Rain Lullaby
Last Activity:
Dec 28, 2013 at 12:35 PM
Nov 20, 2011
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Far beyond the Everfree Forest
English teacher and artist

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Rain Lullaby

A Pony Every Pony Should Know, from Far beyond the Everfree Forest

Rain Lullaby was last seen:
Dec 28, 2013
    1. rexhyuga
      happy hollidays to you too
      hope yours was fun.
    2. LyonKS555
      Muchisimas gracias Rain : )
      Te deseo lo mejor para este año nuevo.
    3. Xaniith
      Hello there!
      To you as well ^^
    4. BrycedVelvet
      Estudiando, estudiando mucho. Apurándome y arreglando mi vida, intentando recuperar esos años que perdí por mis pésimas elecciones vocacionales. Además, últimamente me ha dado por estudiar filología hispánica. He estado, pues, muy ocupado y por ello mismo, muy feliz. Me da gusto saber que a ti te va bien, ¿cómo están las cosas por allá, en la Madre Patria?
    5. LyonKS555
      Mi estimado Rain, te deseo un Feliz San Valentin. Me alegro tenerte como amigo : )
      Saludos y cuidase.
    6. BrycedVelvet
      ¿Te molesta si te escribo en español? Sucede que le tengo mucho (muchísimo) afecto a nuestra lengua. Me encuentro bien y muy alegre de poder platicar contigo una vez más. ¿A ti cómo te trata la vida?
    7. BrycedVelvet
      So I came back and noticed you did so as well. Rain, I miss you! I truly wish you're doing fine!
    8. ThePoeticPony
      No problem! Sorry for the late reply, college wifi really sucks :derpe:
    9. LyonKS555
      Yo me lo paso haciendo blogs ahora. Ya casi no posteo tanto como antes. Solo si hay un thread que me interesa, posteo.
    10. LyonKS555
      Que hay carnal :3
      Asi es. Tarde o temprano uno de nosotros se iba ir. Tal vez regresa algun dia pero hasta entonces estare comunicandome con el mediante el skype que por cierto se unio con el messenger.
      El foro ya lleva mas de un año y las cosas suelan cambiar durante ese lapso de tiempo. Yo la verdad no estube tan activo duranto el semestre de Ago -Dic. Aun asi, aqui sigo : )
    11. SR20DETDOG
      Hi Rain :grin: I'm good, my parents came to visit for 2 weeks for Christmas and New Years, it was really good to see them again. They went back home yesterday so today I was back at work again and life has gone back to normal. Nothing overly exciting has been happening but it's still been fun.

      And how about you? :smile:
    12. rexhyuga
      thank you lluvia
    13. LyonKS555
      Rain :DD
      Me da gusto verte aqui de nuevo amigo : )
      Si, muchas gracias. ^^ Te deseo lo mismo carnal. ; )
    14. SR20DETDOG
      Merry Christmas Rain! (I accepted your friend request but I could have sworn you were already on my friends list, oh well, now you definitely are :P) Hope you had a great day mate! :smile:
    15. Xaniith
      Merry Christmas Rain. Thank you very much.
    16. SR20DETDOG
    17. SR20DETDOG
      I don't really tend to go into chats, but I guess I should try it sometime.
    18. SR20DETDOG
      Thanks Rain :)
      The cake monster I drew from scratch, I traced the car to start (cars are really hard to draw, such odd shapes), but I'm changing things to make it more my own.
    19. SR20DETDOG
      No problem mate :smile:
      I would submit stuff, if I ever completed anything, I'm trying to change that though. My problem is I have these grand ideas, and they're fantastic in my mind, but they take so much time and effort it's hard to ever get them finished. So (starting tomorrow actually) I'll be trying to force myself to do faster, smaller, less detailed drawings. I guess I could submit some WIPs but I doubt any followers would stick around if that's all I did :derpe:

      These are my 3 latest drawings, as you can see they're all just lines right now.
    20. SR20DETDOG
      "I remember you were good at drawings landscape."
      Hehe thanks, I've only ever drawn one completed lanscape though. I really should do more, I just haven't been drawing much in general, work has been keeping me pretty busy lately.

      Are you still drawing yourself? Actually, I would love a link to your deviantart account, if you have one that is.
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  • About

    Far beyond the Everfree Forest
    English teacher and artist
    Brony (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Friendly brony, who loves simple things in life.

    doing sports, walking under the rain, plushes, animals, pizza, reading and listening to music


