Aliciivaterrus; a lifelong project

Discussion in 'General Creations' started by Snow, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    Aliciivaterrus, a project I formerly referred to as Terraverse and may occasionally call it such in this thread, is a project I have been working on for close to a decade now, much of which with a friend who has since dropped off from contact. So I'm in the middle of revamping the project, make it a little more realistic, especially the earlier lore that was created back when I was like...ten years old or so. I thought I should post stuff about it on here, as if I have people giving me feedback and asking me questions about the lore of this universe, it would help encourage me to continuing the revamp.

    Aliiciivaterrus, Ciivan (a language created for the project), which roughly translates to "All the Civilizations of the Land" is a mix of alternative history, historical recreation, and sci-fi. Unlike most sci-fi universes, it does not focus on the exploits of the entire galaxy, it is mostly located within the so called "Prime Region", a massive chunk of space 7.1 million light years cubed within which contains the four main branches of humanity; Earth humanity (referred to as Homo Solus) of which we are, the humans of Brotheria (Homo Fraternus), the humans of Terra (Homo Terrus), and the humans of Irinia (Homo Irinia). While it is unknown to the residents of the Region why humanity evolved in four different planets, it is theorized an ancient scientific species long since destroyed planted the seeds of humanity on each planet. Alongside humanity, the Prime Region is home to the Verans, a reptilian species that communicates via the electromagnetic spectrum, and the nigh-extinct Tyraxans, an aggressive insectoid species.

    The 'timeline' of the project is fairly extensive. Especially with the early developing Brotherians, it sees lore being developed as early 15,000 BC, however the 'meat' of the lore is found between 2022-4659 AD.

    There are also four major calender systems, mostly from the four major human planets; the Gregorian calendar of Earth, the Fraternal calendar of Brotheria (marked by EP/PP, roughly meaning before Pact, and after Pact), the Terran International Calendar of (you guessed it) Terra (marked by BDE/ADE(, and the Great Founding calendar of Terra and Ciilonii, used extensively by the expansive Ciivan cultured nations of the Prime Region by the modern day of 3550 After the Founding (of Ciivanatus) (marked by BF/AF). The Fraternal calendar is based around the founding of the great alliance of Brotheria, called the Pact of Brotherhood (yes, this was very early lore so dont expect much creativity), set 769 years before the Gregorian Calendar's BC/AD change over. The Great Founding calendar is based 2865 years after the Gregorian calendar, and finally, the Terran International calendar is based 117 years after the Great founding calendar. This leaves the current year set in 7184 PP/6415AD/3550 AF/3433 ADE

    There are 3 major ways to travel in interstellar space at FTL speeds; "Warp", the slowest one but also the cheapest, relies on a ship creating a "bubble" of space-time around it and moving that bubble at FTL speeds, with basic drives capable of 10 times the speed of light, with the most advanced designs capable of 100 times the speed of light. "Jumping", the quickest method, however it is severely limited in distance. It relies on tearing open essentially wormholes from place to place, and the power required increases exponentially after every light year in distance, with a practical limit at 6 light years. It also requires permanent "Jump Portals" to move large amounts of vessels from one system to the next reliably, as non portal Jumps are extremely dangerous, especially with larger vessels. The final method is "Hyperspace", an incredibly advanced method that relies on moving the vessel and a bubble of "real" space into a state that is rumored to be a "mirror" universe, or even the realm of the Gods. In this place, extremely quick speeds are capable, however without constant re-adjustment, typically requiring the exiting of the mirror realm, this method is highly inaccurate.

    There are 4 major types of weaponry in the Prime Region; gunpowder, pulse energy, plasma, and mass acceleration. Gunpowder weaponry works just like our current weapons, with their main advantages over the other two being significantly more reliable and cheaper to manufacture, at the cost of stopping power. Pulse energy weaponry (which incidentally shortens to PEW) relies on either a complex, unstable, high energy energy compound or a microfusion battery and a small amount of matter to fire a beam of near pure energy to one third the speed of light, these weapons are incredibly deadly to unprotected skin, and even armor can sometimes be counter productive if not designed with PE weaponry in mind. Plasma weaponry is a new, highly advanced weapon system to Aliciiva. Plasma relies on a similar concept to PEW, only with a microfusion battery super heating and ionizing a small charge of hydrogen to fire at high speeds towards the enemy. It is devastatingly effective against enemy armor, however it is incredibly unstable and energy hungry, making small arms versions of it basically impossible currently in 3550 AF. The final kind, mass acceleration, is arguably the most simple. It involves the using of high-powered electromagnets to accelerate small slugs to incredibly high speeds, making it extremely effective to unarmored targets, however the slugs can be virtually negated with proper armor. The electromagnets have a massive power draw, making their appearance as small arms a new thing to the battlefields of the Prime Region.

