Old saying. When someone says that if one thing happened then things would be better or something like that, you follow it with, "And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he hopped."
Frogs land on their feet, not their bum. Unless it's a kinky frog or something I guess. Maybe whoever told you that has a frog bum fetish.
Anyway... I have lost serious respect for Sonic's aggressive distain of no ice drinks. Though I'll agree that diet soda in general is not the best. Also Ginger Ale. Ginger Ale is good.
My parents would probably argue something along the lines of "unless it's Faygo", but to each their own.
The problem is that I'm not exactly a huge fan of ginger, in general. If anything, Canada Dry is the only tolerable ginger ale I can drink. I've tried some off brand ones and the taste is either too overbearing with ginger or too bland.
Vernor's! Ha! YES! ...Personally I favored Canada Dry, when I could drink it. Vernor's has a little too much of a kick. My parents love the stuff, though.
Faygo Rock 'N' Rye and Redpop were my go-to flavors back in Michigan, at least whenever I wasn't guzzling Mountain Dew. It helped that it was cheap compared to everything else in town.
As far as ginger ale, I like Seagram's or Canada Dry. My favorite soda overall has always been Mello Yello.
(shrug) Not necessarily. Everyone has their own tastes. And in all fairness, Faygo is primarily a Michigan soda, the fact that it can be shipped most anywhere in the USA (and to some places in Canada) notwithstanding. Faygo on the whole's known for cheap yet delicious soda. A typical bottle or can of Faygo costs less than what Coke and Pepsi products of the same size typically go far. Shipping costs add to it, but that's true with most stuff anyway.
Ah, so it's like RC Cola... Pass. That junk was bad. And then the energy drink before energy drinks, Jolt Cola. That stuff tasted horrible, I only tried it once and I remember only being able to drink like 3 or 4 sips. Also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Red_(gum) "I'm Ricky Bobby, if you don't chew Big Red, then *squee!* you."
Been a while since I had RC, so I couldn't tell you if they matched up like that. (But then, I haven't had soda in six years, so... ()^_^) Here's an old commercial that my parents liked.