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Apr 28, 2019 at 5:53 PM
Oct 21, 2014
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Sep 5, 1989 (Age: 35)

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Official Anti-Brony, Male, 35, from Ohio


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtHmmm-ubJ4 Jun 11, 2017

LostSanity was last seen:
Apr 28, 2019
    1. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      1. MorphinBrony, Fenris Rose and Proxy bro hoofed this.
    2. LostSanity
      1. LostSanity
        *fights THE ENTIRE FORUM as always*
        Jun 11, 2017
      2. Mister Asmodeus
        Mister Asmodeus
        Maybe you shouldn't start fights. If you smell dog *squee!* everywhere you go, check your own shoe.
        Jun 12, 2017
        MorphinBrony bro hoofs this.
    3. LostSanity
      1. Azeth
        If someone does, I have three strong words for you: Deal with it~
        Jun 5, 2017
        Rockout E. Stringer and Fenris Rose bro hoofs this.
      2. Rockout E. Stringer
        Rockout E. Stringer
        Translation: Better get my Starlight episode checklist out so I dont forget to spew the same BS as every other one. Seriously, unless you have something new and substantial to say, don't waste your time. Although, let's be honest, you love the attention, good or bad.
        Jun 9, 2017
        Azeth bro hoofs this.
    4. LostSanity
      Being the ONLY fan of The Lion Guard on here... fills me with such great Pride. See what I did there? :P
    5. LostSanity
      My curiosity got the best of me again. With pilot-S1E2 seen. I declare the following........ The Lion Guard>MLP:FiM
      1. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        Fantastic. You gonna stop whining now?
        May 29, 2017
        Mister Asmodeus and Proxy bro hoofs this.
    6. LostSanity
      When I started playing FFXV... I didn't know I was signing up to play a horror game. ;-;
    7. LostSanity
      I can now say with real confidence... after the Leviathan part in FFXV....... BEST. GAME. EVER
    8. LostSanity
      flesh... Flesh... FLesh... FLEsh... FLESh... FLESH...
      1. Lord Architect
        Lord Architect
        You've become a ghoul?
        May 2, 2017
      2. LostSanity
        It was just a random status update to 'announce' the avatar change. I'm REALLY loving Ken Kaneki though.
        May 2, 2017
    9. Mister Asmodeus
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that we're sick of the victim act. This site runs better when its members get along, and right now, we're all having trouble getting along with you.
        Apr 27, 2017
      3. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        If you really want to part of this site, that's great! Do your best to get along with others, even if that means sometimes keeping your mouth shut for the sake of keeping the peace. If you can do, please, stay. Be a part of the community. We'd love to have you stick around.
        Apr 27, 2017
      4. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        But if you're unwilling or unable to show us the same consideration that we showed you for far longer than you deserved, than please just leave. You're not being controversial. You're being toxic.
        Apr 27, 2017
    10. TwinkleStars
      i see that you are also from equestria daily forums ! any reason why i cant save or post anything there ? D :
      1. LostSanity
        I wish I knew because I can't do anything there either. Their taking WAY TO LONG to fix it. >:-(
        Apr 25, 2017
    11. LostSanity
      I hope you all enjoyed that. Yes I know you didn't. *listens to FFXV music even though it's not making me feel better*
      1. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        I enjoyed it!
        Apr 18, 2017
    12. LostSanity
      Haven't seen the new ones yet. But expect my thoughts, as well as 2 'Fandom Status Updates' in them.
      1. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        I'm sure it'll be just FASCINATING.
        Apr 16, 2017
        Mister Asmodeus and Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
    13. LostSanity
      Go for it!! You can do it Ken Kaneki!! Flesh is disgusting anyway.
    14. LostSanity
      Welp... I was right. FFXV is too amazing. BEST. GAME .EVER. :D
    15. LostSanity
      This is the only way I know to handle it so the decision is final. If you don't like it, I respectfully ask you to just ignore it please.
      1. Azeth
        Pffft. Just ignore it? You really are a funny guy. It's rather hard to ignore your posts when they call to attention all the time. People notice someone looking for attention, whether it's intentional or not. Anyway... Cheeseburger sandwiches~
        Mar 22, 2017
    16. LostSanity
    17. LostSanity
      Finally... AT LONG LAST... 10 years of waiting is about to pay off... #FFXV
    18. BlankFlank
      Huh? Why do you even care about these *squee!*s here?
      1. Usagi Convoy
        Usagi Convoy
        Honestly while I don't agree with what BlankFlank called us, you've always given the impression that what you think of us, so why do you keep coming back? If this place is the cause of all your suffering why the bloody hell are you here?
        Mar 1, 2017
      2. LostSanity
        Wow. That was quite the quick ban.
        Mar 1, 2017
    19. LostSanity
      Everyone's favorite person is back. Oh wait. That's not me. Because everyone wishes for my death IRL. Those wishes will NEVER be fulfilled.
      1. Azeth
        And the delusional one returns from the shadows~ Welcome back and don't feel too much like we hate you, because we do not. lol wow...
        Feb 28, 2017
      2. Usagi Convoy
        Usagi Convoy
        Can you quote one person saying they hate you let alone want you dead.

        Your delusions are annoying, and more then likely the true source of your problems.
        Mar 1, 2017
    20. LostSanity
      I may have sporadic activity due to health issues that don't want to go away. It looks like someone is LEGITIMATELY WISHING FOR MY DEATH.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        Disagree. I wish death on as many as seven billion people per day. Never specifically wished for yours though, Lost.
        Jan 31, 2017
      3. Proxy
        There is leeway in Ridley's statement too, as we have 7.4 billion people!
        Jan 31, 2017
      4. Rockout E. Stringer
        Rockout E. Stringer
        As vehemently as some of us disagree with your opinions, that hardly warrants any wishes of ill will upon you. I personally hope you beat the hell out of that cancer and emerge a stronger person for it.
        Jan 31, 2017
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  • About

    Sep 5, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Pony (m)
    PSN Name:
    A lot of things



    I CAN. I WILL.

    The Roman Reigns of the internet.

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