I got 7 from the # of enemies he froze but did not kill...The issue here is that there are too many things going on giving a lot of possibilities...
Ding Ding Ding! That game was the hardest too. I tried to show that I was getting the ice gun to let people know it was key, but I guess I made it too hard.
My guess for an answer is Gamecube. It's another Nintendo console, and one that a lot of people seemed to really like. I might have to analyze a few of the games a bit closer to get some more concrete information to this guess, but the few I have in mind are the 7 frozen enemies in Metroid for the g, you only cleared 1 stage of the bonus game in Kirby for the a, and your statistics in Tetris added up to 21 for the u.
I'm a little bummed that no one got it, but apparently I made it way too hard. The word I was looking for was...... guardian. Ninja Gaiden(u) - I used my sword 21 times. I tried using it when there were no enemies around to give a clue that it was important. Tetris(a) - I solved 1 line. I was playing crappy on purpose to leave a clue also. No one plays tetris that badly. Megaman 4(d) - It was right in the title. It was the only game with a number in it. The only mistake I could have seen coming was someone thinking it was the 8 bosses. Metroid(g) - As mike said, it was the number of enemies I froze but did not kill. I showed myself getting the ice gun as the clue. Castlevania(n) - I hit 14 candles with the whip. This one didn't really have any clues, sorry. Solar Jetman(I) - I chose that code because it brought me to level 9, as it shows right at the top of the screen. Since there was almost no gameplay, I thought it was obvious. Kirby(a) - I got 1 hat from the quick draw game. I lost so obviously on purpose, thinking it would make people suspect that there had to be a reason for it. Ghosts 'N Goblins(r) - Simple, I killed 18 enemies. What else could it really be? I guess I went a little too far with the difficulty. I really wanted someone to win too.
I'll see what I can do. I want it to be hard, but not impossible. Being that my IQ is probably much lower than most people here, I thought someone would get this.
Don't think like this about yourself! The middle IQ has been set at 101, but the stats of my coutry shown 87-93 in 2011. So no complaining about your inteligence. The last riddle was hard, and i know you can make an harder one. If you an create a riddle of such a difficullty, i'm positive your IQ is higher than mine.
Only got 4 right. Did better than I thought at least. I kept second guessing myself with a lot of these Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4
P?: Ninja Gaiden: 16 enemies killed. (Having the word be scrambled made me guess so many different things. Otherwise, I would have guessed 21 slices.) A: Tetris: 1 line made. (Nobody plays that terribly.) H?: Megaman: 8 characters to select (Uhg. I don't even.) G: Metroid: 7 enemies were frozen, but not killed. (I got this before Mike, but I tried keeping a secret. ) N: Castlevania: 14 candles hit. (Correct. Dang.) ?: Solar Jetman: 12 letters in select, stage 9 (Darnit, I got the 9.) O?: Kirby: 15 Milliseconds. (Too improbable for it to be the number.) ?: Ghosts n' Goblins: (I didn't even know. Money bags? Enemies? Spears thrown? Meh.) This was going to be my guesses (with parenthesis of why it would be incorrect). I didn't even know the word was scrambled either. The worst part was that it was scrambled. This is the thing that really screwed me up, as like Mike, I kept second guessing myself. Now that we know what to expect, I'm not sure if another puzzle would be hard enough if you use the same paradigm.
Not necessarily. I had that as a possibility (it was obvious it was something with ice beam, other possibility I had was all enemies hit with ice beam regardless if they died) before the hint was given. I only posted what I had thought since Yami did. Also our guesses on the others came out pretty similar. :derpe: Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4