Anypony else have social anxiety? Looking to meet some new people

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by AviatorRaven, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. AviatorRaven

    AviatorRaven New In Town

    Feb 17, 2013
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    Aviation maintenance (A&P) Student, Student Pilot
    I have Asperger's syndrome a well as social anxiety pretty badly. But FIM has helped me improve, by applying the lessons and the character's personalities to my own life and in general be a more positive, productive person. Funny that one brilliant show can do what nothing else could. Anyhow, I would love to have somepony to get to know and talk with. I'm a very calm, shy, and open minded person with many interests. I do find girls easier to talk to and trust due to my father being abusive and overbearing when I was younger. I appreciate any response, you all are great! Feel free to PM me
  2. darkstar64

    darkstar64 Brony and Doomer

    Cutie Mark:
    Dec 9, 2012
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    I have Asperger's as well and have trouble socializing. Whenever I'm in a room full of strangers, I feel extremely uncomfortable. I'll only ever talk unless someone directly talks to me, and even then I'll try to end it right away. And whenever I do try to socialize, it's like I only say stupid ****. Being a loner throughout the second half of school didn't give me any social skills, so I have no idea how to talk to anyone. I do my best to hang out with people when I can, but most of the time I feel like staying home.

    I'm still scared to admit I watch My Little Pony, out of fear of being ridiculed. My current friends have no interest in the show, and one of them actually hates it. The only ones who know are my sister (shes a pegasister), my little brother, and my mother (who found out through my little brother cause he has a big mouth). Most of my school life was spent being bullied, so I keep the show a secret. Later I'll admit it, when I'm past where I am now. I dont care what my family thinks, but I dont want one of my friends to start being a douche to me because I like MLP. He stopped getting free food at a church just because he dislikes Christians. He's not racist or anything, just a bigot.
  3. Rashall

    Rashall Master of the Veil Fire

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Associate at Harborfreight Tools
    The Veiled City
    I've been socially awkward from day one didn't have a lot of friends, then I moved to south Texas and suddenly friends >>
  4. Esy

    Esy A Pony Every Pony Should Know
    Banned Veteran

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I'm having problems talking with people outside my circle of friends and relatives in public. Sure, ill talk with you, but i wont be the person starting the conversation. When it comes to social groups of people, such as the gansters, the geeks and the smartasses etc (if you know what i'm talking about), i'm very selective and might only talk with people in the group i consider myself beeing in. When people laugh in public (or similar), the first thing that comes to my mind is that their laughing at me, and when they actually do, this is something that i take very seriusly and it might bug me for days.

    But on the internet, it's completely different. I love to talk to people and socialize with total strangers, get into serius descussions or the most stupid chit-chat. It's a world of people sharing their interests and thoughts on things, and i do the same. No matter what your interest would be, theres a huge chance that loads of people have the same interests and/or opinion about things, and that would leave you with loads of things to talk about!

    When it comes to my love to mlp, it's something i don't share with my friends. I know i've made fun of other people having "different" interests than others, and thats why i don't share my love to mlp, i don't want people to make fun of me.

    I could go on talking about this stuff forever, but it would get boring.
    (As a norwegian i'm terribly sorry for any grammar errors)
  5. Zephyr Wind

    Zephyr Wind FWOOOSHH

    Cutie Mark:
    Jul 8, 2011
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    Wish it was Cloudsdale....
    ^ Basically what EsyRx said.

    I'm fine on the internet, but I'd be terrified of meeting anyone on this site in real life, even if I am friends with them.

    I just can't think of anything interesting to say when I'm actually speaking to someone. Then I get all paranoid with how I look, how I'm standing (or sitting), my voice, my clothes, and on and on and on.

    It's quite irritating. >.<
  6. Bot-chan

    Bot-chan A Pony Every Pony Should Know

    Cutie Mark:
    Aug 4, 2011
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  7. Winnebago

    Winnebago Oswald is not amused. V

    Cutie Mark:
    Mar 3, 2013
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    Who would hire a 15 year old?
    Land of Forgotten and Unloved Cartoons
    I have Aspergers, too.
    A year ago, I had trouble talking to pretty much everyone.
    I hardly ever talked to anyone except my close friends and family.
    But then I discovered FiM, and I can now talk freely to anyone in my AP classes.
  8. Frost

    Frost Would You Kindly?

