Community Post #174 - Where in the fox have you been?

Discussion in 'Community Posts' started by Tyro D. Fox, Jul 13, 2020.

  1. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Community Post#174
    I do feel this might be a little self-indulgent and likely egotistic to heap a lot of this on yourself but when you are in charge of a site, write it's most widely seen bit and vanish for a long ol' while, you can't help but think that leaving for a while has gotten things to where they are.

    But let's answer this: What have I been doing? Uuuhh, work. I managed to wrap up my University Course with some serious gusto, I was then very, very quickly able to find work that fitted my degree but needed me to move out within a month or so of accepting. From there, I have been learning to adult.

    And yes, 'adult' as a verb. I find it a succinct and correct term to describe the 'fake-it-till-you-make-it' nature of my existence post university. Like, the stupid stuff you have to Google that is far harder to find than it should be: like who to talk to about council tax and water supply and internet packages. Freedom to make my own home isn't easy. But, I'm writing to you from a pocket of stability. Yes, stability. Relatively speaking. I am sitting currently half-way up the country (I have lived on the south east coast of England for almost all of my life) having clawed out a little place of my own. I'm in a fantastically fortunate position where my job (as a game dev so I can work from home) is not under threat, I am now living with pinkest former admin Foxytail for company and the relatively tiny town I am in isn't likely to be locked down suddenly due to an outbreak.

    I am fortunate in that respect and sincerely hope you've all been at least OK out there. The world is frankly in an awful state right now in many respects and I hope a break in the sisyphan ordeal 2020 has turned out to be is coming.


    But why did I stop posting...anything? The honest answer is burnout. As the site and fandom got quieter, and the demands on my time got ever more acute, something had to give. So, the voluntary work I did here stopped. I would chip in, my last proper article here is back in 2018 when I had something I thought was worth writing. I've tried writing new stuff a few times for the site I've thought about or seen recently but not had the drive to finish them. Stuff on that Dark Crystal TV show and such right? I have tried asking others if they'd help but they've not worked out for one reason or another. So, it began to feel like just me. Which dragged on my time until I dropped everything.

    I am sorry for just up and leaving without any word. Uni was a massive drain on my mental resources in all ways though it is important.

    Well, there's this pandemic still looming over us all. In the interests of trying to help spread useful information, I'm going to post that video I did last time:

    As for lockdown, I do want to know what you guys have been doing to keep yourself busy. Me and Foxy have set each other what we call 'Challenge Games', which has helped keep ourselves relatively sane. The idea is that you set each other a game to play that you think absolutely should be played. Something special and wonderful to you that the other has never experienced. The joy came in watching each other follow the respective stories and gameplay challenges that one knew like the back of their hand, but was now able to enjoy through another's perspective. This worked fantastically for us both, recommending a couple of action J-RPGs for each other to hack our way through.

    For those familiar with me and my streaming work, I naturally plumbed for Kingdom Hearts, at least the HD Remix version. It is near and dear to my heart despite it, and later games in the series, being increasingly frustrating fan fiction. I do like it but I am also angered by the acts of brain-trust Sora as me and him grow ever increasingly further apart in terms of what we think is a 'reasonable plan'.

    Yes I did play Kingdom Hearts III. Not the DLC, I haven't removed my controller from the wall yet.

    Foxytail set me Tales of Vesperia. This is an action RPG set in a world that relies on these magic devices known as 'Blastia' in the same way we'd rely on modern machines. In fact, they're surprisingly computer like, complete with hologram keyboards. My simplest, possibly insulting summation of the 'Tales' series is imagine Final Fantasy but all action-RPGs with a fighting game like system where you use attack combos to perform moves. But each of the games are usually their own distinct thing: with different worlds and unique stories for each title. I hear one or two are in the same setting but follow different characters. Tales of Vesperia follows the forming and adventures of the guild 'Brave Vesperia'; a group of disparate individuals out to foil the plans within plans that first threaten an empire, and then the world.

    From top to bottom, right to left: Pirate Child, The Healer, Best Boy, Not Elf, The Punisher: Fantasy Edition, Tsundere Sheldon Cooper with Magic Powers, Bestest Boy, Yuri's Totally-Not-Boyfriend, Old Man that Only Looks 40 at the Most.

    The experience of doing this has honestly been seriously rewarding and I'd encourage any of you to do it if you can. Watching Foxy play through Kingdom Hearts has been pretty fun as I discuss what I know about the game and share in the quirks and foibles of the adventure. The strange bits and the battle to find friends in the cosmos. It's just enjoyable to sit and share something with another you know so well.

