Discord EP AJAX Theme

Discussion in 'General Creations' started by Lunar_Skies, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. Lunar_Skies

    Lunar_Skies Tech Support
    Web Design Tech Staff New Pony

    Cutie Mark:
    Sep 11, 2014
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Computer/Network Support Analyst
    Idaho, USA
    As a recent project that I have decided to mess around with and try, I am planning on making a custom discord CSS theme based off of the old Everypony AJAX chat. If anyone has any screenshots of the old chat that would be willing to share it'd make this idea much easier!

    I currently only have 2 really low quality screenshots from 2014 that I found on a facebook chat, they show the light theme of the main chat, and a user dropdown, currently what I will need is a screenshot of however the private messaging worked, and I would need one of the dark theme, If anyone has a screenshot HQ enough for me to pull the imagines form the top from that'd be amazing.

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