    An important thing about Aliciiva is that it is slightly similar to Warhammer 40K in that, if there is a belief, it is made reality in the "mirror" universe. Every god that is worshiped and treated as a living being is reality in the mirror dimension, with their power relative to the number of followers they have. However, while the gods of 40K, specifically the Ruinous Powers, are capable of directly influencing the minds of mortals, the gods of Aliciiva can not. Only through subtle influence and hints that they can barely manifest in the "real" world drive their followers on to convert ever more to their faith.

    If you have any questions about any post or part of the lore (I'll slowly be adding nation descriptions and the like, dont worry), let me know!
    #1 Snow, Jun 11, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    Crimson Lionheart bro hoofs this.
  2. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    note; Earth history until 2022 remains unchanged, so I will not list it here. Also, I will post maps soon, just not now. Need to make them
    Sometime around 100,000 BC, a race of intelligent equine creatures formed the first recorded settlement in the entire Prime Region on the planet of Irinia. These creatures are today near totally unknown, except for that the Irinians refer to them as the "Forefathers". It is known however that this Forefather Irinians would come to dominate the planet for the next 100,000 years, yet never established themselves beyond the planet, nor advanced technologically past what on Earth would be referred to as the "Automation Age", the time past the Information Age.
    Sometime between 50,000 and 40,000 BC, the first human settlements in the Prime Region would be formed on the planet Brotheria, this settlement is thought to have been a semi-permanent habitation meant to begin building the first permanent building on the planet; the Temple of Fire (Sav Fatisk) in the native tongue), however it would be until 8,000 BC that all four human species had developed their first settlements on their respective worlds (40,000-30,000 BC for Earth, 30,000-20,000 BC for Terrans, 8,000 BC for Irinians).
    C. 12,500 BC, the Brotherians would become the first humans to develop agriculture on the river plains of the continent of Novat. Earth would soon follow c. 10,000 BC, then Terra around 5,000 BC. The Irinians however, would never be granted the chance to develop naturally. The now highly advanced Forefathers saw great potential in the species, and enslaved them as a mix of pets and hard labor around 5,000 BC, leading to Irinian history to disappear outside oral traditions until thousands of years later. With the advent of agriculture, permanent settlements soon became viable, often times popping up within a thousand years of the start of each planet's agricultural revolution. Kavaka in Novat for Brotheria, Jericho in the Levant for Earth, however, the name of the first city on Terra has since been forgotten, and only its location on the continent of Innia is known.
    With permanent settlements up and running, and the percentage of people in these early civilizations able to specialize gradually increasing, soon, civilizations would arise. History would come to Brotheria first, with the advent of the Valtin hieroglyphic language in 4800 BC, the Sumerian semitic language of Earth in 3200 BC, and historical record lies credence to the theory that written language would not develop on Terra until around 500 AD.
    Crimson Lionheart bro hoofs this.
  3. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    Ancient History (4800-500 AD):
    Brotheria: With the dawn of civilization on the planet in 4800 BC, cities began popping up across the planet. The city of Zis, the future capital city of the Zisan Collective was founded in 4400 BC on the Xiza *squee!*ula of the continent of Kentara, and the city of Sav Egata was founded around the Temple of Fire on the northern Sav plateau of the continent in 4300 BC. On the continent of Nova, city states cropped up around the mountainous north, and the fertile, massive river plains of the east and midsection of the continent, with dozens forming by 4000 BC. The most important of these cities were Purtus of the eastern river plains, Valtin of the mid-section, Jova of the northern mountains, and Ba'talus of the open plains of the south. Over the following 4000 years, these main cities on each continent would slowly expand in the face of other rising empires to the point that, by 500 AD, Sav Egata controlled the entire north of Kentara, Zis would control the large Xisa plateau, and the continent of Nova would be divided into 5 large kingdoms based around those 5 early cities.
    Terra: Due to events to come and a lack of written language, much of this time period is unknown to modern historians. However, oral traditions and archieological findings suggest that this was a time of city states and large roving tribes, and conflict between the "civilized" cities and the tribes was constant, essentially locking the planet in perpetual warfare, with raids and skirmishes making technological progress difficult, if not impossible.
    Irinia: Due to events to come, and the enslavement of all sentient species on Irinia by the Forefathers, next to nothing is known of this period
    #3 Snow, Jun 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
    Crimson Lionheart bro hoofs this.
  4. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    Timeline of Classical History (500-1499 AD):
    Brotheria; In 512 AD, the northern Novan kingdom of Purtus used gunpowder for the first time in a military fashion (although they had been used as pyrotechnics for a 1000 years) in a sea war against the Kingdom of Valtin. The cannons of Purtus, slow, cumbersome, and unreliable as they were, proved their worth many times over, resulting in a dominating victory. This victory would forever shift the balance of power on the continent, for the four other kingdoms realized this would be their last oppurnity for any say in the governing of the continent, offered a surrender plan that would come to form the United Nations of Novus, collaquially Nova, in 515 AD. Within 5 years, the first Novan traders arrived in Sav Egata's principal port, Grathen Orenta. The traders brought many goods, but the most influential was the idea of gunpowder. Within the decade, Sav Egata had fully adopted gunpowder in cannon and extremely primitive handheld "Fire Spitters", similar to arquebuses into 'pike and fire" formation thanks to Novan trainer mercenaries. In 530AD, Sav Egata began a massive campaign against the south of the continent, refusing all surrender. In 679 AD, Sav Egata had seized the entire continent outside the Xisa peninsula, and a massive war between the heavily populated Zis and Sav Egata. However, Nova, not wishing to lose on its lucrative trade due to the looming war, looked to its own history and managed to bring the two parties to the negotiating table. In a show of diplomatic accumen that arguably hasnt been seen before or since on Brotheria, Nova not only avoided its two partners from going to war, but established an extremely powerful mutual alliance named the Brotherhood between the three nations. Over the next thousand years, the three nations would see their economy and technology explode. Sav Egata also adopted the name of Savtasa in this time. However, in that time, the less civilied nations learned their lessons from the Brotherhood and formed a loose counteralliance in 734 AD focused on raiding and pirating Brotherhood shipments. In response, the Brotherhood launched a united invasion of the 5 nations of the Free Alliance. Despite overwhelming firepower and military size, the