Yo guys, so this kind of reminds me of those old tumblr's rage years. I never quite kept up with my tumblr anyway, but maybe this time I can keep up with this ask me thing. I'm somewhat shy, so pardon me if I skip a question or two. Anyway, go ahead.
Good question. I would probably have time manipulation, most likely past time travelling. And I would most likely use it for good, though I would do some mischief just to have a laugh or two. I fear the multiverse will BSOD due my constant manipulation
Favorite MLP character? ...Wait, let me rephrase that: favorite MLP character that isn't in your current avatar?
Sorry for not replying curtis, I forgot I had this thread. Hrm... I can't remember what character I had back then, so I will say... The Great and Powerful TRRRRRRRRIXIEEEEEE!!!
That's okay. It might just be my mind playing tricks, but I think you had Derpy as your avatar back then.
It most likely was her. I think it was a derpy in her mailmare uniform. Hrm, everypony seems to have a small filesize issue (tried to upload the picture, but got an error). Oh well.