Prologue : Last Day at Home I awoke to another beautiful day in Sar-Neith, even though I had a pounding headache. I walked out into the hallway to find my star sister Nova there waiting for him along with Nexus and two of his Fire Servants, these three served as the duo's bodyguard for the day it seemed. "Sleep well brother?" asked Nova the orange colored filly walked beside me with a smile on her face. "Yes and no sister, though I'm wondering where Nexus is taking us to." I say eyeing the wolf in front of him. Nexus just kept walking forward the other two wolves forming up on the sides with Nova and myself in the center. We made their way towards what I knew as the parade grounds. This area was where soldiers would line up before they marched to battle. As we entered I noticed that the grounds where already full of troops both Imperial and Eldar. He knew the Eldar troops belonged to his mother because of their color and organization. Something was happening and I knew this would be the last time he would see his mother, alive. "My son, I know this is on short notice but I must see this through if events unfold the way they are destined to." says my mother as I enter the grounds with Nova and Nexus. "I-I don't understand what's going on? Why are you leaving, w-why can't I come with you?" I stammer tears starting to well up in my eyes. My mother merely smiles at me before she decides to tell me what is going on. "I have a duty to perform off in a distant land to ensure that it will be there when you arrive to become it's guardian. Do not cry my son, this is what I must do to ensure the safety of hundreds if not thousands of innocents." she says at last, I know it is true but I still do not want her to go. Minutes later and she was gone, I went to the only place that I could when something made me sad like this, the Lone Tree Hill as I called it anyway. When I got there I found my father sitting there. "Hey there Rashall I thought you might come here. I know you're up set about your mother going away, but she has to do this you know." says my father. "I know, what is going on anyways everyone seems on edge today." I ask my father who looks at me with a long expression on his face. "An enemy I thought long gone has returned to our world and is seeking vengeance. I fear that Sar-Neith is the next target for these Chaos hoards. The Empire has lent us their famed Adeptus Astartes and Adepta Sororitas for this coming fight. Even five regiments of the Imperial Guard have shown up wanting to show their support. The other Eldar Craft Cities are shattered their people now roam throughout the world. All we can do is hope that your mother succeeds in her quest otherwise all shall fail." says my father. I do not know what to say so I just lean against him and tuck my head under his. "She's not coming back is she father?" I ask while staring out to the west where my mother had gone. My father simply looks at me with a somewhat worried look on his face. "I fear you might be right my son. You always seem to know when something might or might not come true and on this I must say you are right. Now then let's try to forget about this, Corvus happens to be with Wolf-N-Mane in the guest wing if you wish to see them." says my father with a smile. I smile broadly for I had not seen Corvus or Wolf-N-Mane in a long time, I quickly got up with my father and followed him to the guest wing. We arrived in the guest wing in about half an hour. Once there we proceeded towards the western facing part of the wing and then we started looking for room number 224. "Ah here it is, let's see if they're in at the moment." says my father, he then knocks lightly on the door. A fraction of a second passes and the door opens wide with Corvus on the other side. "Rashall!" yells Corvus he and I rush towards one another and butt heads in way of greeting, "I was wondering if I would see you while I was here." says my friend with a smile. Wolf-N-Mane walks up behind Corvus and smiles. "Well I was wondering when you two would show up. I heard about Moondusk, but unfortunately we arrived too late to say our farewells." says Wolf-N-Mane. Silence settles for a moment before my father speaks up. "You must be tired Wolf maybe the council can wait until tomorrow." says my father, Wolf gives him a look of distress. "I fear it cannot wait until latter it must be done now. We can waste no more time Lord." says Wolf-N-Mane. My father tells me that I should go spend some time with Corvus, but Wolf says that my friend is also needed at the council. I tell all three of them that I will go and find my star sister and star brother along with Nexus. After awhile I manage to find Nova, Akula and Nexus. I tell Nexus that we will be spending the night at our little clubhouse at the extreme western end of the city. Nexus says that he can spare his newest recruit and that Atolli and his pathfinders would be located there as well. The new recruit is a wolf named Anubis. he says that he would enjoy spending the evening with us. After a few hours of walking we finally get to our little club house. It's a little tree house that me and my brother and sister built about five years ago. I told Anubis that he wouldn't be able to fit inside, he says he will stand watch outside. Me, Nova, and Akula bunker down inside and go to sleep. I wake up with sweat beading down my face. I can tell by