Luna's Curiosity

Discussion in 'Shorts' started by Rashall, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Rashall

    Rashall Master of the Veil Fire

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Associate at Harborfreight Tools
    The Veiled City
    Little short from my main story had to cut it out though, but here it is this would have gone at the end of chapter two. Enjoy!!!

    Luna watched as the Blue Angels practiced their flying maneuvers, constantly looking at one single pony out of the entire group Skyblue. She had seen him at the young flyer competition just a few days ago along with Rashall, whom she had questions about. She stood up and started to walk forwards toward the group as they came in for landing, when she saw Rashall with his back turned to him to his right was Skyblue.

    "Princess Luna what a lovely surprise, though I guess you might not call it a surprise." said Rashall, the others just laughed at his slight joke.

    "I had wanted to ask Skyblue a question, but I got caught up in watching all of you train." said Luna with as little shock in her tone as she could. How had he known she was there all this time?

    "Really it sounds like you have a question for Rashall here not me." said Skyblue looking her over. This statement shocked Luna, she had come here to ask how it was that Rashall could do some things that bordered on magic when he himself was not a unicorn or alicorn.

    "Yes the question was for him, but I did not want to seem rude to you because you are our guests here in Equestria." said Luna blushing a little.

    "Then ask me directly, I do not mind questions about me or those who are my friends." said Rashall turning to face her.

    "How is it that you can do magic when you yourself are not a unicorn or an alicorn?" asked Luna, a bit nervous that she would still offend him.

    "Simple I know somethings called words of power, ancient eldar words that with the right force can do just about anything. Tell me Luna would you like to see why my last name is Firemane?" asked Rashall.

    "Sure if you do not mind, will we need to go somewhere else though?" asked Luna

    "No we can stay here, but I already know you will be in awe." said Rashall with a chuckle. Luna readied herself and then nodded to Rashall that she was ready. Rashall stood there fore a minute and then said in a quiet voice, "Khaine-vor," after which his mane, tail, and hocks caught fire. Luna was shocked, but what was odd was that the fire was constantly changing colors.

    "I thought you might look at me like that, do not worry it does not hurt at all. Touch it if you would like, it will not burn you trust me." said Rashall in a cheerful tone, at which the fire turned into two separate colors orange and white.

    "It changed colors, how did you do that?" asked Luna finally making herself touch it, at her touch part of it came off and floated over her head.

    "Ah so there is a secret that you keep, but it is recent." said Rashall with understanding.

    "Yes I do have a secret, but I'm not sure if I can trust you enough to keep it." said Luna eying Skyblue and then turning her attention back to Rashall, who simply smiled.

    "Ah and what a secret it is too, but look the flame has caught on." said Rashall pointing to the flame which had now moved over to Skyblue. Skyblue looked up and then looked back at Luna and finally to Rashall with a quizzical look on his face.

    "You may tell him if you wish, as for it being a secret I believe everypony here just found out." said Rashall.

    Skyblue walked over to her and asked, "What is it that you need to tell me?" Luna did not tell him, instead she kissed him quickly and then blushed and turned away.

    "I love you, I did not want to tell you at first because I thought it was silly and..." Luna did not finish her sentence because Skyblue kissed her back, the others cheered in happiness.

    "Ah love you have been alone too long Skyblue, this is your fate as it was seen long ago." said Rashall smiling at both him and Luna.

    "What about the war, you will surly need me when the time comes Rashall, I still owe my life to those in need." said Skyblue in a worried tone. Rashall simply looked up to where the flame was, the others followed his gaze. The flame had solidified into two different amulets one the same color as Skyblue the other the same color as Luna.

    "These amulets will tell you how the other is doing, it will even transport messages from a far distance. Take them as gift from me, and as a sign from the pantheon that this was meant to be." said Rashall

    From that day on Skyblue wrote letters to Luna on a regular basis, their love undying though Luna knew that Skyblue would go to battle sooner or later, but now that did not matter.
    #1 Rashall, Oct 2, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2011
  2. Stormy Thorn

    Stormy Thorn New In Town

    Cutie Mark:
    Oct 6, 2011
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    college student
    Cool Fic I love Luna I hope to see more of her on show next season
  3. Fieuline Tabby

    Fieuline Tabby A Pony Every Pony Should Know

    Nov 4, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    D'aw. xD That's cute Rashall <3
  4. AngelCake

    AngelCake An Everypony Regular
    Blank Flank

    Cutie Mark:
    Jan 12, 2012
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    that is SO CUTE!!! omg i loved it!!! sweetest story ever! i never really saw luna as a 'romance' type :p

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