It seems like anytime I take a few days off, whenever I get back I find out all hell broke loose at work. But that's what happens when the boss doesn't want to hire anyone to help me full time.
This is why I like my job. It's only a two person operation---sometimes three, since my boss's wife works there part-time---but I'm not overworked. How much I have to do is dependent on the whims of the real estate market and how well our primary business contact is doing. When there aren't as many houses selling or people mortgaging, I don't have as much to do. And that leaves me free to work on my fanfiction and play my games. That alone makes the $8.50 an hour pay worthwhile. >^_^<
I still can't figure out whether Krillin was doing it intentionally in that instance or not. Either way, it's this side of disturbing.
I am of the thought that the joke is Krillin was saying it out of innocence. Not realizing his wording can and, in this case, WILL be taken differently. Despite Roshi by the end of it cackling like a hyena at the sexual connotations. Krillin referring to Gohan taking up Goku's method of fishing for fish, that is.