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Jun 11, 2014 at 8:21 AM
Sep 14, 2011
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May 29
Monterrey, Mexico

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Sign of Luck, from Monterrey, Mexico

LyonKS555 was last seen:
Jun 11, 2014
    1. BrycedVelvet
      Pues tampoco hice gran cosa, sólo comí como si no hubiese comido en años, jajaja. Por eso tuve que correr doble al día siguiente, jaja.
    2. BrycedVelvet
      ¿Cómo la pasaste el 15? ¿Hiciste algo loco y divertido? :P Hola, Lyon. Paso a dejar mis saludos.
    3. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Waw, hizo menos errores que la última vez que me ha corrigído. Debo admitir que también hago mucho uso al diccionario porque mi volabulario todavía se tiene mucho lugar para mejorar. Fuera de mirar al My Little Pony en español, encontró un video juego que me dar el opción para jugar ese juego en español. ¡Es genial! Fire Emblem: Las Piedras Sagradas. Tiene bastante diálogo.
    4. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Ay, no piensó que estaría tan occupado el verano pasado... -_-
      Familiares del exterior han visitado y estarémos en todos lugares. Lo continuaré una vez soy mas comfortable con mi tiempo siendo ciertos materias ya me tengan muy tenso ahí.

      So... Do you see any progress...?
    5. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Hey there. How's your connection doing? Are you able to connect freely now?
    6. Saikyo
      Thanks Lyon! :3
    7. Caberea
      Curse your avatar, Everytime i see it i feel the need to comfort them and tell them that everything is going to be okay. Stop Playing With My Emotions!!!
    8. Echoax
      I couldn't send my PM, your box was full.
    9. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Again, I know the feeling... It's partly why I have a hard time "being positive" and it's given me the impression that people in general would rather be positive based on nothing but hot air and are not open to any information that may threaten their "positive" look on life. I have nor pity nor respect for that kind of "attitude".
    10. Xaniith
      Woooo! Thank you so much :3
      Don't worry about gifts :smile:
    11. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      I know the feeling... What are you thinking about doing now that you have this information?
    12. Yamiookami
      That was fast! o_o

      It's "The Dance of Eternity" by Dream Theater, from their 1997 album "Scenes from a Memory." I highly suggest you look the album up. It's a concept album that tells a really interesting tale.
    13. Xaniith
    14. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Say, I saw your post in the "American Dream" thread. You sound like a friend of mine when he watched something related. Are you alright?
    15. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      I would normally say half full.
    16. Echoax
      Yep, I got a bunch of stuff to do. I'll be busy for awhile.
    17. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Sorry, I need to get this out quickly... I went through half of this documentary about religion indoctrination in the US so I listened to some of my favorite music to wash it all down. Harsh honesty is something I like, especially in times like those so I sang this song; Another Way to Die by Disturbed which is about global pollution, climate change and all that. My dad comes walking in and I know what he was going to say as we've gone through this already. "You're so negative" and "you should be more positive". They get even more intrusive when I sarcastically talk about how I cannot lie to myself. I need to UNDERSTAND reasons to be positive. Most reasons people have, especially on those cheesy motivational posters, leaves me skeptical. The pressure to join the ignorant hivemind drives me bonkers.
    18. Xaniith
      My friend has a (very) busy schedule, but he manages to practice bass, trumpet and (to a much lesser extent) e.guitar.

      He just starts playing whatever he feels like when there's a spare moment really. You don't need to commit much time at once to practice, short and (somewhat) often would be good enough if you can.
    19. Xaniith
      I'm afraid not, I always wanted to, but commitments disallow it.
      I used to play the drums for about 4 years though.

      My mother, however, has been playing acoustic guitar for about 15 years or so.
    20. Echoax
      kldjlajdklJA;DJKALJ DJAklj

      That is my reaction to pony ska.

      LIKE OMG ojtuionaKLJDAKL JF
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  • About

    May 29
    Monterrey, Mexico
    Stallion (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Xbox Live Gamertag:
    Nintendo Network ID:
    I'm a proud Mexican/American who enjoys making friends and playing video games

    gaming, drawing, TV, and sharing love


    if you are going to add me on xbox live or the nintendo network, be sure to tell me in my profile.
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