Last Activity:
Jun 29, 2024 at 1:47 AM
Feb 16, 2012
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Server Technician

Admin Tech Staff
Ghan_04 was last seen:
Jun 29, 2024
    1. Saikyo
      Hey Ghan, just wanted to thank you for what you do to keep the site up and running. Hope you have a great day.
    2. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      To show my continued appreciation for what you do here, I've included the OC I made for you in our most recent Community Post banner.
      I would apologize, but I'm not sorry. ::S: Hope you like it!
    3. mike406
      Hmm. Something goofed up on the profile pages as you can see. The tabs goofed up and it looks like all of the profile styling is gone. I didn't notice this on the test site. >< Disabling all plugins fixes the issue -- I'll see if I can narrow down what plugin is causing it.

      Edit: Apparently a bit more broke. vB does recommend this version of PHP. Not too sure what happened here.
    4. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      Not long ago, you did a server transfer. You may not post, but I'd say you're activity is appreciated. ::S:
    5. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      Ghan, thank you for accepting my friend request.
      As our server technician, I wanted to show you my appreciation for your work by including you in my staff appreciation picture.
      As I had no reference, and Mike informed me you did not have an OC, I had to wing it a bit.
      I hope you like it, and thank you for keeping the forum running.
    6. Tempest
      Hello there! :)
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