    Foxy has gained the same thing back, having 'no-lifed' Vesperia as many times as I have Kingdom Hearts. The difference is in how so good Vesperia's story is! Uuh! It's so layered and interesting. The aspects of the world are so thoroughly thought out. The world is detailed, coherent and full of interesting guys to meet or fight. The characters you follow are interesting and fun while still having some engaging aspects that will draw you in. They're lovable and intelligent; I was asking questions about the plot, only to have characters ask the exact same questions I just had. They're on the ball and tuned in, just like I was. The combat was clunky and there's lots about the gameplay I have issues with but it does work. But maaan, that story campaign. I will not forget it in the hurry.

    It did make for an interesting comparison in the end: how two different games attempted to transpose a traditional turn-based RPG into an action RPG while keeping as much of the original genre intact. Might be worth writing about at some point.

    Neither get it entirely right but it's interesting to think about. Especially comparing the difference between performing combos and the vestigial tail that is the 'Command Menu' down there in the corner.

    That said, if you do find yourself hovering around the house with not much to do, consider doing this. The rules are simple:

    1. Each participant must give the other something they hold near and dear that the other has never experienced. This can be a movie, or a game, or a book or a TV show. It helps if it's equivalent media: so a game for a game.
    2. Try to experience the media together. Me and Foxy are now roommates so that is pretty easy but over the internet, there's a few technical hurdles. Discord does allow you to stream your computer's screen over a call and there are sites that allow you to simultaneously watch something in sync (Like this site for example). But, if you can, make sure you are there as much as possible to experience each other's set thing together. If it's a game or a movie, take it in turns to experience one, and then the other, till you are finished.
    3. If it's a game, try to ensure that it's completed entirely on their own. No spoilers, no taking the controller and doing bits for them. They have to complete it entirely by themselves as much as they can. Same for movies, no spoilers, you keep schtum.
    With this, I think we both learned to appreciate the other's game. I am now a fan of Vesperia, it is sooo good. Foxy is currently ploughing through Kingdom Hearts II, partly because it's better and partly because I gave him a 20-hour action game, he gave me an 80-hour J-RPG with multiple distinct arcs and mountains of side contents to do if I want to, and a new game plus mode. He felt he ought to balance it out by playing the next one. After swotting up on the story after the first game.

    It also kept us going. Which is good when we're stuck in about three or four rooms for the good of our, and others, health. I hope you try this out too and you too find something new like this.

    See you next time, hopefully a lot sooner than around 2 years.

    Hey! We just suggested a thing that brings people together and promotes friendship. Maybe this is a brony site after all!
    Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  2. Eight Star

    Eight Star The Old One

    Apr 25, 2012
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Soul Collector
    Everfree Forest
    I've also been working. General Manager of a fast food pizza place (pizza! pizza!) and also doing a little freelance art here and there.

    Been doing this Art Fight thing. You know, attacking people with their characters. Fun stuff, fun stuff.

    I was just looking at Reaper minis so I can figure out what to order from them to sell when conventions kick back up and I'm ready to take my tabletop RPG on the road. Gonna sell minis as well, but mostly my line. Reaper's are there for the support, mostly.
  3. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Ye gods, it is the Eight Star. *produces Master Ball*

    Still, sounds amazing. We still have all the old RPG stuff in the bowels of the site. I have been seriously thinking about the future of this site and what to do with it and I've thought that it might be worth trying to push towards creators and their creations, making a site to help promote and discuss stuff. We won't get rid of the Pony stuff, just might look into a platform to better shout about people doing things. I've been working on games, RPG stuff and software in my spare time too and if I can share it here, the more the better.

    What do we think folks?
  4. Dragonbait

    Dragonbait Do you like bananas?
    Admin egg Old-Timer

    Cutie Mark:
    Jun 10, 2011
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    ETL Developer
    Sietch Tabr, Arrakis
    There's only like 6-8 of us that regularly post (and mostly in games with a few doing 1 on 1 RPs), so adding new sections of non-pony couldn't hurt.
  5. Curtis Wildcat

    Curtis Wildcat Raging Shopaholic

    Cutie Mark:
    Aug 12, 2016
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    Title Researcher
    Somewhere in Kansas
    I post in the Song of the Week thread, but that's about it. I didn't really feel that interactions here at EP, especially in Last to Post, were amusing me all that much anymore--I just found it way too easy to get angry, so I figured it was best to just keep my mouth shut.

