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Feb 23, 2016 at 9:33 AM
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In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~
Legal Candy Dealer

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Friendly Swedish Neighbor, from In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~

AnTec was last seen:
Feb 23, 2016
    1. NotWhatWeExpected
      Fantastic! I'm not sure how many posts I can do though; I got banned from the computer for staying up too late screwing around with Source: Film Maker. Posting from my phone right now ::S:
    2. verse jumper
      verse jumper
      Thank you so much i'm really new to this and i'll tryy to follow the rules next time :3
    3. NotWhatWeExpected
      Ah, yes, of course.
      Okay, that sounds like a start.
    4. NotWhatWeExpected
      So would this make Karl a mercenary or an assassin or soemthign?
    5. NotWhatWeExpected
      Ponyville. He left Fillydelphia after it failed there.
    6. NotWhatWeExpected
      The reason I RP rather than write FiMfiction is because I can't think of ideas. Have you seen any RPs hosted by me? It's because I can't think of any :I
      I really have no idea what we can do...
    7. NotWhatWeExpected
    8. Rashall
      Depends on what OC he decides to use.
    9. Rashall
      I got your message on Skype sorry I was at a brony meetup in my area that's why I didn't answer.

      What's up?
    10. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I'm sure. I'll factor that in.
    11. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Nope. It probably wouldn't. No OP character's, mate.

      Which is why I have a little plan for you...
    12. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Calm down. She was only mistaken as one.
    13. Snow
      Hm, WEIRD EXPLANATION TIME! Since Pain was possessed by Black Night, Black Night was able to see him like Silly does and directed Pain to attack for whatever reason!
    14. Snow
      I have no clue what you are talking about exactly.
    15. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      All right...It looks all right actually. Diversity or Reliability. It seems all right to me. If anything, the Clockworx seem to have a slight disadvantage with their curses but I'm not sure if the TAR's disadvantage of resources is quite enough but I think it'll do.
    16. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      The what? I don't know what you mean.
    17. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I guess he would pop up later. Especially if your a victim of the machine.
    18. Snow
      Here's a quick answer, Make one.
    19. Snow
      Not Canterlot royalty.
    20. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Ooooo....Lemmie go see.
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  • About

    In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~
    Legal Candy Dealer
    Brony (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Alias/Roleplaying Name:
    I am AnTec, also called An or Anny by some an' i'm just your regular, ordinary, swedish gangster-grizzly bear fighting neighbor! ^,^

    Fighting gangster grizzly bears that try to steal my cocaine.



    "Take that, ya one eyed, bomb-lobbing, cactus-eatin', pot-bellied, punk, bloody, fat, jiggly, whoppin', big, backstabbing, loadarm, creepy, spastic, little, bloody, blind-eyed, precious, little, twitchy, pickle-headed, rocket-hoppin', pod, potatoe-hoppin', phony, two-faced, filthy, mutant bastard!" - Max Rainhardt.

    "There IS a place where no war has ever waged. It's not called Equestria. Nor is it The Rift. It may be cold, but remember: It's a place as cold as Death, and you might wake up in it one morning..." - The 25th Clockmaker
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