the stars through the window that it's about midnight, or at least a minute or two past. Something is wrong I can feel it, a breeze comes through the window. Somehow I know there are enemies in the woods, my father always told me that Gaia had blessed me, I look out the window but see nothing even in the full moon. Anubis must have seen me looking out the window because he waved his hand at me. I opened the door and jumped down to the ground. "What's the matter Rashall can't sleep?" he asks, but then he notices that I'm looking at the wood line. I notice movement and point it out to Anubis he nods his head. Then I remember that I have a com link on me and put it on I flip through the channels until I reach Atolli's channel. "Atolli, this is Rashall I'm looking at about a regiment sized unite moving towards the city from the west. Do we have any friendly units out this way?" I whisper into the com while motioning Anubis to wake Nova and Akula up quietly. "Rashall, Atolli here, that's a negative we have no friendly forces in that area. What do you wish to do Lord?" asks the pathfinder leader. I remembered that Ghost Eye is probably still up on night watch. I quickly switch channels to the emergency response channel. "Ghost Eye this is Rashall, I'm declaring code Indigo on the western edge of the city. I have a regiment sized force moving to the east from my location, how copy?" I say into the com. "Code Indigo has been confirmed by Pathfinders, scrambling all assets now. I'm sending Warthog air group to your local along with the Cadian 425 and the Ultramarines. Good luck down there, I'm now attempting to raise the alarm all across the city. Thanks for the heads up Rashall, out." says Ghost Eye. Seconds later and the alarm goes up throughout the city. "What do we do now Rashall?" asks Akula still trying to fathom what is happening at the moment. "We hold ground until Warthog squadron comes on scene to support us then..." I was cut off as a group steps out of the shadows near us. I recognized them as the Briar Wolves Chapter at their head was chapter master Green Mane. "Looks like we arrived in the nick of time, or at least I hope so. We will take over the situation here Rashall, you however are destined for things beyond this." says Green Mane, a distant explosion echoes in the distance. I look back to see that the eastern and southern parts of the city are starting to burn. "So it begins, now then you four off you go we will deal with these chaos scum." says the chapter master. "W-What about my father? Or all of the others still in the city what will happen to them?" I stammer tears starting to stream down my face for the second time that day. "Rashall your father knows that the city is doomed. That's why me and my battle brothers and sisters are here, to ensure that you escape to the west. We know that Anubis' kin lie that way, now hurry all of you go now!" shouts the chapter master. We started running west, we had already ran about four miles and finally reached the edge of the forest that lead into Agria. We ran straight into a small patrol of cultists, they wasted no time in charging at us. "What do we do now!" I shout as an arrow narrowly misses me to the left. The remainder seemed determined to finish off at close range, one got a lucky hit on me. The sword didn't cut deep, but there would be a scar on the left side of my face for the rest of my life. "Rashall!" shouts Anubis, he then lays into the enemy showing no mercy. The wolf quickly rips through the five cultists around me. He does not stop until all five are but ribbons. "I'm fine Anubis just a little scratch nothing more. There's no way we will make it through all of them though." The others look around and nod in agreement at my statement before looking at one another. "Brother you go on and flee we will hold them off here." says Nova finally, I freeze in my spot thinking about what she is suggesting. "Nova's right Rashall if anyone of us has to escape it's you. Now go on before they come back in greater number!" yells Akula, Anubis simply nods. I can't think of anything to say or do, so I started running deeper into the forest. It's morning and I'm still running, I haven't stopped for even a minute. I'm so tired, but I have to keep going. Everything I ever loved is gone now. My home is destroyed, my people are scattered, my parents are dead, my friends are probably dead as well along with my brother and sister. All I have on me are my pack and my cloak that I somehow managed to keep with me. I also have all the information I will need to survive on my own. I start to cry once more, but then I realize something that I had not seen before. I still have a purpose which means I still have a reason to live. That purpose, I realize, is to reach the land that my mother had gone to. I fumble through my memory trying to remember the name of the country. "Equestria." the name finally comes to me, this is the country that is under my charge and care, though the locals will never know it save in legend. I recall that Equestria is on the western side of Bretonnia and that I am currently still only in Agria. I may have a long ways to travel, but at least I have a purpose. With that I will forge ahead despite all that has happened over the past few hours. No matter what happens I will reach Equestria and guard that land with my life if need be, this do I swear!