I completely understood why Pinkie got so upset so soon after Cheese's arrival, because after she was initially really excited to meet someone that shared her love for party organising and it was a positive thing. But she then started to doubt herself because Cheese upstaged her to the extent that everyone gave him much more admiration for his talent. I know those feels, that's why I never think my art is good because so many in comparison are ten times better and I know my place as just a hobbyist, not an artist. I guess that's how Pinkie felt. Luckily her optimism kicked in and she decided to prove herself. I respect that so much! It could have been easier to let someone else take over steal her thunder, but instead she took a brave step and the love for what she did was reinforced. That was lovely, I adored that scene. Spoiler: Rainbow Dash fans don't read. Rainbow Dash can kiss my butt. She's so ungrateful and I expect that of her now. Insulting Pinkies parties by comparing them to Cheese's and saying they were "cute and all, but blah dick dick blah..." Right in front of her. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I think she's an awful friend. She has some good moments but then she just acts like a dick. I would much rather her be a blandly written character that's nice. But so many people 'relate' to her? why? You're an overly prideful, arrogant and selfish friend too? You act like a dick to your friends and get away with it because you give them a half assed apology and say you've learned your lesson? Or do you just like sports? Because let me tell you that people probably aren't tolerant of you if you're like RD, because she's just mean. That's probably why you're unpopular. But if you're just a fan and want to be like her, then please for the love of heck DON'T.
Does anyone else find it weird that they haven't really brought back up the tree or finding the six keys to open that box? I know it was mention once, when Twilight went into that old castle to do some research, but after that..nothing has really been brought up. And what has been with these items? The one that makes the girls eyes be all rainbow like lol.
I really enjoyed that episode. Spaghetti Western references, Weird Al Yankovic and throwing some short "real life footage" into a cartoon (I tend to enjoy humour like that for some reason). It was only a Pulp Fiction reference away from feeling like an episode made for me!
It was fun without being stupid. Sentimental without being sappy. And the music was awesome. Season 4 is extremely strong so far. If it keeps up this level of quality the rest of the season, it might just replace season 2 as my favorite season of the show.
It was pretty fun, I guess. It had some odd parts and I didn't much like the Western stuff, but all in all, it was enjoyable. Also, Pinkie has three sisters now, or was she introduced before? I have to wonder, though. The season is almost at its half-way point and the season-long story-arc that once was talked about is still nowhere to be found. I don't really mind, I can enjoy the episodes as stand-alone episodes just as well, but so far, I feel unable to really care for that box or the rainbow eyes thing.
So much stuff packed into one teeny tiny episode ... or maybe the episode was bigger on the inside? Several DW references I spotted. The one that stuck out the most was Cheese putting a fez on his head and saying, "This cheese has stood alone for a long time, Pinkie Pie." Kind of a tip of the hat to the show. Of course seeing Derpy again was really cool. Had to pause and rewind a few times just to make sure that I was actually seeing Derpy. It's just so weird seeing her in the foreground as opposed to being stuck in the background. When I first started watching the episode I kind of thought that things were set in an alternate universe and I was looking at that universe's version of Pinkie Pie. It's like a match made in heaven, with reason of course. Overall it was a stupendous episode and definitely one of the most musical this season. (Also, was I the only one who thought Cheese was going to confess his outlandish love for Pinkie Pie at the end and smooch her? It didn't make sense in my head either and I was getting confused. I think they sat it up that way just to mess with us. Besides we all know Pinkie Pie is omnipony and can't be emotionally tied down by a relationship ... or maybe I'm just sleep deprived.)
