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Apr 26, 2016 at 6:26 PM
Jul 7, 2012
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Somewhere in Germany
Learning to be an IT-Guy

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Practically Part of the Site Itself, from Somewhere in Germany

The"S"Brony was last seen:
Apr 26, 2016
    1. Rockout E. Stringer
      Rockout E. Stringer
      Been meaning to ask, what is Games Legion?
    2. HarleyCyn
      It's enjoyable in some ways, but there are times when I'm so pushed for time that sometimes it goes from enjoyable to stressful, but such is life and usually when the stress calms down it goes back to being enjoyable again XD
    3. HarleyCyn
      Eh, it's kinda in a good way? It's my job that's driving me crazy, so at least it's not my home life XD but yeah... today is not a good day at work at ALL
    4. HarleyCyn
      Ugh, just busy. Super busy. Possibly going crazy XD but that's okay.
    5. HarleyCyn
      So true! So what's your favorite food? :O
    6. HarleyCyn
      I stay safe. ^^ I like my control to and if I feel the small thing could cause something to become out of control then I don't do it. Still love my lil manual transmission~ she's so fun X3
    7. HarleyCyn
      Heh, you're much more reserved then I am. I am such a speed-girl. The faster the car goes the happier I get, which is why I'm not allowed to get an actual sports car. XD I own a manual transmission already but it's no race car, but man can I shoot forward when I need too <.< >.> somuchfun
    8. HarleyCyn
      Well in that case, what car would you love to start out with? :)
    9. HarleyCyn
      Pretty awesome people do exist, the hard part is always finding them. Hehehe. ^^ So... do you drive a car? If so what kind? :O Or are you old enough to drive? XD
    10. HarleyCyn
      Hehehe, that's okay. *pats on back* But they are really fun. I work with a "Pirate Guild" basically we set up an encampment, act like pirates, have our own names and backstories and try to make it fun for the crowds. :)
    11. The"S"Brony
      Ohhh, Renaissance! Now I can work with that! But, no, I haven`t heard of this in particular.
      Now it all makes sense! Wohoo!
    12. HarleyCyn
      Renaissance Faires? o.o Never heard of 'em?
    13. HarleyCyn
      Ah, very cool. I do love me some ponies. I technically do roleplay at Renn Faires. o.O Not that I think about it. XD It's fun~
    14. HarleyCyn
      OOOOH! That's what you meant! I do consider Dungeons & Dragons live roleplaying so... yes I live roleplay, but only for campaigns like D&D, Pathfinder, etc. As for my favorite color, I love a dark blue, too! I like blue in general but usually I prefer the darker blues. I'm also into earthy colors, so tans, dark reds, browns and dark greens. But dark blue is my number one, for sure! Also, I noticed when you said the horses aren't out... do you HAVE horses? O.O And gotta love that character limit ;D
    15. HarleyCyn
      I can understand you just fine, no worries about that!
      I really do enjoy my FPS games, especially if there is a sniper involved. I LOVE playing sharpshooter in any game I possibly can. Archery in Skyrim. Sharpshooter in Payday & Killing Floor. Grab a sniper when I'm playing L4D2. But yeah, I'm not into competitive gaming either - I enjoy my scenery AND doing everything BUT the mission. I love just messing around in Skyrim or any other game you're able to do stupid stuff in, it makes it more enjoyable in between quests. Also, I love Archery! Unfortunately we don't have a good archery range in my city and we'd have to drive an hour to get to a decent one. :| It makes me a sad Harley. I'm into american football, slightly into baseball but I adore hockey as I said before. It's ridiculous. Also, sometimes the roleplaying was live-roleplaying because the person was on to reply, other times it was waiting for a response. xD

    16. HarleyCyn
      (part II) I really don't have much time for much else but I do love to write and roleplay when I have the chance but lately it's just been too stressful. :[ but that's okay I had nearly a ten year run of 'advanced' roleplaying. I think my retirement is needed from it. Obviously Everypony is a hobby and a passion for me. I do enjoy reading when I'm not stressed and I count being a huge hockey fan as a hobby :P

      speaking of hockey! any favorite sports? (I do count competitive gaming as a sport so really... anything?)
    17. HarleyCyn
      Horse riding is my main one. I'm an Equestrian Show Jumper in training. I had to take a month of a half-hiatuas (meaning I rode very little) due to an anxiety issue, but since that's been resolved I'm back to working on getting my leg strength up so I can get to another horse show in the next few months! Gaming is another big one. I suck at Co-Op but I still do it. Co-Op I love PAYDAY, Saints Row: The Third, Killing Floor & L4D2. Single player I prefer Skyrim, Borderlands 1 & 2, Half-Life 2, Portal 1 & 2-- I have a lot of games, and I plan on getting more.
    18. HarleyCyn
      Hobbies! What are your hobbies? Or what would you like to be a hobby if you could afford it since some hobbies are expensive o_O
    19. HarleyCyn
      It can be. It's been a long past few months. How was your weekend? :)
    20. HarleyCyn
      It was in some areas. Really tired though today from it all. >< I want to sleep so much but I can't right now. XD At least i have an appointment that gets me off work early!
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  • About

    Somewhere in Germany
    Learning to be an IT-Guy
    Pegasus (m)
    Registered on 7th of July 2012.
    Converted to Brony in Summer 2011.

    Ponies, for Celestias sake!


    */)* | Brony-ing since Summer 2011. | *(\*