    That said, a change of pace probably wouldn't hurt.
  6. Metro

    Metro Eldritch Diety
    egg Wizard

    Jun 15, 2013
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Sexy Town
    Eluuna and I single handedly took over the One on One section lol :p
    We've been thinking about finding a way to save all our roleplays and switch over to another place, that way don't clog everything up or lose it all if the site changes.
    Eluuna and Curtis Wildcat bro hoofs this.
  7. Azeth

    Azeth ☆Demon of Misery☆

    Mar 30, 2015
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    I regrettably haven't been too active as of late. But I'm honestly doing my best to survive the *squee!*storm that is 2020. I've been trying to do more MMO gaming. Namely ESO.

    Also I've been trying to do DnD more. In fact, me and a few IRL friends are doing our second MLP DnD campagine. It's set in a cyberized future. Some of the inspiration coming from the new game Cyberpunk 2077 coming out this November.

    Which reminds me. I have Cyberpunk 2077 on preorder. Considering it's made by CD Project Red, I know I'll be worth the $65.
  8. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    I am intrigued about the D&D game. What homebrew are you running? Do you allow firearms? Always kinda tricky in D&D.
  9. Rockout E. Stringer

    Rockout E. Stringer Feelin' guitty!!
    Community Moderator egg Old-Timer

    Cutie Mark:
    Jan 29, 2013
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    Graphic Artist
    The Tarhoof State!!
    Glad to hear from you again, bro!! :D

    Anygoo, the apparel/printing company I work for was shut down for about a week following the stay at home order issued for the county. I got a call after a LOOOOOOONG week and a half to come back in to make gaiter masks. Since then, we've been swamped with orders (especially since the governor made wearing a mask in public mandatory) and it's been crazy. Then we started making shirts and jerseys again which, along with doing the masks, has required me to work 9 and 10 hour days, 5 or 6 days a week. This means that any creative energy that may have gone towards making comics has been pretty much sapped. I did manage to put on a pretty fun and exciting Fantasy Cup Series season on the model car forum I am a part of but, that was pretty early on and it's all I can do just to spend an afternoon awake, much less creating anything. Still, I've hulked up to do a few small projects...


    My 1988 Mello Yello Buick for the 2021 FCS season

    My new driver Amy Hilton's 1990 Abilene Boots Buick for 2021

    My D&D character for our latest homebrew campaign
    Aelith Windstrider grew up in an orphanage but was a troublemaker. She spent about 300 years after that drifting from town to town, begging, and stealing food to survive. She eventually ended up in the town of Kyte where, after numerous arrests, the local guards decided to use her skills for the good of the community so she works as an informant in the shadier parts of city. She mainly gets paid with 3 meals and a bed in the guard barracks but any supplemental pay goes to the local orphanage.

    Race: Wood Elf
    Class: Rogue
    Background: Urchin
    Alignment: CG
    Ht: 5' 4"
    Wt: 125lbs.
    Age: 320


    Str: 8 (-1)
    Dex: 17 (+3)
    Con: 13 (+1)
    Int: 13 (+1)
    Wis: 10 (0)
    Cha: 14 (+2)

    Making a figure of Jessi Rae... who was kind of the prototype for Rockette

    Other than that, I've mainly just been looking at (and making a few) memes and fighting off my OCD-fueled worries around this whole situation.


    That and playing a lot of NASCAR Heat 4. I also started watching a new anime and decided to read the manga.


    So yeah, that's my COVID-era life in a nutshell... or maybe a melon rind. Either way, I'm chugging along. Glad you're doing well, hope you stay safe, and DON'T BE A STRANGER!!!!

    Tyro D. Fox bro hoofs this.
  10. Azeth

    Azeth ☆Demon of Misery☆

    Mar 30, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Well with the first campange, we used 5E for that run and there were no guns, but there were swords. The plot of it is that the Nightmare from an alternate universe gain the power to not only take over Equestria but corrupting that relaity's Elements of Harmony. He used them in the dark crystal armor he forced King Sombra to make for him. He now threatens all Equestrian realities but has his eyes set on Equestria Prime, aka the Equestria in the show continuity. Our OCs are rifted to Equestria Prime from our respective verisons to stop the Nightmare from taking over and corrupting Equstria as we know it. Ironically it concluded early due to us somewhat deep into the story finding a portal a few dark crystalized villains went through and following them warped us to the taken over Canterlot Castle. My DM had a oc that was a changling/dragon hibrid assassin he played as, on top of running the campange. His character went to use assassinate on the big bad guy since he was distracted by doing his musical number. The attempt was successful and the main villain had no legs as a result. My OC Violia attacked him and my other friend's OC, which was a Gryphon/Dragon hybrid, threw his enchanted boulder set to explosive on the Nightmare completely defeating him.

