Trophies Awarded to Marain

  1. 2
    Awarded: Jul 22, 2015

    Special Somepony

    You've been given a like. Ain't that just swell! Maybe you could try posting something like that again to get more?

  2. 10
    Awarded: Jun 10, 2015

    Sweet and Elite

    100 messages? My my! You'll be all over the place within no time!

  3. 5
    Awarded: Jun 10, 2015

    Feeling Pinkie Keen

    So, you've stuck around and made 30 posts, ay? Awesome!

  4. 1
    Awarded: Jun 10, 2015


    Welcome to Don't drink the punch, nopony knows what the 'D' in 'Tyro.D.Fox' stands for and it's OK, we're were all new and Fluttery once. Just be proud you've now said 'hello'.