    Cutie Mark:
    Sep 17, 2011
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    Full-time smartass
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    I don't know if I have asbergers or anything, but I'm very uncomfortable around people I don't know very well. Even if I'm in a room full of people I do know well, if someone I don't know enters the room I won't talk at all, not that I talk that much to begin with.

    Even the people I do know well, it prolly took me several months to a year before I could really open up and be myself around them.
  9. Twinkledust

    Twinkledust Deactivated Account
    Deactivated Veteran

    Aug 12, 2011
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    A better question would be, 'who on this site doesn't have any social anxiety?' :p
    #9 Twinkledust, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  10. Endblock

    Endblock The fabulous being

    Cutie Mark:
    Jan 25, 2013
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    In biome number 9
  11. thaukbrony

    thaukbrony An Everypony Regular

    Apr 19, 2012
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    I have many of a problem. Sometimes I make things become a contest, other times I start to lose interest but only because I'm quite figity. Like you I find it easier to talk to girls, but for me its because I have lived with my mum rather than dad. Nothing bad, infact he's better than most gentlemen. He is part of the metropolitan police. I have mood swings, uncontrolable at night mostly, I can be happy then sad then goofy within 4 seconds. I am sexually insecure, even if i was on a beach i would not take any clothing off, apart from socks and shoes, for the fear of someone just looking. Sometimes I wonder if anyone will notice if I just didnt appear at all. Then I just remember, I can go to tumblr, everypony, youtube, faceback, and other websites just to procrastinate and not think about life problems, but cant always be on the internet.
  12. NightOwl

    NightOwl New In Town

    Mar 4, 2013
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    You're not alone man..I'm also an awkward aspie.
  13. applesauce

    applesauce New In Town

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Same here, sort of. I don't appear socially awkward, or at least that's what I've been told. I normally can handle myself in a conversation, but I'm always unsure of what I say and think a lot before I speak. I'm kinda afraid of saying the wrong thing. Probably comes from my overbearing mother always scolding whenever I so much as breathed "wrong". I've always been a bit shy though, actually it took 3 weeks into middle school before I gathered enough courage to approach someone. Their uncertain look at me almost made me retreat, but I powered through it.

    I don't know if I have asperger's, but my parents always told me, among other things, that I have mental issues. Of course I never took that seriously, but it was food for thought.

    FiM has really helped with my social issues, though. I try to apply the lessons whenever possible, but that's difficult when your only friend is your sister. It does make it easier to understand people, though. Also, the show gives me a surprisingly large common ground with people. While I may be a bit socially inept, I am pretty good at connecting with people. Too bad I've never managed to maintain some sort of friendship, thank you insecurities. Although, my fear of physical proximity surely did a lot to aid in that respect.

    Well, you're not alone. Most of us, if not all of us, can probably attest to being socially awkward one way or another.
  14. thaukbrony

    thaukbrony An Everypony Regular

    Apr 19, 2012
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    I got bullied from day 1 in school right through till going into secondary school. None of the teachers believed me or did anything. The reason why I don't have good grades from school is because of primary school, the teachers NEVER really fully explained to me what the task was. So, scared out of my bones to ask, I would sit there and hope that im doing something right, even if its just getting question 1 correct and the rest incorrect. Soon parents evening came up. Each year my mother would say the same. Did they listen? No because it was a public school not a private school, the educational system is a bad cycle when something minor goes wrong for the child in a public school. Put them in a private school, I could bet 9/10 would get better grades! But public school teachers never listened to me so I always.....felt..........alone. Soon college came into view. My views were the same 'Try your best, nothing could go wrong there.' So i did, now im doing a two year course and I can happily say that im much happier at college. But i still have douts about a few things. When I walk into class, i tend to think 'Okay, they werent mad yesterday. What do they think of me today?' but nothing bad would happen. Now who is to say they don't talk bad behind my back? And this is where the evil cycle comes back......a.......never................ending..................................cycle.......................................... (sorry for the dots)
  15. TurkThePony

