- Last Activity:
- Jun 3, 2018 at 1:55 AM
- Joined:
- Mar 12, 2016
- Messages:
- 481
- Bro hoofs Received:
- 106
- Trophy Points:
- 48
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- An Island on the Pacific, Beaverland
- Occupation:
- Being me is tough work.
The Sparkle Princess Pants of the Glitter Kingdom, Female, from An Island on the Pacific, Beaverland
Guess who's back! Nov 14, 2017
- Lyipheoryia was last seen:
- Jun 3, 2018
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- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- An Island on the Pacific, Beaverland
- Occupation:
- Being me is tough work.
- Gender/Species:
- Brony (f)
Half of you know me from Canterlot.com. Another bunch from Ponytheaters.co.uk. Now, I'm here. Because-why not?
(I am highly active on C-lot.com, and I recently managed to *finally* log onto PT without lagging. The brilliance of wired connections compared to a wireless one.)
The name's Lyi: Lyipheoryia Stertlings. I am a human being between the ages >13 and <18. I first fell in love with My Little Pony as a child, then re-discovered it a few years back. In my spare time, I enjoy: reading, playing games, re-watching episodes of MLP, and more! I love reading old legends and folklore, and spent a year scaring myself to sleep reading ghost stories. (I will never, ever force myself to read horror stories again!).
I am a writer, a poet, an occasional artist, a roleplayer, a friend, a talkative chit-chater, a wonderful person (personal opinion), the smartest mare alive (also personal opinion), and the most awesomesause-of-awesomesauses (personal opinion as well). You can feel free to ignore everything of personal opinion-because I don't really believe my personal opinions myself!
My Skype is Eccentric Maverick Lyi, and my Discord is Lyipheoryia Stertlings (though I never, ever log onto Discord-so there really isn't a purpose for my account. It doesn't have a server in my region). I love Skype rp's and discussing MLP-so feel free to add me on Skype (just make sure to tell me what your username is and that you're from Everypony).
I love to chat and can come off as annoying, but if you can hang around me long enough-you'll find that about 5% of the things I say actually make sense and is good advice to hold onto. You just have to get through the other 95% of random jabber.
- Skype:
- EccentricitiesMaverick
Cheer up! Cheerio! Cheerilee!
Sparkle Princess pants of the Glitter Kingdom, over the Crystal Glades
NECROMANCER, welcomer, friend, roleplayer, chit-chater, artist
"Welcome to my side of the world,"
Ask me things. Interrogate me. - Loading...