Brotherhood forces soon were bogged down by the rough terrain of the Free Alliance nation's homelands, which were often mountianous or heavily forested or both. The war dragged on, with neither side retreating nor giving up, and ceasefires lasting for mere weeks at the most optimistic. This never ending slow burning conflict turned the militaries of the Brotherhood nations into small, elite centric, area clearance expert forces. In 989 AD, the first practical steam engine was created by a Savtasan engineer, which kicked off the planet's Industrial revolution. In 1224 AD, the first plane took flight, and by 1274, on the same day the first plane took flight, the first Brotherian entered space. The Brotherhood nations took to spaceflight quickly, so much so that by 1300, they had a permenant base on the nearer of the planet's two moons. In 1387, the Brotherians built the first warp drive in the Prime Region, and took to the stars. Small colonies of Brotherians would start to pop up in nearby systems as the citizens of the Brotherhood sought to escape the crowded conditions of the cities on Brotheria, and get land of their own, even if on an artificially constructed orbital platform. By 1500, over fifty million Brotherians lived across 20 systems around Brotheria, with explorers beginning to search for the most promising planets to colonize in this seemingly open galaxy...
    Earth: Timeline of the Middle Ages - Wikipedia
    Terra and Irinia: Neither planet has much recorded history of this time due to their unique circumstances.
    #4 Snow, Jun 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
    Crimson Lionheart bro hoofs this.
  5. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    Timeline of the Advancement Age 1500-2022 AD
    Brotherhood expeditions would arrive in the Irinian system in 1502 AD, where initial contact between the Brotherhood and the Forefathers would go poorly. After the destruction of not only the expedition fleet of 5 light civilian vessels but also a fleet of 20 warships through unknown means (It is thought that the Forefathers had either incredibly powerful orbital defenses despite not being spacefarers, or that the Forefathers were more talented in the arts now known as biakicnesus, essentially magic, than even the modern human Irinians. Following this disaster that the Brotherhood barely managed to keep secret to avoid a long drawn out war, Brotherian scouts would find the planet Terra in 1512 AD. There, they would come into peaceful contact with the civilized Rhem people of the northern Fatasan continent. The Brotherhood leadership decided if they could raise these Rhemians up, they could provide a secure home base 60 light years away from Brotheria. So the Brotherhood began giving the Rhemians lessons on all things, cultural, economics, technological, and military. Hundreds of Brotherians would live amongst the Rhemian Terrans to ensure the smooth transition from a Bronze Age group to a proper spacefaring group. Even Brotherian gods would come to be adapted by the Rhemian people. Thinking all was good, the Brotherhood turned inward for a time, deciding to let Rhem take over Terra in the name of the Brotherhood, after all, what could go wrong with giving guns to a culture that had only known bronze swords? Surely they would use it to crush their neighbors. However, Terra would soon slip from the overall conciousness of the Brotherhood as the Brotherhood focused on ever greater cultural feats and growing the colonies they had. Pirates were to be dealt with, the Free Alliance was still a thorn in the side of the homeworld, and the people of Brotheria came to have little stomach for further expansion. In the place of the First Expansion, the First Enlightenment of 1550 AD would sweep through Brotherhood culture, with Novans, Zis, and Savans all taking up different cultural paths but growing more intertwined, even forming an official Brotherhood military built of donated miltiary supplies. It was not until 1817 that the Brotherhood slowly began expanding again, Terra and their Rhemian allies near all but forgotten by but a handful of Brotherian traders. This era of slow expansion, peace, and prosperity would continue until it would come to an unexpected end in late 2022 AD, when Zis' turn to command the overall direction of the Brotherhood came around. Eagar to grab land aggressively to appease the crowded masses of Zis, whose capital city had nearly entirely covered the Xisa peninsula, they saw an oppurtunity for an easy war on paper with a planet that had just barely began to send its inhabitants offworld, Earth. In mid October of 2022, a large Brotherian warfleet jumped into Earth orbit, with the latest in Brotherhood weaponry. Jump ships, pulse energy weapons, space-atmosphere capable fighter planes, and more. The Primier Kazan Valok assured his two brother nations that the war with Earth would be carried out swiftly, and with as little loss of Brotherian life as possible, leaving out he had given orders to slice the native population of the planet to as few as 500 million, or total if resistence continued. On December 10, 2022, after destroying several Earth human satilletes, the Brotherian fleet entered orbit around Earth...
    Terra: After contact with the Brotherhood, the Rhemians looked set to take over all of Terra thanks to the ever more advanced technology they were recieving from Brotheria. Even so, their population of an estimated 20,000 was no where near enough for planetary conquest. So the group waiting and bidded their time, slowly expanding as their population grew. By 1843 AD, the population of Rhem was estimated to be around two million, and their first truly aggressive campaign started. However, the quick conquest of north Fantasa never came. Instead, a tribal group known as the Raul had been spying on the Rhemians, even capturing and learning to use their technology. And so began the Old War. Not much is known about this time, but it is known it was a long, protracted stalemate, just like the old city-state vs tribal wars. This war would ebb and flow in varying intensities well past the end of the Advancement Era, even without Brotherian support for either side...
    Irinian: Following the defeat of the Brotherhood by the Forefathers, the Irinian humans had their first look at what humanity could achieve. This emboldened the Irinians, who began to severely question their servitude to the Forefathers. One cannot say when the rebellion began, but it is known it was slow, but soon after the Brotherhood's defeat. Most historians pin the start of the revolt in 1534, although increased rebellion was likely evident well before then. The war was slow, thorough, and both sides became bent on totally destroying the other. The Irinians had numbers and motivation, the Forefathers had technology and patience. As the war dragged on, the Irinians devestated the Forefather economy, and the Forefathers devestated the Irinian numbers. The exact course of the war is unknown, however by 1876, the Irinians had killed the last of the Forefathers, and the few surviving Irinians began an incredibly thorough extermination of the memory of the Forefathers, collectively forgetting even the true names of the Forefathers, and destroying every building, monument, and stone the Forefathers built, with no regard with how keeping it would have helped them. This process took over a century, and even by then, the Irinian populace had barely reached the dozens of millions once more. Irinia was devestated and nearly broken, by the Irinian humans were victorous, and by 2020, the first true reconstruction efforts began...
  6. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    The Burning Period (2022-2222)

