirements. It must be related to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and/or Everypony. This means it can include any of the characters from MLP: FiM or any of the OC's around Everypony, or anything else you can think of that is pony related. It can even have Spike! Or Angel! Be creative! If you use an OC that is not yours, however, please make sure you obtain permission for using someone else's OC (just as a precaution). - The Don'ts. No NSFW pictures. No gore. It must be a family friendly picture. - The Time Limit. You have til August 3rd to come up with your idea, create it and finalize it. That should give everyone enough time. If a good portion of entries need more time, just let me know and I can extend it out more! Once you have a finished entry just post it here! Once the contest is over we'll have you, yes YOU, the members, judge the pictures in a poll. The picture with the highest number of votes will be our winner for this contest. Ties will be solved by another poll of the pictures that tied for first. Sound exciting? I hope it does! I know we have some really creative people here and I can't wait to see what comes out of this! While you're at it, if you feel up to it feel free to give us a like on facebook! It is not a requirement of this contest, just to make that clear, just a fun way to stay connected with things happening around Everypony. Thanks to you all, and good luck!
Oh, profile photo? That works too. Simply shrink it down approx. 66.7% and you're good. Do I win a fantabulous prize?
Can this fellow person upload a recolor of a previous picture ? For example: In-show character recolour
Well.... I have this so far. I cannot draw at all http://imgur.com/a/gehwG http://imgur.com/a/gehwG#NyHnmOC This one is my favorite. Sorry about a level of 'Rusty' edges. Also the mistake behind the beret is supposed to be purple like the mane. More will be posted soon, also. [video=youtube;KqhfLTsEeZg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqhfLTsEeZg[/video]
I did make a set of 6 but half of them are terrible. Its basically the same photo, but with the mane six o3o But here's the twi one:
Please don't post on old threads. This competition ended long ago. No point keeping this thread open now, so ~Thread closed~