Community Post #147 - My Little Head-canon #1 - Applejack's Big Episode

Discussion in 'Community Posts' started by Tyro D. Fox, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
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    Oct 18, 2011
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    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    I'm trying another idea!

    OK, so the idea here is that I try to come up with an idea for an episode/fan-fiction/game/whatever. Simply a premise. I can make it as detailed as I like and I can do mostly what I like but it has to make sense, it's got to sound entertaining and it's got to stick with the known personalities of the character's involved.

    Also, go right ahead and use this premise! If you think you can do something with it (writers for the show included) go right ahead and use it. I don't mind though, I'd at least like a credit, OK? Deal? Good.

    So, my first attempt at making my own Episodes? I did want to make a bit of a splash so, let's try an Applejack centric episode. We haven't really had one yet. This one? Applejack recounts how her life has changed, to her parents. Yep! We get full confirmation where they are while also just having some fun too!

    That'll do for a start!

    Community Post #147

    Applejack's Big Episode

    We open on Applejack approaching a large stone, sitting on a grassy hill. Respectfully, she removes her hat, coming in to quietly sit before it.

    Yep, we're not working from the idea that they're just away or something. Applejack's parents have been long gone. Reasons for it? Dunno and, honestly, it's kinda irrelevant. Why they're not here doesn't pertain to this story. Besides, I'd say it would be pretty pointless to explain. It doesn't inform anything about the characters, as far as we know. It also wouldn't do anything other than fill in one detail that happened years ago. It seems extraneous. The effect of their passing is far more interesting than how it happened because it effects characters we know and care about (namely the Apple Family as a whole).

    Because of this, it kinda shoots down one idea that this could take where Applejack explains a story about them to Applebloom, who wouldn't know anything about them other than these stories. Partly because I want to place the focus entirely on Applejack and partly because of the above paragraph. I can't think of any reason to spend time with Applejack's parents because their effect is a more relevant issue. But, worth mentioning.

    But back to the idea at hand, one detail I would include is that Applejack should be calm. She wouldn't be in tears or morose. To me at least, it doesn't make a lick of sense if she's welling up because she's where she is. Y'see, I can't see Applejack welling up over old news. Her parents have likely been gone for most of her life. She's never effected by it anywhere else in the show, so she's just calm. I'm not saying Applejack is heartless or carefree! Far from it! Applejack is huge on her family and friends. Her loyalty to them is staggering. But, she's always a bastion of strength and determination in the show. I just imagine that she's likely cried all her tears years earlier.

    Now, this is more of a meditative scene. She's just here to reflect and chat. This is Applejack mulling over things. Which leads us to the purpose for this set up.

    "You must go to Sweet Apple Acres and seek out Granny Smith, the Orchard Farmer that trained us."

    This scene is being used for framing for the tale Applejack is going to recount for us. And it's all from Applejack's view.

    This does have a few simple jokes or ideas to play with. For example, our story within the story would likely begin with Applejack meeting...I dunno, Twilight at her place. There's some trouble going down, Mane Six are called upon to sort it out. Fair enough, fair enough.

    Though, this is being recounted by Applejack, so...

    "An' then Twilight finally said 'There's a whole heap a trouble, goin' down an' we need to deal with it'."

    I find it at least initially interesting to try morphing the filter we see the show in because it's kinda fun to do it with these characters. Plus, fun is something Friendship is Magic can do pretty well when it wants to, as well as surprisingly memorable music and decent characterisation of it's main characters.

    For example, Episode 100 was just the writers setting off some fan-targeted fireworks because they reached a milestone. It turned out excellent because they went nuts with it. Another example is Trixie, who hasn't had many episodes but you know exactly what she's like and how she'd act if you were put on the spot. I'd argue that almost every character is this well defined while still having more sides to them than 'the-that-one' of the show.

    As a neat touch, I think it might be fun if the voice actor for that character says exactly what Applejack puts in their mouths to say, without attempting an accent, just to make it sound extra odd. I like a little surrealism and it helps push the idea that this is Applejack's perception of events in a subtler way than throwing on a new coat of paint that the animators probably can't afford to do.

    After all, the only reason there aren't more body types in the show for it's cast of characters is because it would take longer to animate. A genuine little tit-bit there. A shame but, eh, I get why. Hasbro likely didn't want to make custom molds for each character either. Though it doesn't excuse Equestria Girls of roughly the same thing...

    Though, it's got it's own problems to worry about. Like being made just to sell more toys.

    You can keep pushing this further than just forcing other characters to speak 'Country-isms' as I think the comics put them. How about if Rainbow Dash turns up after a great day of practising flying tricks? Whether or not you should is up to the individual, you still could have Applejack mentally skip over the actual details of what Rainbow Dash says.

    So, she could say: "Uh, it was so sweet! You shoulda seen me! I was diving and swooped so close to a tree, so fast, that I blew off the leaves for all the trees around me! I was a one-pony Falling of the Leaves!"

    But Applejack, when recounting it, could be less than impressed and choosing to...'edit' the words of a character she's shown to have a rivalry with for time.

    "Blah, blah, blah, I'm amazing! Blah blah, blah blah blah, I'm so incredible! Blah blah blah, Rainbow Dash is da besterest! Blah blah."

    This does fly a little bit within the characterisation of Applejack but only a little. Sure, being mean spirited isn't within her character but looking to take other characters down a peg for being big-headed is. This is the pony that challenged Rainbow Dash to a race. She also mockingly pretended to like fashion and expensive finery just to mirror Rarity's insane dive into dressing like what she thinks a 'Country Pony' is like, all to impress a guy.

