Last Activity:
May 2, 2016 at 2:56 AM
Dec 23, 2012
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Feb 24, 2000 (Age: 24)
Home Page:
Artist / Animator

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Retired Veteran, 24, from Unknown

After my experiences with animation, I'm now going to take on the absolutely complicated body rig... of PONIES! May 2, 2016

Blayke was last seen:
May 2, 2016
    1. Blayke
      After my experiences with animation, I'm now going to take on the absolutely complicated body rig... of PONIES!
      1. NotWhatWeExpected and Malon bro hoofs this.
    2. Blayke
      Lol, I have returned! I have spent the past year animating! and I feel like it's about time I try to revisit this site once more.
      1. Blackened Blue
        Blackened Blue
        Welcome back. =)
        Jan 15, 2016
      2. RainbowDash9000
        Welcome back to the site! :3
        Jan 15, 2016
      3. Queen Cerali
        Queen Cerali
        hewwo, I joined while you were gone :3
        Jan 15, 2016
    3. Blayke
      NEVERMIND, screw it, the entire site had changed and Everypony Chatroom is no longer the same or as active anymore, I BID THEE FAREWELL!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PinkieLover
        See ya later!
        Oct 17, 2015
      3. Prince of the night
        Prince of the night
        That was quick... ok. See ya then!
        Oct 17, 2015
      4. NotWhatWeExpected
        You know there's certain times people are on, right? You posted this at, like, midnight. :P
        Oh well, have fun with whatever then.
        Oct 17, 2015
    4. Blayke
      Returning to see if I can decided to return to hanging out on Everypony like I used to.
    5. Katanga
      Hey Blayke, you did a free art request for me the other day and you said you'd upload all your requests after the live stream was finished. Since I had to leave before the live stream ended, I never got the picture of my OC you made. I was hoping you could maybe link me to it?
    6. Metro
      Can you put up our RP soon? I want to start this fab thang!
    7. Irelynn Skye
      Irelynn Skye
      Happy Birthday!
    8. Malak
    9. DaRarityRikuNFan
    10. Blayke
      I'd really like to know the reason why I got banned... :I
      Just wondering...
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  • About

    Feb 24, 2000 (Age: 24)
    Home Page:
    Artist / Animator
    PSN Name:
    Steam ID:
    I am a 15 year old second year high schooler whose normally mistaken as a female, no joke, like for real, who began his efforts into his art since 2008. Since then, I had been improving my skills in drawing over the years with Self-Criticism, mainly because everyone compliments, but doesn't tell me what I can improve on. So I had improved over the years until I had found DeviantART. So thus, I had improved from there. I had recently picked up on animation back in February and as of right now, I'm currently working up an animations series on my YouTube channel. I had been on Everypony to roleplay since late 2012 or early 2013, from there, I had learned how to roleplay, and behaviours of the many characters in this community. I had retired from Everypony a few months ago, surely, it was before February. As of right now, I am going to give this community another chance, see if I will go back to being a daily roleplay like I used to.

    Throughout the years I was in Everypony, I had come up with a story that had been built up from scratch through roleplay. It was named Etherial Era, which now seems like some scrapped story of mine, although, as of late, I had considered picking it back up, to finish the story and fill in the plotholes, and to answer all the questions that many old roleplayers had. The Chapters of Etherial Era include: Prologue and Renaissance. But will soon include the upcoming chapter; Tragic Future. This is how the roleplays on Everypony that I do will revolve around. So when you're about to enter a roleplay session with me in it hosting, which was the usual case, then expect that you'll be entangled into a complex story.

    3 minutes later...

    NEVERMIND, screw it, the entire site had changed and Everypony Chatroom is no longer the same or as active anymore, I BID THEE FAREWELL!





    I swear... I must be going overboard with the amount of improvements to my art... o~o;
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