One thing everyone does with every fandom, it seems, is use their various talents to express love for whatever it is you are celebrating. Trouble comes when you don't have any special talents with which to express. But Celestia banish it if I'm not going to try! I shall be filling this space with everything pony related that I paint.

Also, "commissions". I paint stuff for people free of charge, so message me if that sounds fun to you.
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  1. So yeah, I haven't gotten much done lately. I never get things done, really. I like to start a lot of stuff and not finish them. So that's what I have for you all this post! a few work in progress pictures and no completed projects. Gives you something to look forward to, right?


    To the left: My current M:TG card alter. Bet you can't guess who it is ;3 Funny story behind this. When I was painting my Fluttershy plains that I showed in my last post, I ran out of white paint (A color you need quite a bit of, especially when painting pretty pastel ponies). I went to the store to buy some more paint and grabbed gloss paint instead of matte paint on accident. as you can see from both of these pictures, I use white paint to base coat my stuff. The problem comes when you can't draw with a graphite pencil on a gloss base coat. So now I have to paint this entire Swamp by hand. It seems to be going well so far, although the colors are slightly off.

    To the right: The faceplate to my PSP. I still have no idea who or what to paint on it. How do you guys think?


    This is the last image I have to show you for today. This is a painting I am working on of Rainbow Dash. As you can clearly see, I work much better on the small scale. This painting is still in the early stages though, and hopefully it will get better as I work on it more.

    Welp, that's all I got this week errypone. Y'all have a good rest of your night!
  2. So over the past few months I have been painting everything poniponi. In this blog, I'll be posting updates on the various projects I embark on, and the commissions I fulfill, as well as maybe posting my techniques if people are interested. I hope to update at least weekly, but probably more often than that, as I am normally very proud of the work that I do and love to show it off. Also, needing to update the blog on a regular basis will most likely keep me painting in times when I might be having a block. So without further ado: Some paints!


    I am an avid Magic: The Gathering player, so it should come as no surprise that I would paint cards. These are the first poniponi arts that I did. I gave all three of these away to friends of mine, and I'm working on some more. I'll post each card as I finish them.

    I don't only paint cards, however:


    Painting characters on flat surfaces is fun and all, but I just adore painting MLP designs on various objects. The controller is pretty cool and was fun to do, but could use some work. I might do that later. The shoes, however, are my current continuous projects. The abundance of white disturbs me, and must be filled!

    A note on free commissions: I need more things to paint, and would love to paint things for more people in the community. My work isn't high quality, and it takes me a while to do, but that's why it's free! If you want me to paint something for you, or you want me to send you something you see here on the blog, send me a message and we will work something out :3

    So good morning to everypony. Y'all have a wonderful rest of your day.