A little about myself I guess. I'm currently 26 years old, single and male I guess, I finished high school and went straight into the workforce, where I have been working retail for 9 years I think, previously at video store for 7 of those years and currently at a drive through liquor store for 3, I held both jobs for the first year of the latter, which I will hopefully be a manager for again in the near future, it's in the works. Not as importantly I guess, I used to be an admin here for a while, I suppose that might interest some people, maybe not, it was quite fun and I really enjoyed the experience, but I had to step down due to time constraints after getting a managers position at work, I went from part time to full time obviously, which resulted in me trying to do what I could for here while at work on my phone, needless to say my work suffered horrendously and I was demoted for it, among other reasons. There was also a period of time that I had no internet for 3 months and I guess the idleness and being mostly isolated for so long just really got to me, so I left my admin role soon after getting my internet back, deciding to put my efforts towards my work again, which is again about to become very demanding due to that future promotion heading my way. Not much to say about my childhood, I don't much care for it either. Oh and I like drinking, but you knew that already. I'll try answer any questions you might have, and I'll probably give my opinion in it too, because where's the fun in simple answers. Though really I can't think of a reason anyone would want to ask me anything, or what the point of this is. (chances are I'll just start rambling, oh well)
I have a vague idea that it's something that happened in America that involved a guy who had a gun, quite frankly he shouldn't have that on him at all to begin with, way to allow that scenario at all so it played out that way America. - - Auto Merge - - I get asked this a lot actually, Colgate and Pinchy are equally both my favorite ponies, I chose the name Berry Punch because it just seemed fitting, and it seemed egotistical to name myself after my favorite. At the time it was just because Berry was known for drinking so that was right up my ally, and later in the fandom Berry and Colgate became a couple and I was like... um okay, that's a nice coincidence. And Pinchy is just the cutest filly in all of existence, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Not particularly, while I'll generally refer to everyone unless told otherwise in the male pronoun, and for myself included, I don't actually identify myself as any particular gender or even sex, I'm just me, so technically yes I am male, it's just quite frankly I don't think that's something that should really matter in the casual sense, it's important for medical stuff obviously.
I would have to say beer, probably a nice pale ale, but I'll drink anything so long as it tastes nice, always gotta try new things you know, variety is the spice of life and all that jazz.
It doesn't, the image is flipped from front to back, not side to side at all, the mirror portrays a reflection of your front, back at you.
Of the enduring philosophical questions, which is the most deserving of continued attention and which is the least?
Nothing interesting happens where I live, it's pretty much just an army town and everything is very laid back here. I'm sure Australia as a whole I guess is interesting, I haven't seen 99% of it so I'm not really one to comment. And I wouldn't say I'd want to live anywhere else, because I do love where I am, but I definitely would like to travel, maybe meet up with my friends overseas.
I'd say the most deserving would be, what is ethical? I'm a Humanistic naturalist myself, but it's not a question that should ever stop being asked or improved upon. As for the least deserving of attention, I guess I'd say, does god exist? myself being an agnostic atheist it shouldn't surprise anyone. - - Auto Merge - - For games I like one's that challenge me, and don't leave me waiting around or having to build up or grind, so mostly fast paced vs or co-op games of any genre. But Dawn of War is my all time favorite. I can't really say which beer is the best, tastes change and everyone has their own preference much with any food or drink. Right now my favorite is Steamrail Pale Ale.
Mostly I come home from work and start drinking, get the chores out of the way like yard work and cleaning, then I might watch some shows, a movie or play games with my friends, or I'll hop online and pretty much do the same thing with other friends. I used to play Warhammer 40k table top just casually, and tried a little DnD too, but none of us really have time to prepare for those kinds of things anymore.