Trophies Awarded to Minterwute
10Awarded: Jan 20, 2016
Want it, Need it spells not required
You've gotten a post to be liked 25 times so far. Whatever you're doing, it's been working a treat! Unless, it really is witchcraft. In that case, we need to talk because there's some lottery money we could be trying to win.
2Awarded: Oct 24, 2015
Special Somepony
You've been given a like. Ain't that just swell! Maybe you could try posting something like that again to get more?
20Awarded: May 22, 2015
A Friend in Deed
You've stuck around long enough to make 1000 messages. This basically makes us family. Tyro's the weird uncle, Elunna is the Aunt, Dragonbait is the other uncle and you're the nephew or niece with a really confusing family tree.
10Awarded: May 22, 2015
Sweet and Elite
100 messages? My my! You'll be all over the place within no time!
5Awarded: May 22, 2015
Feeling Pinkie Keen
So, you've stuck around and made 30 posts, ay? Awesome!
1Awarded: May 22, 2015
Welcome to Don't drink the punch, nopony knows what the 'D' in 'Tyro.D.Fox' stands for and it's OK, we're were all new and Fluttery once. Just be proud you've now said 'hello'.