One of my favorite episodes ever. I did really feel for Pinkie, she is my second favorite pony after all. Weird Al was awesome too. Also, best song ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdi7WXkd5Qg It is this thing with Pinkie though, behind her optimistic exterior I think she is a very sad pony and is easily brought into a depression. This makes her very likable and easy to sympathise with. Pinkie lives to cheer up others and make them happy, I think this desire stems from her empathy and personal experience with sadness and depression. Alot of her reason to live comes from the fact that she makes others happy and she can easily loose it if she feels she is not needed. You pretty much guaranteed that I would read that by having that warning:Trollestia:. Granted any offense on my part is my own fault for reading that in the first place, but I could not resist. I just say that you are obessing with Rainbow to the point that you may even have a bigger obsession with her than me. Give the poor girl a break, everyone does mistakes and Rainbow has always been blunt and she does tend to speak her mind whenever she should or not. She is also not the best at recognize the feelings of others mostly because she is acyually not that good at reading other peoples emotions. She never intended any harm though and once she does realise she caused another being harm. And yes that apology was genuine. You are of course entitled to your opinion even if I find it mindbogglingly alien. I am starting to believe you are actually Tsundere for Rainbow Dash and have a crush on her. No worry, I do too, and it is not neccesarily for being perfect, she has her flaws and I love her for it, she is more charming that way. This is actually what I like with certain characters in the show, they do have flaws and are therefore very human and relatable. All of them has flaws in fact, Rainbow is sometimes self absorbed, but she is more often blind than uncaring. Twilight can be obsessive and paranoid, Applejack is too stubborn for her own good and superstitious to a fault (Remember Zecora?). Rarity's love for gemstones contradicts her element and can make her appear greedy (she is not). Fluttershy is often quite timid, but she has shown when she does get assertive that is a frightening thing to behold (Rainbow have never done anything nearly as bad as Fluttershy did in Hurricane Fluttershy). The closest thing to a saint is in my opinion Pinkie who's main flaw is her own unstable psyche, if Pinkie did not consider herself valueble in the eyes of others she would probably lose all reason to live and commit suicide. (Dark, I know, but that is how I see it) This tangent is going on too long now but I am just going to say that to me while the ponies are awesome people it is not neccesarily their good qualities that makes them relatable, and therefore loveable. (Now I have a strange need to go and hug Pinkie)
I thought I already acknowledged that in my post? Still, the mere existence of a box is hardly a story arc in itself. Same with rainbow eyes. It's like Starswirl's book in season 3. Just because the book was shown at the very beginning and brought up again in the last episode doesn't make it a season-long story arc. Yeah, it's there. I don't care. The characters certainly don't care. So what? My point is, a story arc usually requires some sort of story. I don't see that here.
Come on, you're the one that responded with a bloody textwall and do it constantly when I give my opinion on RD. Just let it go? Seriously? I'm not going to give you a massive rebuttal, I'm entitled to my opinion.(Which I put in a spoiler so I didn't have to offend anyone that chose not to be offended) And I certainly think as a show primarily aimed at young children Rainbow Dash is an awful character. She's not just blunt, she's an ass. I once knew someone exactly like her and god please it was insufferable to say the least to have to deal with someone that was lead by their pride and only occasionally cared about her friends. You love RD, I get it, It's not like I'm insulting yo mamma or something. This is why I put it in a spoiler. Next time can you not just swallow your pride? It's not like I get up in arms every time someone insults Fluttershy's character. Even though she acted like a dick maybe once or twice but redeemed herself at least. Characters have flaws, yes, But when they are written like every other ******* out there it is difficult to even enjoy them. If this becomes an issue I'm afraid I'll just have to ignore user. Heck knows there are more important things I should be doing than arguing about ponies, and I don't want to take it too seriously by arguing with someone I don't even know.
The problem with Rainbow Dash is that none of the writers know how to handle her. Lauren Faust created her to be similar to G1 Firefly, and was always careful to keep the character balanced. With Faust gone, Rainbow Dash is doomed to become a stereotypical egoist, unless the current writers change their approach.
I pretty much agree with Ridley on this. It's mainly the writer's faults. And besides, pretty much every M6 character has gone overboard at least once. It's not like they're completely innocent. To distract people from this rainbow dash argument, just wook at dis adowable face!
