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Feb 23, 2016 at 9:33 AM
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In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~
Legal Candy Dealer

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Friendly Swedish Neighbor, from In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~

AnTec was last seen:
Feb 23, 2016
    1. redmon77
      Sentinel here. i dont think my private message was sent. i was wanting to know if i could get your email in case you decide to leave EP for good
    2. NotWhatWeExpected
      I most certainly did not!

    3. pestilence
      I read his journals. He has A LOT of OCs. The only reason he doesn't use them all is because he's tired of remembering names. Last I counted was28. Last pony I saw was his dj dubtrot
    4. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Of course. What's up?
    5. pestilence
      the clockmaker dood! i heard about you from Red!
    6. pestilence
      oh hey! your that gai!
    7. redmon77
      yeah i read it. it was very informing and i look forward to a real battle to see who would win.
    8. redmon77
      i accept your challenge. we will see who is the proper owner of the universe and all its inhabitants
    9. redmon77
      a keeper of time? so the Clocks are still around, eh? i thought Vaden was the last Keeper. i never read a book on your species. care to enlighten me?
    10. redmon77
      im listening...
    11. NotWhatWeExpected
      Baha, spend as much time as you want XD
    12. Snow
      I still don't see how these have anything to do with each other. Sorry, I'm trust trying to be logical here. An essence is not related to the soul, let me put this in perspective. Let's say the soul is you, your personality, etc., the essence is that deep down raw emotion thing that can override your usual personality. That is why as long as Tremalion gives you the ability, like he did with Snow, anypony can use essence magic.
    13. Snow
      The light is a direct result of the essence, and the reason light isn't able to escape a black hole is not because of its color or anything but the fact that it is infinitly dense and therefore has infinite gravity
    14. Snow
      You think color has anything to do with power?
    15. Snow
      One does not simply STOP an essence
    16. NotWhatWeExpected
      What an interesting concept...sounds cool!
    17. NotWhatWeExpected
      And thus, school begins.
      I have two questions for you:
      What UTC do you live in? I'm in -5.
      What is the rift, exactly? :dunno:
    18. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I can't currently. Can you send a PM?
    19. verse jumper
      verse jumper
      they coulld be mutual allies someone has to keep the psycopath in line right?
    20. NotWhatWeExpected
      No, no! I see nothing wrong with your post at all!
      Going to reply right now.
      Thanks for complying with my wait, I have to do homework and study for the ACT and random stuff like that.
      Have a cupcake!

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  • About

    In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~
    Legal Candy Dealer
    Brony (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Alias/Roleplaying Name:
    I am AnTec, also called An or Anny by some an' i'm just your regular, ordinary, swedish gangster-grizzly bear fighting neighbor! ^,^

    Fighting gangster grizzly bears that try to steal my cocaine.



    "Take that, ya one eyed, bomb-lobbing, cactus-eatin', pot-bellied, punk, bloody, fat, jiggly, whoppin', big, backstabbing, loadarm, creepy, spastic, little, bloody, blind-eyed, precious, little, twitchy, pickle-headed, rocket-hoppin', pod, potatoe-hoppin', phony, two-faced, filthy, mutant bastard!" - Max Rainhardt.

    "There IS a place where no war has ever waged. It's not called Equestria. Nor is it The Rift. It may be cold, but remember: It's a place as cold as Death, and you might wake up in it one morning..." - The 25th Clockmaker
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