Ponies. Ponies everywhere. Still, OC time! Spoiler: Non OCs I usually like to play this characters in the forum games area or rps. Spoiler: Princess Luna Well, it is Princess Luna! I always like to play her in rps and games. What else is needed to know? Spoiler: Nightmare Moon What is a good hero with out a villain? Welp, I don't know, but I do like playing as NM in both games and rps when I can. (and for some reason I don't mind the NM x Luna ship... ) Spoiler: Woona! Woona! Little Luna! Or whatever! I only play her on forum games. She also owns a variety of stuff registered as trademarks, such as the wiggling coffee ™ and silly hammer ™. Spoiler: Darkness knight Darkness knight Nickname: Darky Age: 20 (As alicorn) / 18 (As pegasus) Specie: Alicorn / pegasus (Depends on what I want him to be) Gender: Male Appearance: Grey body, black mane and tail, blue eyes. Spoiler CM: A sword Personality: Usually calm, but his emotions can take over him quite easily sometimes. Personal life: Married with Princess Luna. (Just after he become an alicorn) Bio: Descendant of a old hero of a kingdom far to the east, he chose the life of a knight when he was young. When he was 16 he was exiled for the disappearance of his brother, prince of a kingdom far to the east. He was cursed a long time ago with constant Nightmares by the one that took his brother. After a year and a half he finally managed to find him with the help of a friend he made after arriving to Ponyville and take out the one responsible for it. Even after he was defeated the curse was so deep in his heart that it couldn't be removed, the only way that it could be treated was sleeping just beside Luna. After some time his status as an exiled was removed and afterwards he become an Alicorn, but he decided to stay in Canterlot. A few months later he married Luna. Weakness: He is completely vulnerable to Nightmare magic. Flaws: When it comes to his relationship with Luna he is quite shy, even though he loves Luna with all his heart. Spoiler: Midnight Lullaby Name: Midnight Lullaby Gender: Female Age: Mare (18) / Filly (Depending what I want to play her.) Species: Alicorn Eye colour: Light purple Character colour: charcoal-coated Mane/Tail/Other: Night sky mane, similar to Princess Luna's mane, as well as the tail. Physique: A beautiful and charming pony. Her physique is like the average pony, being a bit more thin and tall. She has a voice as smooth as silk and rich as finest chocolate. Her magic aura is light purple. Residence: Canterlot Castle Occupation: Student of magical medicine spells, as well as a singer. Cutie Mark: (When I play her as a Filly, she doesn't has it.) A full Moon with a musical note inside it. Her mother, Princess Luna, used to sing to her every night. She really loved it and she started learning to sing herself. One day, she was invited to sing a song at the Grand Galloping Gala. She felt shy at first, but after getting enough courage, she managed to do it, and thus got her cutie mark. Unique Traits: She is skilled with magic, focusing on helping others with it. She is also a really good singer and has a lovely and really charming voice. History: Daughter of Princess Luna and Darkness Knight,being born as an alicorn. She got a lot of love from her parents, who she loved a lot also. She always played with them, go out with them and even helped them in the night duties. Princess Luna always sang for her before she went to sleep, being the things she loved the most from her childhood. That inspired her to become a singer. She grew up happily, surrounded by a luxury life and daughter of the princess of the night and her husband, being happy all that time. She went to Celestia's school for Unicorns, Celestia taking her as her personal student since she reminded her of Twilight when she entered the school, and to help her own sister with her learning. She was good with magic, but excelled a lot in medical magic, so Celestia focused on that, getting the best medic unicorns to teach her. She also showed aptitudes as a singer, but she had to work on that by her own. After some time, she started composing her own songs, and soon was invited by Twilight herself to sing at the Grand Galloping Gala, in which she got her cutie mark. As she grew older, she got better in the healing magic and became quire skilled at it, even though her cutie mark was not destined to be that one. She also started taking musical classes, sometimes performing with several well know ponies, such as Octavia and Dj-pon3. She got well know reputation, not only because of her being the Princess' daughter, but also because of her singing abilities. Character Personality: She is a cheerful and charming pony, being friendly most of the time, but she sometimes takes advantage of her natural beauty to make stallions, and even mares sometimes, to do and give her what she wants. Even thugh her parents tell her not to do it, she still does it, Character Summary: Daughter of Luna and Darky. She is a really beautiful mare, having a really charming and smooth voice, making it a really big add to her appearance, which she takes advantage of to get what she wants, yet she is still quite cheerful and friendly. She is a really amazing singer and also good in healing magic. She loves singing and hopes that all of equestria hear her music, being that her main motivation to carry on, but she also cares about ponies health when they are in danger. Spoiler: Thunder shield Name: Thunder Shield Age: 32 Specie: Alicorn Gender: Male Appearance: A black mane and tail, with a charcoal coat and a green left eye and a blue right eye. Spoiler (courtesy of TRP) CM: A winged shield with a thunder inside History: He is a ancestor of Darkness Knight and Golden lightning, from the times before Discord was defeated by the princesses, even when he came to power. Not that much is known about