Curtis Wildcat
Last Activity:
Feb 15, 2025 at 12:31 AM
Aug 12, 2016
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Somewhere in Kansas
Title Researcher

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Curtis Wildcat

Raging Shopaholic, from Somewhere in Kansas


Had around 14 hours of sleep so far today. That's not a good sign. Dec 29, 2024

Curtis Wildcat was last seen:
Feb 15, 2025 at 12:31 AM
    1. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Wrote my first blog on this site, in case anyone's interested.
    2. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Urge... to write fanfiction... increasing... SOMEBODY STOP ME!
      1. Xaniith
    3. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Spent my Christmas the same way I've spent most of the year: eating, sleeping, and playing video games.
    4. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      1. RainbowDash9000 bro hoofs this.
    5. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      I'm dreading Wednesday.
    6. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      I've sometimes wished that I could be more like my cats and sleep the day away, but alas, life has other ideas. :)
    7. Usagi Convoy
      Usagi Convoy
      Why would personal opinion equal common sense?
      1. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        I wasn't referring to that. I was referring to the whole Starlight Glimmer thing. I just didn't want to talk too much about it and have people direct harsh comments about my opinions in my direction.

        In retrospect, I shouldn't have commented in that topic at all; it's clear I don't belong there.
        Dec 10, 2016
      2. Usagi Convoy
        Usagi Convoy
        Why wouldn't you belong there?
        Dec 10, 2016
      3. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Because I completely disagree with pretty much everything in that thread. With the POSSIBLE exception of Lightning Dust, I think I'd be hard-pressed to find a character from the show (that which I've seen, anyway) that I genuinely hate.
        Dec 12, 2016
    8. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Had a sleep test last night in an out-of-town clinic. Glad it's over with.
    9. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Sent in my 2DS recently to get repaired. I should be getting it back in the next few days.
    10. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Currently considering writing a crossover between MLP and Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. Don't know if it'll see daylight or not.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LostSanity
        The World Ends With You a Square Enix Nintendo DS game.
        Nov 30, 2016
      3. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Ah. Thanks.
        Nov 30, 2016
      4. LostSanity
        I'd share/post it on here... but... honestly... it's SEVERELY outdated as I wrote it before Twilight became an alicorn and before Discord was 'redeemed' (I use that term loosely here). And besides... it's... not very good honestly. lol.
        Dec 2, 2016
    11. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Spent most of my day off either sleeping or watching Fluffle Puff reaction vids. If I had a life, I'd be asking what it was right now.
      1. rexhyuga bro hoofs this.
    12. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      I'm thinking about watching "The Empire Strikes Back" tonight. It's a tradition for me.
      1. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Back around Thanksgiving of 1994, the then-Sci-Fi Channel was airing the original Star Wars trilogy one after the other (and again the next day in a Letterbox format). On the suggestion of my brother, I recorded TESB, commercials and all. I still have the tape, and I make it a point to watch it at least once each year.
        Nov 24, 2016
    13. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Going in for a sleep test tonight. Don't stay up late.
    14. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Life's a pitch turned completely foul.
      1. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        This has no real meaning to my own life at the moment. I just felt like saying something random. :)
        Nov 16, 2016
      2. NotWhatWeExpected
        You ask me for a hamburger. I give you a raccoon.
        Nov 17, 2016
      3. Curtis Wildcat
        Curtis Wildcat
        Wow. Sneaky little buggers, aren't they?
        Nov 18, 2016
    15. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Because ice cream is awesome. Awesome, I say!
      1. rexhyuga and RainbowDash9000 bro hoofs this.
    16. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Coming up with a decent signature banner is harder than it looks.
    17. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Who'd win in a fight: Red Alert 3's President Ackerman, or Touhou's Clownpiece?
    18. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      I've been reading "Get Fuzzy" too much. I'm feeling more and more like Bucky Katt the longer I spend online.
    19. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Returned from a long hiatus caused by a computer having a new hard drive installed. It's nice to be back.
      1. A Jewel of Rarity bro hoofs this.
    20. Curtis Wildcat
      Curtis Wildcat
      Ever see an Army recruitment center next to a massage parlor? I find it hilarious for some reason.
      1. Swift_
        A good massage is supposed to relax you. When you're really relaxed, you may not always be able to make serious decisions well.
        What if they put the recruitment center next to the massage parlor in hopes that some people will be so relaxed that they will gladly make the terrible decision of joining the military?
        Aug 30, 2016
        Lord Architect and Curtis Wildcat bro hoofs this.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Somewhere in Kansas
    Title Researcher
    Other (f)
    Cutie Mark:
    Perpetually tired, perpetually bored, perpetually having too much time on my hands. And perpetually surrounded by cats.

    Aside from MLP: FiM, my primary interests involve Garfield, Pokemon and Touhou. My secondary interest(s) at present include fanfic writing and the Let's Players RoahmMythril and PinkKittyRose. Above all those, I love to read.

    Back in 2017 I started my "Casual Failure" series on YouTube, in which I take casual strolls through assorted video games and grade my performance based on varying criteria. That's my bread and butter at present. In addition, I also write the MLP/Mega Man Zero crossover Manehattan's Lone Guardian.



    Fanfiction.Net profile
    DeviantArt page
    Fimfiction.Net page - "Manehattan's Lone Guardian" is in progress.
    YouTube page, home of the "Casual Failure" series. Currently playing Shovel Knight.
    Archive of Our Own page - "Woolgathering" on hiatus

    "I guess someone pressed the 'cats everywhere' button." -- Poisonous Nightmare, 6-22-2019
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