    As for the second one, we recently started that one. It's set during the far future when ponies and other creatures advaced techologically quite a bit. There are guns, granades, other weapons, and various cyber enhancements ponies can get. In this story, they built a replica, spaceship fairing, Equstria due to Grogar returning and destroying the original Equestria, as well as the planet. Grogar ofcourse was defeated. Also Cozy and Chrysalis are still free from the pervious campange. Chrysalis has modified herself and has gone mad with power, forcing Cozy to work with her. Our characters were aducted before all this happened by an alein race that collects aleins from other planets as trophies. We of course found a way to escape, with a bit of hardship. Namely due to one of the enemies using a frag granade that killed his buddies and nearly would of TPKed us if it wasn't for my fast thinking. A space octopus was involved in how we got back, though it was the spaceship Equestria. We were gone from Equestria for 82 years. And that's about where we are stopped currently. Also to specify, we are using Starfinder for the second campange. Also we didn't know there we DnD books for MLP till where we are currently in the second one.

    These are obvious fully homebrew with key rules to playing staying intact. But it's been seriously fun and a good distraction from everyday life.
    #10 Azeth, Jul 19, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
    Tyro D. Fox bro hoofs this.
  11. Swift_

    Swift_ Former Radio Staff
    New Pony

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Oh boy, a new Community Post! Haven't seen one in a loooong time. Glad to hear everyone is doing okay and still sane.
    You guys are kinda lucky if you were given a chance to work from home! At our company, we had to go to work during the entire curfew(?) laws that the govt. issued. On my days off, I got rid of my boredom by working on and driving around in my car that I bought last October (my first car and I love it). I also wrote code and watched anime. I'm currently watching Inuyasha in my free time because OMG THE NOSTALGIA <3
    I also started developing a strong addiction to Team Fortress 2.

    I saw non-pony stuff mentioned here and that sounds like a good idea IMO. Now that the show is officially over, it might help revitalize the site a little if there were more general things to spend time on. Speaking if which, since you talked about gaming in your OP (and even mentioned Foxy [HI FOXY!]), that reminded me of those gaming nights that used to happen on the livestream radio channel sometime around 2012 (not sure if it was Floxy or LPG).
    Maybe people would like having gaming get-togethers? :3
    Tyro D. Fox bro hoofs this.
  12. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    TF2 is the ultimate game.
  13. RainbowDash9000

    RainbowDash9000 Mistress of Awesomeness

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Welp, I haven't been here in a long time, my last post was back from October 2019. So yeah, it's definitely been a hot second. Hopefully I'll stick around in the near future, but can't make any promises. I also agree that this site should be more focused on non-pony related stuff, since the show is over.I should really modify my profile a lot since I no longer participate in the fandom and lost interest in the show as a whole ages ago. But I'll cherish the fun memories I've had here and potentially make newer ones. It's clear this site is basically on life support, and it's great to see several people who keep this place alive. (Mainly in forum games and RPs but its better than nothing.) I get we all have lives to live and vital things to do that prevent people from interacting on here, including myself.

    Life has been an emotional rollercoaster for me especially with the current circumstances going on right now. I'm managing and not letting all of this get the best of me and to not take a toll on my mental health. It's honestly quite refreshing seeing others returning and socializing, really makes me feel nostalgic and reminds me of the earlier days. I hope these kind of things happen more regularly again soon.
    Azeth and Tyro D. Fox bro hoofs this.
  14. SilverStarApple7

    SilverStarApple7 Chessica Wildcard is an awesome game
    Blank Flank

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I've spent so much of my life already working on Chessica Wildcard: Thrust Into The Ring, a 2D indie game where you play as Chessica Wildcard, a hot rabbit-fox girl who fights monsters with a big light sword. It's like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, and Chessica's in a coma. To escape you must clear the game's levels and fight many enemies.

    Also there's Voltaire, Chessica's teammate. He's a bird that possesses technology to upgrade it and possesses people to learn their knowledge. But they're both trapped somewhere and he can't escape unless he frees her from the coma.
    Tyro D. Fox bro hoofs this.

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