Season 4 Episode 13 -Simple Ways

Discussion in 'Season 4 Discussion' started by Appledash2012, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Rageguy

    Rageguy Blank Flank

    Feb 9, 2014
    Bro hoofs Received:

    Wow. So Rarity. Much humiliation. Wow.

    I rolled on the floor laughing when AJ did duckface. THIS IS BUCKING GREAT.

    Spike hears about Rarity`s love and he`s okay! Guyz, I envy this fellow.
    #21 Rageguy, Feb 11, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
  2. Shire

    Shire Practically Part of the Site Itself

    Apr 14, 2013
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Chicago, IL
    ....Not sure what I just watched....but I liked it. Tabitha did a great job voicing a over-the-top and off the rails Rarity, definitely with Meghan on that. The only problem I had, was in comparison, Trenderhoof didn't quite seem to be in the same league as Prince Bluebood, FancyPants, and Hoity Toity. So Rarity's obsession seemed a little strange to me, but I think that's just my view on his character model. But they pulled off the love triangle well, and the role reversal between Rarity and Applejack was absolutely hilarious. Though at the end, I swear it really felt like AJ was going to tell Trend that she was gay:laugh:, even after watching it a couple more times. Anyway, overall a good episode with a good moral.
  3. Flippyman

    Flippyman Great Overlord Assistant Manager

    Aug 12, 2013
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Writer and ice cream tester
    It might be because I haven't watched the show in ages but I find the quality of the plots in season 4 to be much better than in the past.
    I'm not a fan of Rainbow Dash or Rarity, which I find to be a bit too full of themselves. However, in this episode and last Rainbow's episode, they actually get their comeuppance and learn their lesson AND APOLOGIZE!!! They actually redeemed themselves.

    Pinkie Pie great as usual, but I understand that it's not the Pinkie Pie and Friends Show (which I'd totally watch). I loved the meta look of Spike when Rarity tells him she likes somebody that likes somepony else.

    It's hard to find the best parts of the episode, I was howling with laughter while I was doing the dishes (which is when I watch the show), but I guess it would be when Applejack dressed up. The whole scene was amazingly funny.

    Also, having done research with people who work in the fields, the kind that wake up at 4 to milk cows or go to the fields, I have seen too many hipsters dressing up with a Frida Khalo t-shirt and taking pics with their iPhones and pretending to be "with the people." That's why when Applejack said "maybe you two should try it one of these days" was so funny, because they really have no idea how hard that work and life can be.

    Finally, Applejack reminded me of Dolly Parton with her dress, but apparently, that was just me.

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