- Last Activity:
- Apr 28, 2017 at 5:48 AM
- Joined:
- Apr 23, 2017
- Messages:
- 8
- Bro hoofs Received:
- 1
- Trophy Points:
- 8
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- OK
- Occupation:
- none right now.
walking on rainbows!, Male, from OK
cant wait to play outlast 2 tomorrow ! Apr 25, 2017
- TwinkleStars was last seen:
- Apr 28, 2017
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- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- OK
- Occupation:
- none right now.
- Gender/Species:
- Unicorn (m)
- PSN Name:
- ASk me : 3
So about me...well ive been a brony since after or close to when season 5 was starting out.....wow time fly's when season 7 just started 0.O anyways i joined because well the youtube poops that they made on the show i thought it was so funny and thought i decided to watch the actual show and started to keep watching more and more then thats when i realized im a brony : D
my favorite pony so far still is rarity ^^ , and well if you need to know..yes i am bisexual...and single xD i mostly play on cod for shooters....battlefield is just a bit weird feeling on the controls for me sorry guys lol umm im also into survival horror games like the last of us , outlast , and just plain scary games ^^
my oc is twinkle stars i dont have a background story for him yet, will soon.Interact