    Warning the embedded link describes the events of the Brotherhood-Earth War in detail. It is gritty. It is dark. Do not expect no one to get hurt and everything to be rainbows and sunshine, it is a war. Please, do not complain about it except for constructive critism as it is part of Aliciiva lore, and pales in comparison to the most devastating wars this project has to offer.
    Terra: As Raul and Rhem continued their brutal war, the few Brotherhood traders brought ideas from both the Brotherhood and Earth. English, Christianity, the Novan language, and more all found small niches on Terra. Despite this, in 2133, the unthinkable happened. The two nations destroyed each other in nuclear fire. While there wasnt enough to seriously harm life across the planet, both nations effectively ceased to exist, their memory all but wiped from existence under the radioactive mushroom clouds. The technology was lost. And Terra was thrown into a dark age, figuratively, and literally, for quite some time...
    Irinia: Not much is known of this time, beyond that the Irinians had reverted to an feudal age level technology due to the lack of knowledge surviving the destruction the forefathers.
  7. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    As a break from the history of the project, let's go over the various major pantheons of Aliciiva and their related gods.

    The Fratasen Pantheon; the Gods of the Brotherhood
    The Fratasen Pantheon is the result of cultural intermingling between the three Brotherhood nations, leading to their combining of their pantheons. The following is the most important gods of the Fratasen;
    Savelten - The God of the Sun (of Brotheria), Fire, and Light, and head of the Pantheon. Principal deity of Savtasa.
    Cotas - The God of the Earth, Winter, and Wealth; considered Savelten's right-hand..God? Principal deity of Novas
    Malakos - The God of the Shadow, Night, and the Moon, considered Savelten's second advisor after Cotas. Principal deity of Zis.
    Belaca - Goddess of the Savage Fight, unrelenting bloodshed, and primalness. Open rival to Galtos. Secretly married to him; of Zis
    Galtos - The God of the Civilized War and Honorable combat. Open rival to Belaca. Secretly married to her; of Novas
    Ogane - The Goddess of Life, Renewal, and Death. Married to Savelten; of Savtasa