him, but that he had several... affairs... with Eris (see the spoiler in appearance.) Those affairs tagged him as a traitor to Equestria, and was sealed in a secret chamber beneath the castle of the two sister, and he was forgotten until resent times... Spoiler: Golden Lightning Golden Lightning Nickname: Lightning Age: 22 (As alicorn) / 20 (As unicorn) Specie: Alicorn / unicorn Gender: Male Appearance: Gray fur. Black mane and Tail. Green eyes CM: A winged spear Personality: Cares about others. Can be over protective some times. Bio: Brother of Darkness Knight and successor to the crown of his homeland. Since little he was thought the ways to become a prince. Differently from his brother he accepted his life as one and worked hard to become a successful king once his time could come for that. He grew up learning how to use the spear and magic, making lightning based magic his stronger type of magic. When he was 18 he was kidnapped by an evil being for almost two years, ending up in the exile of his brother, and being trapped inside a necklace Twilight found one day. After that he was rescued by him and went back to his homeland with some other pony. After some time that pony become her queen. A few months later he become an alicorn, just like his brother. Spoiler: Shining Star Name: Shining Star Sex: female Age: Mare Species: Unicorn Eye colour: Light blue Coat: Yellow Mane/Tail: Silver mane and tail. Her mane is a bit short, but her tale is long and a bit fluffy. Physique: As big as the average mare. She is a good physical condition, but is not that strong. She is also cute, most of his cuteness coming from her innocence. Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Astronomer Cutie Mark: A telescope with a single star above it. She has always been the nerdy type of pony. Since filly, she was fascinated with the stars in the night sky, going every night to see them trough a telescope. One day, she got lost in the Everfree forest, but she used her knowledge of the stars to find her way back home and got her cutie mark after that. History: She was born in Ponyville and lived most of her life in there. She went to classes and was the last one of her class to get her cutie mark, but she didn't cared, she was happy with it. She spent most of her childhood studying and watching the stars, and found it a bit difficult to make friends for her at a young age. She become rather shy at a young age since she found out that her classmates were not into book like her, making her quite shy when talking to them since she was not sure what they liked and what to talk about with them. She had a hard childhood, but she used her books to escape reality and feel safe in there. As she grew up, she got interested in other things and slowly started going out more and more until she got used to it and started making friends around Ponyville. When she became an adult, her parents left their home for her and left Ponyville. She made a life in there in a small cozy house, which she still owns, that just so happens to be located near Twilight's castle. She also started studding magic some time after her parents left. He managed to learn more advanced spells though a lot of effort from her part since she didn't had a magic related cutie mark. After some years, she got a job in Canterlot and left Ponyville to work in there. She found it a bit hard for her to adjust her life stile to the one in Canterlot, it was just way to different. The ponies, the places, everything was so different, but she managed to get the hand of it. She found a lost puppy one day and adopted it, now the puppy lives with her, who is her best friend. Character Summary: She is a nerdy, innocent, cute pony, that spends most of her time either reading or playing with her dog when she is not working. She is a bit shy, but quite friendly and cheerful most of the time.She also tries her best in overcoming problems and getting better in what she does, practicing magic and studding every single day, managing to learn new spells through a lot of effort. She has quite some knowledge with Stars and books, being a fan of the Daring Do books. She is quite skilled at cooking. She is quite skilled at cooking also. She loves reading, almost more than most ponies, being what entertains her the most.. When facing a big problem, she usually hyperventilate and her mind goes completely black, making her unable to do anything at all. She also has a little puppy named Snow Paw. He looks like this: Spoiler: Night Blade Night Blade. Nickname: Night Age: 26 Gender: Male Specie: Bat Pony CM: Some stars and a grey dagger. Job: Night guard. After Darky married Luna, he was promoted to be their personal guard. Appearance: Black body with deep purple mane, tail and wings. Light green eyes. Bio: As all bat ponies, Night knew Princess Luna and admired her. Since young, he trained hard to become one of the night guards. At the age of 18 he managed to be one of them, but soon his parents died. With the help of the Princess, they managed to track down the ones responsible for that and took them down. After that, he found a quite odd sort of hidden blade. (Like the one of the assassins of AC) A few years later, he went up ranks to where he is now. Personality: Loyal, but can be easily fooled. Spoiler: Golden Beryl Name: Golden Beryl Age: Mare Gender: Female Specie: Unicorn Coat color: White Mane/Tail: Golden mane and tail. Appearance: She is a tall and thin mare, with a beautiful and charming body. She is quite good looking and is really beautiful. She also has a long and soft hair. She also only has the colors gold and white in her body, thus getting her name thanks to it. Occupation: Ex-model. Shop owner of a jewelry shop in Canterlot. She is planning in opening several more shops around Equestria. The name of her shop is Golden Jewels. Cutie Mark: A golden