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Feb 23, 2016 at 9:33 AM
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In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~
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Friendly Swedish Neighbor, from In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~

AnTec was last seen:
Feb 23, 2016
    1. Snow
      Please explain to me how that would work. All this RP is is our lives, throw in our OC's and there you are.
    2. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I really don't get what you mean...
    3. Snow
      *Sigh* Fine, I'll join if you insist.
    4. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I think you mentioned wanting to join in the RP I was planning. If you still do, it's called 'Life's Lemons'.
    5. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Yes. And the ability to escape to the Clockmaker. And all the other abilities that Karl has for whatever reason.
    6. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Yes, but only Dark Shine and Tyro have been revealed to know such information. They aren't judging him.
    7. Tech Tea
      Tech Tea
      I already have about 12 to 15 :/
      Still trying to organise them all...
    8. Tech Tea
      Tech Tea
      I dont know...
      Not exactly got any OC's suited for it.
    9. Tech Tea
    10. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I agree that both OC's should impact on each other and we've started to do that. We should think of something else at some point. It seemed like The Clockmaker was interested in Tyro for whatever reason.

      I don't see why they'd kill him rather than lock Karl up. Just make a better cage, surly.
    11. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I guess but are they really the executing sort? Why not just lock him up?
    12. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Probably but I wasn't aware that Equestria had execution as a punishment. It seems more likely to go for Exile.
    13. Rashall
      One heck of a short RP
    14. Rashall
      Why do you ask?
    15. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      Its a unique style. And anyway, I'm rusty. - Tyro
    16. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      That what needs to be updated.
    17. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      What we can do is update it for you. Just send me a copy of the post and I'll change it.
    18. Tyro D. Fox
      Tyro D. Fox
      I think the ability to edit a starting post runs out over time. Me and Rashal should be able to help though.
    19. Snow
      Now now, I have a plan, be patient.
    20. Snow
      You were dying anyways, and besides, you have the job of the clockmaker and being champion of Force now!
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  • About

    In the magnificent land of Swedeeeen!~
    Legal Candy Dealer
    Brony (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Alias/Roleplaying Name:
    I am AnTec, also called An or Anny by some an' i'm just your regular, ordinary, swedish gangster-grizzly bear fighting neighbor! ^,^

    Fighting gangster grizzly bears that try to steal my cocaine.



    "Take that, ya one eyed, bomb-lobbing, cactus-eatin', pot-bellied, punk, bloody, fat, jiggly, whoppin', big, backstabbing, loadarm, creepy, spastic, little, bloody, blind-eyed, precious, little, twitchy, pickle-headed, rocket-hoppin', pod, potatoe-hoppin', phony, two-faced, filthy, mutant bastard!" - Max Rainhardt.

    "There IS a place where no war has ever waged. It's not called Equestria. Nor is it The Rift. It may be cold, but remember: It's a place as cold as Death, and you might wake up in it one morning..." - The 25th Clockmaker
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