    The Oliteria Pantheon; the Gods of 'Civilized' Terra
    The Oliteria is one of the two major native pantheons of Terra. The Oliteria is odd in that no deity is considered the head deity, instead, all Gods and Goddesses are considered equals amongst their 'level' (major Gods all are equal to the others, all minor gods are equal to all other minor, etc)
    Etalan - The God of the Sun; Principal Diety of Vengia
    Aliitala - The God of Civilization and Warfare; Formerly Principal Diety of Ciivanatus
    Bankol - The God of the Sea and Weather; Principal Diety of former Banzia
    Jalania - The Goddess of Mystery and Random Events
    Dysnara - The Goddess of Life
    Selnesor - The God of Death

    The Mag'kolpa Pantheon; the Gods of the 'uncivilized' West

    The Mag'kolpa Pantheon is the other of the two major native Pantheons of Terra
    Magan Ta'kata - The 'All-Father' and Creator of the World, head of the Pantheon, married to Fele Ta'nora. Principal deity of the former Magna tribes
    Fele Ta'nora - The 'All-Mother' and Creator of Life, married to Magan Takat. Principal deity of Vastor

    Vagor Kol'doln - The God of Death and Winter, married to Kalisa Kol'masn
    Kalisa Kol'masn - The Goddess of Fertility and Rebirth, married to Vagor Kol'doln
    Oaso Ve'jern - The God of the Desert and Endless Plains, married to Ausa Ve'tris
    Ausa Ve'tris - The Goddess of Trade and Good Will, married to Oaso Ve'jern

    The major religions of Earth are the same, with Abrahamic faiths making up the majority of the population, however Earth humans have the highest rate of atheism in the Prime Region

    Not much is known about the religions of the Veran (whose unique way of communicating makes it near impossible to trying understand things as intricate as belief systems), and the Tyraxans (whose extremely hostile nature makes it near impossible to learn truly anything about their culture besides being extremely war-like and genocidal to non-Tyraxans)
  8. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    The Recovery (2222-2545 AD)

    Brotheria; with the Brotherhood reeling from its humilating defeat against the Earth Alliance, Savegatan and Xis forces struck out with a vengence against Free Alliance forces in 2231, actually managing to penetrate deep into the territory of several of the nations, however disaster was barely averted as the trap was sprung and the Brotherian forces nearly surrounded. After this, the Brotherhood grumbled collectively and turned ever further inward, lashing out at any aggression with overwhelming force, but never going on the offensive as they focused on developing the arts and sciences.

    Earth:After their victory over the Brotherhood was complete, many of Earth's people hoped that maybe the Alliance could become a true international government. However, with no more common enemies, the politicians of the Earth Alliance nations began to lapse into old rivalries, and at the same time, regions began drawing closer together to build their power. North America came to be dominated by the North American Union of Canada, the US, and Mexico; Europe with the European Union, the Eurasian Federation of Russia, Belarus, and parts of many border regions of Russia; and several other similar Unions. As these rivalries built up, the colonial worlds started growing ever more indepenence minded towards their direct governship by the Alliance. However, war managed to stay out of the picture for the time being...

    Terra: for over 200 years after the nuclear war, Terra lacked any major civilizations, with many city states reduced to tribal states once more. It wasnt until 2476 that Dysnara, the first post-war city-state arose on the continent know known at Dysnora. In 2483, the city state of Bankol would arise on the northern coast of that same jungled continent, ans in 2512, the city of Fantas would arise in the southern coast of the Fantasa continent, lead by a small tribe that had managed to cross the 2,000 mile ocean that lay between the continent of Innia and where Fantasa was founded. To this day, how they survived the journey is unknown. What is known is that these 3 cities would soon grow to dominate early Terran politics, with Fantasa creating the first known written language of the continent soon after founding their home city.

    Irinia; In this time, the Irinian humans fragmented due to cultural drift from the sheer distances between groups, while at the same time, the population was exploding, hitting over 100 million for the first time since their war of liberation in 2291. Despite the cultural differences, the scars of the war of liberation were deep in the pysches of the Irinian people, leaving this time with no known wars
  9. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    On this post I'll be adding the physical maps of the various important planets. Except Earth because no real need to.
    #9 Snow, Jun 24, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
  10. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    How long as this been here without me knowing.
    Mister Asmodeus, Crimson Lionheart and Snow bro hoofed this.
  11. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    Hehe, thanks Tyro. And this isnt even where the lore really takes off in depth. The Terra lore itself is admittedly were most of the focus of this project was when it was initially developed, so there is...a lot more lore for it. And now that Im back from vacation, Im about to restart posting on here
  12. FastRiff

