My thoughts during first watch through of ep 1&2: Begginingidn't twilight fly off like a pro during the s3 finale end? Why is she having to relearn her awesome flying? Whyd you just make that letter disappear , I wanted to read it! Twi is a jerk to letters. Oh snap, celestia got kidnapped by a vine. Twi is takin charge like a boss. You show those two guards! More vines. Oh, cool! Discord and his swaggy self doing chaotic things. Yup, drink anything a mysterious pony with flow gives you cus she said so. Dang it Luna! You're doing this again! Oh, wait, that was a flashback. Middle: More flash backs. More vines, who would've guessed? The antagonist for this episode is....vines attacking a tree. End: great, give up your only powerful tool just to save a tree. Oh, wait, celestia and Luna wouldn't have escaped if you didn't save the tree. Gosh darn it! I have to wait an entire season just to see what is in that box! Or maybe even longer. Uugh. So... Discord caused all this. I liked you discord. -_- Nice summer sun celebration. (in reality, this was a decent start to a new season and didn't really seem as rushed as the s3 finale. No good songs tho.
Just watched season 4 episodes 1 and 2. I figured i would post about it to take a break from the instructions game. as many others have said, the animation is definitly a lot smoother and better looking. and the luna vs celestia battle was FREAKING EPIC! I never thought they would put somthing so epic in a show about rainbows and friendship. Anyways, i loved it.
One thing bothers me though... Zecora just happened to have a potion ready that can only be used by alicorns that just happens to show visions of the past, and more specifically the visions they needed? Magic is weird...