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Dec 21, 2016 at 12:15 AM
May 1, 2011
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April 18
Home Page:
Zhulin Glade, Shandai, Eastern Equestria
college student, pony addict

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A Pony Every Pony Should Know, from Zhulin Glade, Shandai, Eastern Equestria

Bamboo was last seen:
Dec 21, 2016
    1. notashamed
      I just watched episode 9 of season 2 and it reminded me of a discussion we had about rarity back when we first met. You my friend are psychic or something. The whole time I was watching it I was thinking "It's like Bamboo KNEW!"
    2. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Haha ok. Ok. Bare with me Bambi.
    3. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Love Story and a rather tear jerking one at that :')Well at least I thought so!
    4. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Sure, though it'd probably mean more coming from them but if you still prefer I PM you, just give me another shout! :)
    5. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Why are you jealous, haha hah?

      But no, no. Not me.
      Flash and Foxy had a pretty dramatic revelation - DJ's on the radio. I think you can guess :derpe:
    6. Warrior of Equestria
      Warrior of Equestria
      Thanks for telling me happy birthday, I been spending most of my time on flankbook
    7. royalguard
      thank you sir
    8. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      YES! Damn it, sorry, sorry, sorry. I have about 12 tabs open =S
    9. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Woops! Sorry I was afk, forgot to set it so D:
    10. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      AT LAST! I did as you requested, kinda. Tell me if the format is ok?

      - - Fan-Fiction
      - - - - Development Diaries
      - - - - Fiction Showcase
    11. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Yeah. Wow. How dare you ask me to do five mins of work :plmao. Nah it's no problem at all, though if you got any more ideas for additional subsections I'd love to hear them!
    12. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Haha, well that's a relief :)Glad you found the problem.Hmm, that is a very interesting and valid point you have there, Blu-Cup raised something similar to. A place to design and flesh out OCs as opposed to drawing them, correct? I'll definitely do something, I'm just wondering whether there's a better way than a forum... Hmm maybe not. Ok, I'm not entirely what I'll do I'll have a think and move some stuff around tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up :)
    13. Grey Knightmare
      Grey Knightmare
      Hey Bambi, I noticed a few times you've been in the chat and not said anything - is that just literally ... not saying anything/being afk or is it something technical? Were getting a surge of registrars atm, thanks to EPR and I'm just making sure nothing is stressed or overloaded etc :P

      Oh and Jaret said you had a suggestion for a thread and/or sub-forum of some kind? Care to tell me a little more about? His explanation went right over my head...
    14. Jaret
      I hope you don't mind that i used your 2 OCs in the account's background. They just seemed to fit right into it, so I used them. I hope you'll understand why it has such a... well, not so great quality - It's a Gif image of 50 colors. I had to spare them for the main background.
    15. Jaret
      Ok, I'll ask Grey to make one.
    16. Jaret
      Did you mean it would be better to be Moved it to the fan-fiction forum? I wouldn't think so, no, i think it's better this way, since the fan-fiction forum is reserved ESPECIALLY for tales and epics (written art), not really Visual art.
    17. Derpy Hooves
      Derpy Hooves
      Hey, seeing as you really like Luna and you're a really good artist would you be open to doing some album art for me sometime?

      I'm working on a Luna themed metal album which I've started a topic here about:

      Unlike the other songs I've uploaded, I'd like this to have something a bit more intensive then just some photo-merging so if you're open to it, could you do your best "Epic Luna" scene to be album art for this? It's going to take me a while to finish this so it's not like I need it right away, but if you have the time and want to do it, some original artwork would be sweet.
    18. Warrior of Equestria
      Warrior of Equestria
      good hopefully something cool will happen today
    19. Warrior of Equestria
    20. Vinyl Scratch
      Vinyl Scratch
      Why ain't you on chat?
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  • About

    April 18
    Home Page:
    Zhulin Glade, Shandai, Eastern Equestria
    college student, pony addict
    Unicorn (f)
    Cutie Mark:
    Hello. I am Bamboo, a unicorn pony who loves to draw. I like anime, writing, painting, nature and reading. I hate my life and college, and soy meat. I'm named Bamboo because Bamboos are plants that represent steadiness, which is what I try to achieve in my life. But I also like to shock people, but don't worry. You'll wake up in your bed like always after meeting me. :)

    FiM, anime, drawing, writing, sleeping



    He knows u haz no gurlfriend.