    FastRiff Practically Part of the Site Itself
    New Pony

    Cutie Mark:
    Jul 12, 2017
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    human resources manager
    Oh my, I really must read this completely when it's not 3 AM, but it sure looks like you put a whole lot of work into it.
    Snow bro hoofs this.
  13. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
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    Somewhere, USA
    The First Golden Age (2545-2865 AD)
    Over two centuries, Fantasa, Dysnora, and Bankolis would come to dominate the areas around their cities and beyond, founding and conquering addition cities through diplomacy and warfare, all while ignorant of the other powers in the world. Technology advanced rapidly from an early iron age level to late classical period level in this time thanks to the wealth these kingdoms began to incrue, and in 2682 AD, the kingdom of Kalemia was founded in Fantasa. In 2695 AD, Kalemia would be discovered by Fantasa and the two would open diplomatic channels and trade ties soon after. In 2697, Dysnora would encounter Bankolis and intiate similar ties as Fanatasa did to Kalemia, however due to the nations' proximity to each other, Bankolis soon grew to be a protectorate to the larger Dysnora in all but name. On 2731, a Fanatasan colonial fleet bound for Innia was blown off course and landed in the badlands of Dysnora, where they set up a small settlement they called Rokopoli, unknowing they were in Dysnoran claimed territory. The town slowly grew over the next few years until a Dysnoran vessel discovered the settlement of foriegners speaking a strange language. Taking this news back to the main part of the nation, the King of Dysnora, Volo Dysna, ordered a large attack on the city to cement his claim over the area. (following campaign
    here ). After fleeing Dysnora, the Mirsenans would flee to the continent of Meceni (also known as Wesora) where they would soon engage in a civil war between those who wanted to become more civilized in order to defeat the civilized nations at their own game, a side lead by the tribe of Civakitis, and the side who thought all civilization should burn for their 'betrayal', lead by the Sukal tribe. (Mirsenan Civil War Here). After a little over 20 years of civil war, the Civakitis lead tribes would flee on a massive armada in 2766 (which is rumored to be the reason why Meceni has no trees outside the southern forest; and 2746 is the year marking the start of the Ciivan AF calender), and eventually landed in the southern part of the western plains of the Fantasa continent. The group has rebranded itself as Ciivanata, using a new language and following a new government (the first at least partially democratic government of a full nation) and culture, the basics of which had been put together by their new king; Jakas Julius (formerly Jokan Vakarskan). After meeting with the Fantasan king (still King Fathor), using a mixture of trickery, guile, and diplomacy, Fathor agreed to give the Ciivans "as much land as a herd could cover in a week". Jakus then claimed his people were his herd and scattered them over as much land as he could, which ended up being the entire western plains. Fathor, although angered at this, agreed to uphold his end of the bargain as the plains werent well settled in the first place. So the nation of Ciivanata truly was started, with its first capital of GloriiNova being built from the wood of their old fleet. So Ciivanata would come to join Fantasa and Kalemia in the cold war against Dysnora and Bankolis, becoming renowned for their innovative strategies and defensive works capabilities forged from the fire of 20 years of civil war. In 2860, things seemed to about to break out in full scale war between the two alliances that were now in high medieval level military technology with the Fantasan burning of Kalemia after discovering the leaders of the nation were secretly supportive of Dysnora after Kalemian diplomats tried to make Fantasa invade Dysnora at a certain point. For two years, the militaries of both nations were called up, ready to invade, then dispersed. Ciivanata's new king, Janus, saw an oppurtunity to break his nation from the yoke of Fantasa and decided on the third call up, he would invade Bangia against orders to just sit and wait. However, the third year would never come. In the first month of 2863, an asteroid a mile wide slammed into the middle of the Great Sea between Fantasa and Orria at a low angle. The impact left a two mile wide 'crater' in the ocean, and would lead to a series of tsunamis and super storms that would lead to the destruction of Fantasa, Bankolis, and Dysnora, and Ciivanata itself would only barely survive due to luck and the tenacity of Julii Julius, who became king after his father died from the tsunami slamming into GloriiNova. The decades immediately following this calamity would be called the Disaster Age.
    Brotheria and Earth: [will post later]
    Irinia: [will post later]
    #13 Snow, Jul 18, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  14. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Somewhere, USA
    I decided to together a list of various nations' histories that I'll slowly add to this post as I rewrite them and feel good with how they look
    Rheem and Raul
  15. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Somewhere, USA
    Also, I'm working on a small section of the Oriiginales as a project to show the Ciivan language when used outside of lessons and such. I'll be slightly editting what has been written (as some of the words are like 2 years old) to reflect the rules for the Ciivan language that have come into being since then.
  16. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Somewhere, USA
    Ciivan Language Lessons

    Lesson 1


    A=ah, B=beh, C= ss, Ç=kr, D=deh, E=aye, F=fah, G=gah, H=hah, I=eh, Ii=ee, J=ja, K=ca, L=la, M=em, N=en, O=oo, P=pa, Q=qua, R=er/rr, S=sa, T=tah, U=you, V=voo, W=woo/wa, Z=zeh

    Gender and Number of Nouns

    A noun is a person place, thing, and sometimes idea; to make a noun plural, add -s to a word that end in a vowel, -es at words that end in consonants

    All nouns have a gender, even if they dont refer to people, being the masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns. Examples of Masculine endings are; -a(s), -i(s), -ii(s), -iisa(s), -asii(s), -osa(s), -esii(s), examples of Feminine endings are; -e(s), -o(s), -aso(s), iise(s), -eso(s), and finally examples of neuter endings are -u, -us, uts.

