Sick Lollipop
Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2019 at 2:51 AM
May 15, 2012
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Feb 8, 1994 (Age: 30)
Chysalis Hive

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Sick Lollipop

Changeling Princess, Female, 30, from Chysalis Hive

Sick Lollipop was last seen:
Jul 21, 2019
    1. Sick Lollipop
      Sick Lollipop
      Huzzah! I shall do that now, Quill ;D
    2. Quill Inkwell
      Quill Inkwell
      Agreed! It's good to have you back.

      On another note, clear your inbox. I have an important message for you.
    3. Legion
      Raaahh! -tacklehug-

      It's good to have you back!!
    4. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      Hello there!
    5. Bright Heart
      Bright Heart
      Hey, just wandering if you thought about doing the assassins creed rp you mentioned when you rejoined or any of the other ones.
    6. Sick Lollipop
      Sick Lollipop
      Yay!! Thanks everypony for the birthday wishes!!
    7. Zappo09
      Happy Birthday!
    8. Saikyo
      Happy birthday! I hope it goes great! ^^
    9. BryGuy Shinigami
      BryGuy Shinigami
      I know you might not know me, but happy birthday, like your profile picture of Vinyl Scratch.

    10. NotWhatWeExpected

    11. Yamiookami
    12. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      Submission just like any other regular thing. :derpe:
    13. Caberea
      (Yes, yes, and YES!!! Though. I should probably be getting some sleep where I am right now considering how it's well into the next day for me and I haven't woken up yet. I look forward to doing this though. (And I agree. This is totally freakin awesome.))
    14. Caberea
      "Heya there Lolli. I heard about you from Eight Star...and well...since you're a proper changeling and all...I was wondering if you could be my mentor?

      Sorry if this is all a bit sudden. I'm Cyanside. I'm a pegasus. Or rather...was a pegasus. Something happened a few months ago that made me into a...well...A half changeling. I've been feeding off the love of the ponies here since that happened. But Eight Star says that I might be able to learn how to feed off other emotions with practice...and...I was wondering if you could perhaps teach me?"
    15. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      That picture is SO CUTE!!! Very well done.
    16. Legion
      Yeah, thanks! I cleared it out again, I always forget to do that. :P

      I'm SO sorry about going AFK in chat, it seems like immediately after I sent you that PM all my teachers became determined to keep me off the internet. >.<

      So if it seemed like I asked you to come to chat and then didn't really do anything once you arrived...well yes, that kind of is what happened. :|

      I can't wait to RP tonight! :D I don't really have anything planned, should I plan something or should it just be spontaneous??
    17. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      I don't see why not. I did just recently start the idea.

      Yes. The name is ClawsofSlash on Skype.
    18. Legion
      Okie Dokie, so...

      Tex is gonna be made for hitting hard and fast, but he can't take many hits and he'll be having low stamina, so he's best for short battles.

      I don't want to tell you how to design your character, but I do think complementing mine would be a good idea. ^^ So, unless you want help, design your character to complement mine as you see fit. :)

      Now, to work on the backstory...some questions that should be answered:

      - How long have we known each other?
      - Are we "professional adventurers", or is this a one-time thing?
      - What is our reason for going on this adventure?
      - Are we going to do some mild OC shipping? ::S:

      There's probably more stuff to be addressed, but let's come up with these thingies first. ^^
    19. Bright Heart
      Bright Heart
      hows the cyberpunk rp going cant wait for it.
    20. Eight Star
      Eight Star
      Love the new avi. Reminds me a lot of the Tumblrs I stumbled upon recently. Ask-sadist-rarity and ask-lil-miss-rarity. Good stuff.
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  • About

    Feb 8, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Chysalis Hive
    Changeling (f)
    Alias/Roleplaying Name:
    Sick Lollipop
    *25yrs young*proud rat owner*starving artist*yami-kawaii*undead kitsune*weaboo trash*ANIMATOR* follow my insta pet rat account @ratwitch42


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