    So, I see this as a small swipe at the character that's more a result of that one thing that Applejack doesn't like in Rainbow Dash. And, I don't see that as a problem. The Mane Six are pretty well set up so that at least one character is able to either rub another character up the wrong way or oppose some core belief for the purposes of inciting a conflict. For Applejack, she's been shown to find Rainbow Dash's boasting annoying and Rarity's pursuit of style over function frustrating. For a nice, obvious showcase of this, see the microcosm of this set up that is Rainbow Rocks.

    But what about the characters Applejack has less beef with like Twilight or Fluttershy? Well, I like the idea of lifting a joke from The IT Crowd for when Applejack talks about Twilight. She is the shows exposition dump delivery device in most episodes. So, if you were to use a joke from somewhere else, how about Applejack recounting Twilight explaining some magical phenomenon but the only thing that can be heard is TV static?

    "Pay attention Miss Applejack. I might just set a pop quiz this semester if you're not careful."​

    Perhaps Pinkie spends the entire episode speaking far faster than she should and...No, that doesn't make any sense. Pinkie Pie is too weird to fully make this work. Though, a little fourth wall breaking wouldn't be too bad as maybe you could have a small wink to the audience that she know's that Applejack is telling the tale. Perhaps she realises how silly the other characters sound for a second or two then immediately snaps back into character when Applejack insists.

    As for Fluttershy, she is a little harder to exaggerate without making her literally invisible. Though, that could be what you could do. Essentially, Fluttershy is so quiet, that she only appears when she speaks and vanishes otherwise. That is something you could play with. Like, characters talking about her and then she suddenly appears or just so happens to have exactly what they want but only shows it when she opens her mouth to speak.

    That's just the Mane Six. Imagine other characters like this!

    As for the story, I think it needs to be just a straight up adventure thing where Applejack helps fight something big and scary then takes a breather somewhere quiet where she won't be disturbed. If your looking for a moral, how about acknowledging what annoys you about your friends but cherishing what you like about them seeing as we're deliberately inflating characters here. Perhaps she could start to wonder why her friends were so appealing to her while recounting the story.

    Though, it's got to be something simple. Having something complex or with innate themes of it's own could mean that the story doesn't gel well with the style it's being told in. Especially if it's not at least, somewhat Applejack centric. Otherwise, why get her point of view at all?

    Though, why set it initially at Applejack's Parent's Grave? Mainly for confirmation. I'm not one for skirting around themes or ideas just because a show is marketed to a certain audience when other shows of a similar ilk have gotten away with far, far more. Besides, Disney have been axing parents left and right for decades and I don't see much outrage there!

    I'll just leave this here...

    The other reason is that it's an episode about Applejack just talking. She's being relaxed and introspective. Where else would she likely do that? I guess it could be while she's bucking apples but this seems more direct towards a clear intention that Applejack was going to tell you a story. Unless you just up and had Applejack told a story, direct to the audience. Suppose that could work too.

    And that's my big idea for an Applejack episode. This is the special part where I say that your free to play with the idea however you like. If you want to expand it out or something, be my guest. Just give me a little credit, OK?

    Not interested in Applejack Episode? Then she's got a look just for you.

    - Site News

    OK, this is rather quick.

    Minterwute is an Admin now. Hurrah, hurray! Woo, confetti, right! Back to our lives. That's enough rejoicing.

    - Recommended Reading

    I made review. Finally, right?! It's on Splatoon. I hope you like it. I really need to get on with making more of these. I'm falling behind Morphin' Brony and that is something that simply should not be!

    Dilly Star has decided on something unusual but interesting. A little education on what's happened, keeping a little bit of history alive. For good or for worse. So, here's her blog post, dredging up Ghost and his show.

    Something something, stocks going down, something something, Hasbro knows why? I think it's to do with Hasbro realising that it's girly stuff hasn't been selling very well recently but it's because it's had about 11 months without content. Yeah, that might have something to do with it.

    Though, why is it on Equestria Daily?

    This is cute! Anyone got computer game levels they just couldn't ever get past when they were a kid? Lement with your fellows right here, dear member.

    More gaming discussion, this time on Pay to Win mechanics in games. And it's not looking sympathetic towards the money grubbing for extra gold. Jim Sterling would be proud.

    I like it when you lot turn up and just construct some ideas to discuss. Here, Skyborne explains how he sees Religion and its relevancy within modern society. So, light your bubble pipe and place some smart looking glasses on your nose and dive head long into debating. Bonus points if you can win using a reaction gif.

    Because reaction gifs won't be academically recognised unless more people use them.

    This just looks awesome. That's all.

    Morphin' Brony made music. Be cautious and polite, people. Cautious and polite.

    All right! That's it! See you next time! Hopefully, I can get something done around Nightmare Night! WooOOOooo!

    Dilly Star and Queen Cerali bro hoofs this.
  2. Fenris Rose

    Fenris Rose Going Through Changes
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    Feb 16, 2013
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    Jane Porter isn't an unknown. Her father is alive, and her mother is dead.

    Seriously, has nobody read the books?
  3. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
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    Oct 18, 2011
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    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    The Disney version might be different. They change things around all the time.
  4. Fenris Rose

    Fenris Rose Going Through Changes
    Deactivated Old-Timer

    Cutie Mark:
    Feb 16, 2013
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    True, in the original stories, Tarzan was a brutal and remorseless killing machine who killed Kerchak himself to take control of the tribe.
    Which is only fair, because Kerchak was the one that killed Tarzan's father.

    Also, he was raised by apes (unknown species, presumably a subspecies of chimpanzee), not gorillas. Gorillas were the ancient enemies of the apes, and Tarzan was very nearly killed by one as a child.

    Perhaps most importantly, Clayton was not a villain.
    He was actually Tarzan's cousin!
    Dilly Star bro hoofs this.
  5. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Interesting. Thanks for that.

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