    Definite and indefinite articles

    Definite articles mean the, and refer to specific noun(s) (the cat, the car, etc). They agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to. Singular is on, an, and un (masc., fem., neuter respective), plural forms are anes, ones, and unes.

    Indefinite articles mean a, an, or some and quantify an uncertain amount of a noun, (a dog, some dogs, many dogs, etc). They must also agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to. Singular is ina, eno, and inu, while plural is inas, enos, and inus.


    Veru means there is when followed by a singular noun, and there are when followed by a plural noun (i.e. Veru inu rus laran, there is a road ahead.)

    Numbers 1-101

    1=onc(ons) 6=cena(sina) 11=oncet 16=cenet

    2=dys(des) 7=nosa 12=dyset 17=noset

    3=tes 8=bena 13=teset 18=benet

    4=cas(kas) 9=zeca(zica) 14=caset 19=zecet

    5=nat 10=onzet 15=natet 20=dysonii

    21=dysonii vu onc 26=dysonii vu cena 40=tesonii 90=zecarii

    22=dysonii vu dys 27=dysonii vu nosa 50=natosii 100=ciin

    23=dysonii vu tes 28=dysonii vu bena 60=cenarii 101=ciinonc

    24=dysonii vu cas 29=dysonii vu zeca 70=nosarii

    25=dysonii vu nat 30=tesonii 80=benarii


    Ií = I

    Tá = You (informal)

    Út = You (formal)

    Ona/o = He/She

    Aliius = We

    Aliiútes = You all [typically used in Western or Colonial dialect Ciivan]

    Onas/os = Them (group of guys or group of guys and girls/group of girls)

    Present Conjugations


    (I) -ii (We) -anes

    (You, informal) -ana (You all) -ates

    (You, formal. Him/Her) -a/o (Them) -as/os


    (I) -ii (We) -iius

    (You, informal) -iina (You all) -iitus

    (You, formal. Him/Her) -i/e (Them) -is/es


    (I) -ii (We) -us

    (You, informal) -una (You all) -utes

    (You, formal. Him/Her) -u (Them) -us


    Sonal (to be)

    (I) Sonii (We) Sonanes

    (You, informal) Sonana (You all) Sonates

    (You, formal. Him/Her) Sona/Sono (Them) Sonas

    Possessive Pronouns

    Mii(s) = My
    Te(s) = Yours (informal)
    Sona = Yours (formal), his/hers
    Alí(s) = Ours

    Alu(s) = You all’s

    Sonas = Theirs


    Adjectives describe nouns, and in Ciivan, must agree with the noun in both gender and in number


    Projectives modify words in Ciivan, typically from a noun to an idea or action, but also vice versa. Things like ntes, which translates to relationship/love, is added to friin to create frííntes, meaning friendship. Notice that on the vowel before the projective, an accent must be placed.


    Salut - Hello
    ¿Val tá? - How are you? (informal)

    ¿Val út? - How are you? (formal)

    Wiiso dosan - Goodnight

    Wiiso hííspola - Good afternoon/day

    Wiiso nopola - Good morning

    Wiiso - Good

    Demo - Bad

    Jasu - Okay

    Eton - nothing

    Aprút - Thank you


    Plestala út - Nice to meet you

    Mii ralus… - My name is…

    ¿Lociis tá/út comer? - Where are you from?

    Ii sonii dan...


    Notiima - Goodbye

    Notii - Bye

    Notii tamas - See you later

    Notii dinápola - See you tomorrow

    Question Words

    ¿Lociis? - where?

    ¿Tolus? - When?

    ¿Nubra? - How many?

    ¿Hú? - What?

    ¿Únep? - Who?

    ¿Val?- How?

    ¿Valona? - Why?

    Personality adjectives

    Demosa - boring Drosa - interesting

    Mirsii - aggressive Sápola - liberal

    Civo - kind Demo - bad

    Demociiv - unfriendly Civanápola - optimist

    Basalo - athletic Nocivana - pessimist

    Cevo - good Arii - patient

    Ntasa - loving Nowiiso - lazy

    Iintana - funny Nogalii - poor

    Nópola - conservative Civana - realist

    Mersa - cruel Galii - rich

    Nociiv - selfish Impta - serious

    Galano - famous Kaso - nice

    Wiisopa - generous Fasana - sociable

    Tulana - honest Nofasana - timid/shy

    Sova - idealist Nowíípola - dumb

    Noarii - impatient Vanéwiiso - hardworking

    Wíípola - intelligent

    Physical descriptions

    Jasii - tall Asolus -good-looking

    Nojasii - short Juva - young

    Apase - pretty Enspara - old

    Nofera - bald Rica - dark (skin, hair, etc)