diamond. Differently from most ponies, she got her Cutie Mark at an older age than the rest of the fillies, being the last one of her generation to do it. She used to work as a supermodel, and one day she lost a jewel part of her dress, so she made a new one herself, even more beautiful than the last one, then got her Cutie Mark. History: She was born to a middle class family in Canterlot, studding in the same school as a good friend of hers, Soft Cloth, (OC of mine) but left it after some time since his father was fired from his job because the company he worked for went to bankrupt. She and her family had struggles carrying on after what happened to his father. She had a hard time making friends since most ponies in Canterlot were rich and she was slowly getting poor. She got several jobs as shop assistant for a few years to gather money, but one day she was spotted by a pony who was looking for a model, and after seeing how beautiful she was, he hired her as a model from that day. After a few months, she had a big work, model one of the clothes of one of the greatest designers of Equestria that made cloths for fillies, that included a beautiful jewel in the dress she was supposed to use. The pony that was supposed to deliver it lost the jewel and she had to so something. She decided to do it by herself. She worked for a while and made an even more beautiful jewel, and thanks to that she got her cutie mark. Golden spent a lot of years as a model and got a lot of money out of that, which she used to make her family have a better life until they could carry on by themselves. She didn't liked that work that much, mostly because of how many things she had to do and all the hard work that she had to dedicate to that job, but that also made her even more beautiful since she took care of herself even more. After a big show she made, she quit working as a model and opened a jewel shop, which grew really big after a year, mostly because of how popular she was as a model and how beautiful her jewels were. The shop she opened was called Golden Jewels, which had a logo of her own cutie mark. It started small but after some years it grew quite well since the fact that she used to be a model draw a lot of ponies to the shop, eager to see her creations. Soon, it became one of the biggest jewelry shops in Canterlot and have plans to open several other shops around Equestria. Part of the money she made went to her family, other to help her old school and she kept the rest for herself and the company. Even though her new life, she sometimes still accepts jobs of modeling, but rarely and only if she is really interested in them. Character personality: Golden is a quite charming and beautiful pony, not only in her appearance but also in the way she is. She is elegant and tends to do her best when it comes to jewels. She also loves romantic stuff, but most of the time manages to control herself. Since she had a hard childhood, she grew up to be selfish in things she likes. She always treasure what she gets, mostly gifts, things she really cares of and things she made out of her own work and feels proud of them, making her even more with them. Still, she tends to be friendly most of the time. She also likes attending to high class reunions or parties, being the grand galloping gala her favorite event of all. Summary: Golden Beryl is a charming and really beautiful mare that worked as a famous model a long time ago. She didn't liked it and after a few years she left and opened a jewel shop. She is a rather calm and sophisticated pony in the way she is, walks.... or mostly anything she does. She cares a lot of her family and friends, but also selfish because of how hard she had to work to get there. Even after stopping being a model, she still takes care of her body like if she was one. Her motivation comes from the fact that she wants to be one of the most famous ponies in Equestria, but also take care of the ones she cares of. Spoiler: Soft Cloth Name: Soft Cloth Age: Mare (25) Specie: Earth pony Gender: Female Eye color: blue Apperance: a bit cute, mostly in hiw her eyes are. She as big as the average mare. Mane/tail/other: Blue mane and tail with a yellow line in the middle. ((Her mane and tail styile are similar to Lyra.)) Fur color: red Residence: Canterlot Ocupation: Cloth designer. Cutie Mark: A brown peice of cloth with a needle. She got her cutie marke when she had to fix some cloths for her big sister when she had to go to the grand galop gala when Soft was a filly. Unique traits: She is a skilled designer and can fix almost any kind of clothing. She also skilled at cooking and solving puzzles every now and then. History: She was born to a middle class family in Canterlot. His father was a unicorn that worked as a guard, her mother an earth pony that owned a reataurant in Canterlot. Since little, she was thought how to cook and help other whenever they needed help. As she grew up, her big sister was invited to the grand galoping gala, but Soft accidentaly broke it. Deseperated, she fixed it without her big sister noticing. It looked as good as new when she finished. After that she got her cutie mark. When she became an adult, she got a job in a quite well know, and perhaps one of the bests, cloth shops in Canterlot. Character personality: She is a friendly and a bit hard working pony, but also cute in the way she is, mostly because she is kind of innocent and quite shy most of the time. She loves her family and would do anything for the ponies she cares. Her work sometimes make her go away from home, but she gladly accept it since she now is for the best.
Thank you. I might draw them my self when I have time, at least the sketches for them and find someone to make the actual picture itself.
Your point is? *makes a bad pun joke.* And I doubt I can kill you with a diamod, a telescope or a musical note