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Apr 26, 2018 at 1:08 AM
Jan 12, 2012
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An Everypony Regular

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AngelCake was last seen:
Apr 26, 2018
    1. Equestria
      Actually, yes! I posted it yesterday. It's a bit short,and I may add more later today.
    2. 4ever Pinki Pie
      4ever Pinki Pie
      dude puhlease change my background picture!!!!!!!!!!
    3. Equestria
      Glad you liked it! I may post the chapter 2 today OR tommorow, I may delay it to the weekend,my sister doesn't like pony fanfics and will continue to disturb me ass I continue to try to write it, but on Saturday I wake up early, that may be when it posts :D
    4. Equestria
      Thanks!Please tell me if it's any good!
    5. Equestria
      My fanfic posted! Please read! I mean, if you have the chance
    6. MyLittlePonyTales
    7. Equestria
      Thank you! BTW, Apple Jack is so cool, but she never gets noticed AT ALL. It's not fair how when people list their fave ponies, Apple Jack always slips the mind.
    8. Equestria
      Oh,Thanks! I'll do my fanfic first,then I'll make my own custom pony! :D
    9. Equestria
      Sorry,I was sick,but I got a question. How do you make your own pony and make it your profile picture?I've tried multiple times,but never got to do it.
    10. 4ever Pinki Pie
      4ever Pinki Pie
      I just wrote a fanfic!!!
    11. Star Gazer
      Star Gazer
      I used the Pony creator on DA, I can give you the link if you like
    12. 4ever Pinki Pie
      4ever Pinki Pie
      wow wow wowy!! why didnt u tell me you got an ipad for christmas? because i saw on darkblaze's page you said you have an itouch and an ipad unless you were talking about charlas ipad or your dads ipad but if you were you should probably tell him because he wont know that the ipad isnt yours he might think that its actually yours which it is NOT
    13. 4ever Pinki Pie
      4ever Pinki Pie
      go on iAlice's page i accidentally went pinkie pie crazy
    14. Equestria
      I'm sorry. I'll help you tommorow. I've thrown up too much, it hurts to type.
    15. 4ever Pinki Pie
      4ever Pinki Pie
      Hey e! Har you seen the new MLP episode baby cakes?? It's awesome. Love your background. I saw it on google images and loved it immediately
    16. Bounty
      When you go down to your groups page, look in the top left for the forum path, click "Groups" at the start of the path, then there will be the option to create a new group.
    17. Darkblaze
      if its jaiblroken i need a couple of beta testers for a custom theme im working on its a theme built especially for bronies and pegasisters (it includes custom lock,unlock and plugged in sounds as well as custom icons and background made by myself)
    18. Darkblaze
      hey there angelcake! nice to meet your acquittance!
      this may seem like an odd question but do you have any sort of jaibroken iDevice? (ie:ipod touch, ipone, ipad)
    19. AngelCake
      yea! finally got a kool avatar!!!
    20. 4ever Pinki Pie
      4ever Pinki Pie
      hey e!check out my avatar
      its da cotton candy tail!!
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  • About

    artist, musician,
    Unicorn (f)
    Cutie Mark:
    drawing, painting, sketching, dancing, singing, playing guitar, writing songs