    TurkThePony The Olden Artist

    Cutie Mark:
    Aug 11, 2011
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    Dishwasher/Cook/Deliever and Cashier
    Michigan, USA
    Though the hay days of my life, I always wanted to talk to people and make friends and have fun as well. Things were great till 6th grade happen and it took a spin for the worst. Bullied all the way to 9th grade. Never experience on what getting bullied was till then. I was not welcomed by anyone, so I kept quiet for while and had hardly any friends and spent most of my days, in my room...Alone. Things changed after 12th grade. I became more social at college and began being myself again, once more. Nowadays, I talk too pretty much anyway, regardless of the individual's appearances and looks and how they act. Don't care what people say too me if they try to be hurtful to me. Don't like what you see or what I do? Hey! Your problem, not mine.
  16. Setzertrancer

    Setzertrancer A Pony Every Pony Should Know

    Cutie Mark:
    Jul 7, 2011
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    I too have Aspergers and recently diagnosed with social anxiety. Before MLP and finding the brony fandom in my city, I was pretty much a shut in hermit that rarely got out and socialized. Most I did was online. But since the fandom I have been going to parties nearly every weekend and have made a lot of friends and learned to associate with people better.

    It actually girl I have trouble talking to because I am especially intimidated and afraid of making a fool of myself in front of them. When I was in school I often had them play cruel jokes on me, but getting my hopes up about a girl liking me, only to have them crush me like a bug and humiliate me in public.

    As for guys, I tend to only want to even associate with nerds, if they are blokey blokes who watch football and enjoy fighting, I want nothing to do with them. This is probably due to my uncle, who took on the role of step-dad was occasionally physically abusing, but mostly emotionally abusive, mainly whenever I didn't live up to his expectation of what a 'MAN' should be.

    Nice to meet you, looks like we have a lot in common.
  17. Hero Mode

    Hero Mode I like Rarity, that is all

    Cutie Mark:
    Aug 5, 2012
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    Currently unemployed
    I have social anxiety and aspergers.
  18. ponypopping

    ponypopping Practically Part of the Site Itself

    Cutie Mark:
    Dec 22, 2012
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    I dont have asbergers or anything but for some reason i feel like everyone is ether wanting to call me names or the laughing at me even though there not when i walk past, i think its just that though my whole school experince i was bullied or picked on, so now everytime i walk someone i think "are they going to say something" or " is he thinking that i look silly" i think that why i stay at home beacause i know the kids who builled me at school live in my area so when i leave the house i think there going to do something beacuse theres so may of them so now when i go anywhere or talk to anyone i feel like im doing something wrong or im too shy and i dont say much but i have gotten better i met a nice friend at collage who is also arkward like me so we hang out. And i think fim has helped me alot it kind of gave me confiedence knowing that there could be so nice and caring people out there inspired by the show :)

    - - Auto Merge - -

    i know that feel bro
  19. BryGuy Shinigami

    BryGuy Shinigami SEATTLE SEAHAWKS 4 THE WIN!!!!

    Cutie Mark:
    Nov 2, 2012
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    Cashier @ Wal-Mart
    Currently: Trotsa, Appleloosa, Future: Sea Sattle,
    I have social anxiety and Asperger's (no different then 70% of the ponies here). I experienced bullying many times, whether because it's my race, sexual identity, interests, weight, or cause I act too different or weird. In high school, I avoid going into the cafeteria cause of the hundreds of students in there, and would just stay in the library (helped me become even more of a bookworm though). And only have very few RL friends (99% of my friends are either Internet friends or long-distance friends). And I have social phobia cause I feel that I am judged and hated basically everywhere (both IRL or online). I am slowly conquering that, but will have setbacks. I just have to keep trying.

    Sent from my iPod touch named 'Rainbow Dash' cause I am the Realest BRonY in the mug, by Tapatalk.
  20. Hero Mode

    Hero Mode I like Rarity, that is all

    Cutie Mark:
    Aug 5, 2012
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    Currently unemployed
    I didn't realise how much all of us were alike.

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