Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2015 at 11:16 PM
Feb 8, 2015
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United States
unloader at Walmart

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Ice Pony Extraordinaire, from United States

Well, we made it! I'm still trying to get settled in, so I may be still a little aloof, but i'm alive! Sep 14, 2015

Uglarinn was last seen:
Sep 14, 2015
    1. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      Did you die?
      1. Toaster Repair Pony
        Toaster Repair Pony
        He moved to California, and apparently on to better things :c
        Mar 11, 2016
    2. Uglarinn
      Well, we made it! I'm still trying to get settled in, so I may be still a little aloof, but i'm alive!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Toaster Repair Pony
        Toaster Repair Pony
        I know, and Uglarinn is none of those things, which is why I assume he may have misunderstood it's meaning :p
        Sep 15, 2015
      3. Night Fury
        Night Fury
        Just thought i'd give my input on this matter, sorry.
        Sep 15, 2015
      4. Toaster Repair Pony
        Toaster Repair Pony
        You ain't got nothing to be sorry about :3
        Sep 15, 2015
    3. Uglarinn
      Hey everyone, sorry i have been so aloof, I am busy with the move. I'm not gone, simply busy with packing and moving. Ill be back again soon
      1. Eluuna
        Good luck!
        Aug 23, 2015
      2. Toaster Repair Pony
        Toaster Repair Pony
        We understand; hope it all goes well!
        Aug 24, 2015
    4. Uglarinn
      Got my transfer paperwork finished today, my move to California is all set. I'm so much less stressed now!
      1. Flutter_shy_steph bro hoofs this.
      2. Eluuna
        Aug 12, 2015
    5. Uglarinn
      Got my Starswirl the bearded shirt yestersay, yay!
    6. Uglarinn
      Listening to the same 15 songs every day, at work, is starting to get old. I wish they would change the music or stop playing it..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Uglarinn
        "The blood of the innocent will rain down..." CLEANUP ON AISLE FIVE "...thousand years raaaaaaaRrrrrdd"
        Jun 22, 2015
      3. Mister Asmodeus
        Mister Asmodeus
        You could play Grocery Escape Plan by Psychostick.
        Jun 22, 2015
      4. Uglarinn
        Or "Dead Burger King" lol
        Jun 22, 2015
    7. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      Can ponies come to da Club? I'm thinking about doing a swap-out.
      1. Uglarinn
        Sure, no problem!
        Jun 17, 2015
      2. Mister Asmodeus
        Mister Asmodeus
        Sweet, I probably won't right away though.
        Jun 17, 2015
      3. Uglarinn
        No prob!
        Jun 17, 2015
    8. Uglarinn
      Didn't tip at a diner. Kinda feel bad, but if there are only two people in a restaurant, I feel I shouldn't have to beg to get waited on.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mister Asmodeus
        Mister Asmodeus
        In the restaurant? That takes serious balls.
        But yeah, some people are just dicks.
        Jun 12, 2015
      3. Fenris Rose
        Fenris Rose
        I never sad she was a stoner. Based on how she was acting, my guess would be meth.
        Jun 13, 2015
      4. Mister Asmodeus
        Mister Asmodeus
        Ah, forgive me. When I hear high, I think grass. Meth being unfortunately rampant in my town, I wouldn't be shocked if I met a tweaked out waitor.
        Jun 13, 2015
    9. Uglarinn
      Basically got made fun of, at work the other day, for being a brony. Meh, moving in two months anyway.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Uglarinn
        I figured it was the politest way to tell him to shove off. Lol
        Jun 7, 2015
      3. Toaster Repair Pony
        Toaster Repair Pony
        Probably. It's not worth getting into fights over these sorts of things.
        Jun 7, 2015
      4. Uglarinn
        Agreed, and I wasn't overly surprised with his reaction. Besides, I can quietly deal with a little immaturity!
        Jun 7, 2015
    10. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      Your sig was on screen while I had Skyclad playing in another tab. I love it!
      1. Uglarinn
        Jun 5, 2015
    11. Uglarinn
      I hope I live to be 90, so I can sing "summer of '69" in 2069..even if nobody will get the joke lol. "Grandpa, what's a six string?"
      1. Mister Asmodeus bro hoofs this.
    12. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      Psst. Sir shows interest in getting the Club active again with a new OC. Wanna pick it back up?
      1. Uglarinn
        Yeah definitely
        May 30, 2015
    13. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      Yes! Perfect wording. That.
    14. Uglarinn
      I agree, it gives a safe place to explore the character without worrying about a plot!
    15. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      Maybe a new dedicated hub could exist sometime in the future. In-character chats are fun.
    16. Uglarinn
      No worries. It would make more sense and be more enjoyable and last longer with more people!
    17. Mister Asmodeus
      Mister Asmodeus
      I'd feel a bit more comfortable if other people were there, but it's your RP, so it's entirely up to you as far as I'm concerned.
      Posting this here as to stop bumping an RP with OOC messages.
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  • About

    United States
    unloader at Walmart
    Other (m)
    Cutie Mark:
    Xbox Live Gamertag:
    Alias/Roleplaying Name:
    Uglarinn Frost
    I'm 26, male and from the U.S. I got into mlp through my girlfriend and it has become sort of a shared interest. A few more things about me in the hobbies.

    gaming (pen and paper and electronic), literature (books, comics and manga), herbal medicine

