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Aug 27, 2018 at 6:19 PM
Jul 22, 2011
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Nov 30, 1964 (Age: 60)
Home Page:
Reno, NV

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Princess of the Forum, 60, from Reno, NV

Dwynter was last seen:
Aug 27, 2018
    1. NotWhatWeExpected
      Ehe, my name used to be Jhera. Ring any bells?
      I'm sorry to hear about not being able to go to Europe. I hope you can make the trip another day, it's quite the experience.
    2. NotWhatWeExpected
      Happy birthday, Dwynter!
      I hope you have a merry November 30th!
    3. Pillowfluff
      Well, considering it all, I will probably see you Monday! Maybe earlier, if my Uni work slackens a little! :P
    4. Pillowfluff
      Feather's Good! :3 It's all fine! To be completely honest, I fell asleep after my last post! Too many late nights :3 But sure, maybe today/tonight, whenever it is you get on!
    5. DoDo1234
      Hey, s'good to see ya around again bro!
      */me Glomps with fury*

      How's stuff?
    6. HarleyCyn
      Ehehehe, thanks for the birthday wish #3monthslate!! You always make me laugh XD <3
    7. Glorious Rex's Apostle
      Glorious Rex's Apostle
      Some terrible luck right there! Thanks for trusting the link, I was worried you wouldn't because of how it looked. I still haven't gotten the hang of posting images on VBulletin.
    8. Yamiookami
      You're very welcome, and please, just call me Yami. ^^
    9. Glorious Rex's Apostle
      Glorious Rex's Apostle
      Happy birthday! It wasn't easy finding My Little Pony cupcakes that were actually that.
    10. NotWhatWeExpected
      Happy Birthday Dwynter! ^_^
    11. Snow
      Pretty much, only the essence is a little bit different and it is separate from the soul. It is very powerful but very volitioe
    12. Snow
      It represents her ability to use a unique form of magic called essence magic
    13. Yamiookami
    14. DoDo1234
      Happy birthday!!
    15. HarleyCyn
      If there is an afterlife like that... I'm going to have an entire pool of animals. @_@ Which I am totally okay with, I'm more an animal person then I am a people person. I like socializing but I enjoy animals because they don't judge me. X3 But yeah, I know how it goes - I felt guilty for the longest time about my dog because I had given her the pill that would help her swelling... and that was the pill that the vets said could be hard on her stomach. That's back when the vets were good... unfortunately with the cat, all they wanted was money. So we went to a vet we knew we could trust... and they didn't try to get money, they didn't try to offer medication, they told us the truth, which hurt but it's what was the best for him. So no more suffering kitty. He was around for 18 long years though, we didn't want to admit it but it was his time. <3
    16. ItsMeStella
      Of course. I know its hard when you feel like you aren't doing enough for people. And I understand how it is to lose a pet. I do wish you the best of luck :)
    17. HarleyCyn
      Everyone is exciting, awesome, random and cool in their very own way! It's what makes people... people! Otherwise we'd follow the same personality line and that's just be boring! ^_^

      I know all about school being too expensive! I have a horse to worry about, I can't worry about taking care of her AND school! D: Plus, "getting my foot in the door" is exactly what I'm doing. I really thought I wouldn't like horse jumping but it turns out that I love it quite a bit! So hopefully I can learn to train horses to jump, after all I'm teaching mine to jump! And I do hope things work out for you! Working in terrible conditions can wear on you after a while, and that's just no fun. D:

      ^^ But at least you have family, friends and ponies until things even out for you, yes?! :D
    18. HarleyCyn
      Hehe, it's cool you still find time to hang out here when you can!
      I just came back from a hiatus, actually! I had some real life priorities to figure out and get used to, such as switching from a pizza parlor job to being a clerical & production assistant in my Mom's office. Got guaranteed hours and better pay going the latter route. ^___^ And I'm always lurking EPR chat while at work, probably shouldn't, but it doesn't cut into my productivity in the least. O_o Thank Luna. X3 How's about yooou? Anything new? Exciting? Random? Cool? Awesome?
    19. HarleyCyn
      I just wanted to drop in and see how you're doing! It's been a while, a long while, and your avatar is utterly ADORABLE. I love it! X333
    20. Meletric
      Haha, no need to apologize. I took even longer to respond this time, so hey, it evens out :D
      Any plans to try and find an artist to make illustrations to accompany the super-hero story? It'd probably be difficult to find the right artist for it, but that would be really awesome!
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  • About

    Nov 30, 1964 (Age: 60)
    Home Page:
    Reno, NV
    Pegasus (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Born in a log cabin - OK, so it was a hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lived in the Bay Area most of my life, until I lost my job, and my father suggested Reno. Biggest. Mistake. Ever.

    writing, science



    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Ominia mutantur, Nihil interit
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