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Oct 28, 2012 at 7:54 AM
Jun 22, 2011
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Dec 7, 1988 (Age: 36)
Cutie Mark Crusader

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A Pony Every Pony Should Know, 36, from Ponyville

Scootaloo was last seen:
Oct 28, 2012
    1. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Hm, the time in history with hunter-gatherers you mean? I hear they lived pretty nicely, a time where organized violence and the kind of insanity we see today and the past few thousand years did not exist. In any case, you have what you have now. Just gotta find a way to make the best of it, right?
    2. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      That's alright. You have proven to be a good person to talk to. I should know of course.

      Sigh, I wouldn't know what advice to give you with financial troubles... If only one could simply walk away from society and just find a better place to live. I do't think joining the Amish would be an option for you.

      As for me, well... The approach I take to all of this would be to live as efficiently as possible. The more independent I am from the market, the better off I would be. If I didn't need the market to survive, then I wouldn't have to worry about the fate of the economy.
    3. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Yeah, environment can make things quite difficult... People can complicate things even more. It's very hard to be happy when you feel as though you are in constant danger or facing an uncertain future. There are ways to adapt. Many ways, I'm sure. More than what mainstream culture will tell you. Often it tells you than you need a house of your own and the bigger the better for you to be judged as successful and worthy. Anything less and you are a parasite and a loser. This, you could say, is advertising in a nutshell applied to the culture itself; that your worth to humanity is measured by how much you consume and the money you spend.

      Say, I remember hearing from someone you have Skype. It'd be handy for us to send instant messages to one another, don't you think?
    4. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Wow, that's quite a lot. Five years is a lot of time and somehow your view on things haven't changed much? Could there be something else inside of you, something hidden, dormant and underdeveloped that you might try to nurture and see what it becomes? Are there other interests or philosophies you might have that doesn't seem very related to the main thing or that might not appear too important?

      Well, I'll say that you've already made a difference in my life. One thing you said stuck with me ever since and I've kept it within reach.

      Even if it's something you believe you could never do, if you remain confident in who you are, then even failure will not be able to sway you because you can find comfort in knowing that you just have to improve yourself until you can finally achieve your goals
      That was a game changer for me, it came at the right time and it came from you. Saying thank you just doesn't seem to cut it
    5. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      I've gone through a lot of that myself already though I'm sure things are still different with you.

      How were these dreams going to be achieved? What is this reality that others are denying that you spoke of?
      Hm, and being raised into thinking that you can do anything and then failing to do so enough... Yes, feeling helpless seems to be the inevitable outcome. How long have you been in this stage of feeling hopeless about everything?
    6. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Alright then, that should make things easy. Well... Do you at least have some things you aspire to within your current environment? A goal.
      Guess this does bring up more fundamental questions. Just what do you want to get out of life?
    7. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Hm, I could relate to a limited extent. Is it something you want to talk about?
    8. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Memory's quite foggy with Inuyasha... Maybe I should go watch it again some time when I have the time and energy. Started watching some old shows recently like Courage and some others. It does feel a little weird reliving some of your childhood, especially when you feel a little disconnected from it. Those times feel so different that I actually feel a little alienated, as though I can't remember a time when there was little to care, let alone worry about.

      Hm, nostalgia is just one of the ways you release some stress, right?
    9. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Or maybe go in the Courage the Cowardly Dog direction :B
      I kid. Perhaps they could start applying some combination of the lessons learned to solve more unique problems? Yeah, some more adventures would be nice. The world of Equestria has proven itself quite interesting so far with the diverse creatures. Let's just hope the creators are looking at other potentials.

      Inuyasha, I remember that show. Thought it was pretty weird and it didn't help that it aired in languages that, to this day, I never mastered. Those would be Portuguese ad then Spanish. Shippo, he transforms into some big foxy creature, right? Been years since I've even heard of the show.
    10. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Yeah, though I've been hearing that season three will air next month. It'll be intriguing to see what this new season will spark into the fanbase. We won't know until we're there. I'm cautiously optimistic since with all of the episodes that have been aired already, it's not unreasonable to think that the creators might be running out of material or ideas not to mention how much we've seen already. We may not be as easily impressed as we used to be.

      By the way, the character in your avatar looks familiar. What anime is he from?
    11. Dark Samus
      Dark Samus
      Hey there. How're you re-experiencing EP so far?
    12. Yetione
      yeah, I mostly use skype as instant messenger. heh, I'm sure you're interesting person :)
      and yeah, lot so members have skype :)
    13. Yetione
      hehe, yeah, it was fun. and galacon was great :D
      also, you can always only text chat on skype, no need for calls if you don't want to.
      I also have built in mic on my laptop.
    14. Yetione
      hehe, nice to have you back :) *hugs*
      well, it's been busy, went around the world (Germany, Singapore, Australia, UK), was on Galacon 2012, and so on and so on.
      say, do you have skype?
    15. Yetione
      hey there, nice to see you around again. what's up?
    16. Jetstream
      Look a fish! ~~~@.@~~~
    17. The Stare Master
      The Stare Master
      Thank you! It's wonderful!
    18. Double Rainbow "Dash"
      Double Rainbow "Dash"
      It's fine, I might ask them today to see if I can get that Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash hoodie from WeLoveFine. :omg:
    19. Double Rainbow "Dash"
      Double Rainbow "Dash"
      My day is alright, I'm just tired and Christmas is next so I get double the presents but on Christmas day. :omg:
    20. Double Rainbow "Dash"
      Double Rainbow "Dash"
      I wonder what gift I could give to them.

      So many options. :derpe:
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  • About

    Dec 7, 1988 (Age: 36)
    Cutie Mark Crusader
    Pegasus (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Never, never, never!

    Becoming as cool as Rainbow Dash, going really fast, finding my cutie mark.