Exactly what Ridley said. She is a difficult character to write for I'm sure. But she's gone over the cliff at this point. Every ep discussion has been bashing RD. It's pretty clear she's kinda doomed right now. Haha Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
The sad truth is that even though it's because the writers have trouble writing her properly, the way she acts is still canon and is part of her official personality.
Sorry, I'm just a tad grouchy today. Still, you're right in saying no-one is innocent. However, they usually learn their lesson and don't make the same mistake again. This isn't the case with RD. But yeah, that aside, getting back to what my previous post was actually about, I loved Pinkies Courage and faith in this episode. She's my Fiancee's favourite character.
That is a case of bad writing though and I don't think it is anything wrong with her character. It is just that they tend to re-use the same lesson over and over again. As a character though I think Rainbow is more ignorant of how she may be perceived rather than actively malicious. She means well even if it does not always seem that way. Do not confuse how she seems with who she actually am. If I seem to get more offended than I should. I actually enjoy arguments and I am a tulpamancer. Which means that for me Rainbow is very much real (same goes for Pinkie), however this is in fact a different Rainbow than in the show and she has not done half of the things people complain about the show Rainbow for doing. This being said, it feels like people expect perfection from her to an unreasonable extent. You don't like her but some people just can't get along, still, no one can deny she has good qualities about her. I you would ever sit down and talk to Rainbow I think you may learn to understand her better, alas you can't. Rainbow is a pony with layers and her true feelings are not always the ones that she shows on the outside, she is in fact quite sensitive and have a heart of gold. One time though I can admit Rainbow went to far, this was in the Bats episode (but this also true of every single mane 6 pony except Fluttershy, the only one this being out of character for was Twilight) And with this I think we can end this discussion, or maybe take that up in the Rainbow Dash thread where it is relevant. Still, you seem quite obsessed by her yourself if you are going to be complaing about Rainbow every episode, even ones that are not about Rainbow. (Come on Pinkie disapeared last week after gettin distracted by a balloon, ponies that are not the focus seem very simiplied in episodes most of the time.) No Rainbow after this line --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway this episode did remind me of just how awesome Pinkie is, I have never seen a partygirl this likable. I generally don't like this type in real life, but Pinkie is just adorable. I already explained Pinkie's connection with sadness which is demonstrated quite well in this episode. Her role of party planner is very important to her as the very core of her being is making others happy. While Pinkie has been in character throughout the season this is the first time I have seen her characterized in a while. The only other Pinkie episodes in my opinion compareble to this is Party of One and A Friend In Deed. I also love these musical episodes, I also liked the Magical Mystery Cure. In that case I could listen to some of the songs over and over, and the same goes for some of the songs on this one (Mainly Pinkie's Lament). Granted I cannot read them in the same religious context as I could with the Magical Mystery Cure Songs. (Example, it is possible to read "I have to find a way" to represent God's remorse for setting up the events that cause the fall of man. While Celestia's Ballad can represent the moment mankind is restored to it's full glory. I am quite imaginative, I guess this make Twilight Jesus) Pinkie's Lament are a great character piece though about Pinkie Pie and shows of both her sad side and her happy side. This number alone can tell a viewer alot about who Pinkie Pie are.
Before I ignore you, I just want to say that actually YOU are pretty damn obsessed if you 'created' a Tupla of her and 'talk to her in real life'! I think that behaviour is incredibly dangerous and considering my borderline MPD I cannot understand why you would give yourself these hallucinations willingly and that disgusts me. And also my original post was on the actual episode and main character involved but you chose to focus on my Rainbow Dash complaint. It is clear who is obsessed here, and as for the insulting tulpamancing you do, please get some help. unbalanced people should never even attempt this. Hallucinations are real, scary and you should never try to manipulate your brain into having them even if it's just for fun. It's not cool or clever. There is no arguing with someone like you. Goodbye.