    Fralo - thin Biiso - light/blonde (skin, hair, etc)

    Nasolu - ugly Flanus - red-haired

    Nofralo - fat Nofa - small

    Vanofa - big Apasii - handsome

    Nokala - easy Kala - hard

    Long - Jasípola

    Additional Words

    Ganii - man Jan - but

    Gane - woman Vu - and

    Ganus - person Kon - for

    No*squee!*anus - child Nol - nor

    Vana - very Ota - or

    Ben - yet Eso - so

    Osa - also Onof -a little

    Attached Files:

  17. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Somewhere, USA
    Before I go further, I would like to address the various species of human that exist in Aliciiva (which while I did mention, I didnt go in much detail), as some of you might be confused about the fact that, for example, King Fathor reigned for over a hundred years, and Jakus nearly 100.
    The homo terrus of Terra are the most common species by 3550 AF/ 6415 AD (considered the 'current' year of the project). They are slightly stronger than your stock human on Earth, but they live considerably longer. 200 years of age to a modern terrus is like being 60 or 70 to us Earth humans. Some are even essentially biologically immortal due to their cells ability natural ability to fix problems in their DNA. So while to us, ruling for over a hundred years would be quite impossible as of yet, to even a medieval era Terran, that was quite common. In fact, it is far more common for succession to be from grandfather to son, or for the ruler to have a son late in his life to ensure a long reign than the archetypal father-son succession of our own world. However homo terrus do not have a flat upgrade compared to us. They are slightly slower, another effect of having evolved on a planet of slightly higher gravity. Also, due to their long lived-ness, they are incredibly prone to the effects of long term stress. For example, as kingdoms on Terra grow, their leaders start ruling for shorter and shorter periods, relatively, as the kings and queens become subject to running a nation constantly for literally several decades. (Imagine the ageing of American presidents, then realize these guys have that going on for decades)

    The homo fraternus of Brotheria are slightly weaker than your average Earth human, they are also slightly taller, with about equal lifetimes. The main advantage of the fraternus is that they are slightly more intelligent than the other human species. However they are also fairly stubborn as a whole, which is what leads to things like the on-again-off-again war between the Brotherhood and the Free Alliance lasting for literally thousands of years.

    The homo irinius are surprisingly similar to earth humans, with one major difference; their natural aptitude in what they call 'biakicis', what we would call magic. However it is an unstable ability that is not equally shared amongst the species, which is why they typically rely on technology despite their natural abilities, although it does help them in more subtle ways, giving virtually all irinus a certain natural intuition about things.
  18. Snow

    Snow The Snowiest of Snows

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Somewhere, USA
    Current Overall timeline;

    c.100,000 BC: The Forefather's found first settlement on Irinia
    50,000-40,000 BC: First human settlements on Brotheria
    40,000-30,000 BC; First human settlements on Earth
    30,000-20,000 BC; First human settlements on Terra
    c. 12,500 BC; Agricultural Revolution on Brotheria
    c. 10,000 BC; Agricultural Revolution on Earth
    c.8,000 BC; First human settlements on Irinia
    c.5,000 BC; Agricultural Revolution on Terra; Irinian humans enslaved by the Forefathers
    c.4,800 BC; First language invented on Brotheria/first nation of Valtin founded
    c. 4,400 BC; city of Zis founded on Brotheria
    c. 4,300 BC; city of Sav Egata founded on Brotheria
    c.3,200 BC; First language invented on Earth/first nation of Sumeria founded
    c.500 AD; First language invented on Terra
    512 AD; gunpowder invented on Brotheria
    515 AD; United Nations of Novus founded
    622 AD; Zis reaches modern Brotherian planetary extent
    679 AD; Sav Egata reaches modern Brotherian planetary extent
    680 AD; The Brotherhood Alliance formed
    734 AD; The Free Alliance formed on Brotheria, starting the Alliance Wars of Brotheria

    1387 AD; The First Spacial Expansion of the Brotherhood begins
    1502 AD; The First Spacial Expansion ends when defeated by the Forefathers; First Enlightenment of Brotheria begins
    1512 AD; The Brotherhood begins a limited uplifting of the Terran city state of Raul
    1534 AD; Start of the Irinian rebellion
    1817 AD; The Second Spacial Expansion of the Brotherhood begins
    1843 AD; The Long War between Rhem and Raul begins on Terra
    1876 AD; The Irinian Revolt ends, the Scourging of the Forefathers begins
    2020 AD; The Scourging ends
    2022 AD; The Brotherhood-Earth Alliance War begins
    2054 AD; Nuclear war between Rhem and Raul ends their conflict, and their civilizations
    2212 AD; The Brotherhood-Earth Alliance War ends in Brotherhood defeat
    2276 AD; Dysnora founded on Terra
    2283 AD; Bankolis founded

    [will continue to work on this later; don't feel like continuing atm]

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