I've been here for a while, so it is about time you can know something about me. Feel free to ask me anything you wish to know about me, I'll answer my best.
Since your from Mexico, have you ever had fake Mexican food ("Mexican" food in North America). My friend lives here and lived in Mexico when he was younger. He's mentioned that the food is actually very different from what we call Mexican food. I was wondering if you've tried our version here and what your opinion of it is. I'm guessing a lot of people from Mexico would think the real thing is much better, but I wouldn't know.
Well, Yeah, I had gone to USA various times. I have tasted it and actaully is preety good, although i still like more the original one. An example is the tacos, in USA they put like a lot of stuff on them, while in Mexico is just a tortilla with meat, quite sinple but tasty and cheap, changing from pesos to dolar, the aproximate cost of one goes from 50c up to 80 or 90c for one, and usually they let you deside what to put. Still, your mexican food is better than I expected to actally be. I hope that answers your question the best it can.
Neat, thank you. That's cool that you can get that for super inexpensive. It's pretty hard now to find any food for 50c other than maybe some kinds of candy. Lets see.. what else can I ask *sees Twilight Sparkle*.. are you attending school currently, and if so what kind? If not do you have a job, or are you doing something else at the moment?
Yes, I go to college currently. I'm studing to be mechatronic engineer and I'm on my second semester out of 9.
Oooh. Sounds cool! ^_^ I am a first semester graduate student. In undergrad I went to a tech focused private university. I was studying Computer Science and game programming, but given that background I love engineers and being at that school was awesome. I'm not entirely familiar with the term mechatronics, but if I had to venture a guess I would think it's like robotics engineering with a higher focus on the mechanical engineering aspects. Is that correct or am I way off? What does it actually entail?
Yes, actually that is sort of. Robotics is something we can take as an specialization actually. Mechatronics takes 4 different disciplines: mechanic, programing, electronic and telecomunications. It's actually quite hard because of that same reason. The thing that make us special are the Microcontrollers, the small black chips in the motherboards. Look for it in the internet, there will be explained better.