RULES: * You can not post unless it's breaking the current record! * You must post your time in days and hours, minutes too if you want. * Whoever has the longest bump wins! (We're gonna be here for a while. . .) * (New rule!) You can not bump if you were the last one to bump The current record holder is. . . Ridley Wolf! with a score of 10 days, 16 hours, and 42 minutes.
No, because in this game it only makes sense to post if the time since the last post is longer than the current record. The time between your post and the post before you was one hour. The time between your post and my post is 1 hour, 50 minutes.
Unless some time limit or other limitations are placed, over time this will become a necro-bumping thread... I guess I should include this bump was 7hrs 47min after the last.
=P Yup! XD But from now on it is against the rules to post in here unless it's breaking the current record. I can't really enforce that but it is the spirit of this forum game =P Yeah that's kind of the point =P
8 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes. Oh yeah I got this. (Everyone please remember the "no posting unless it's breaking the current record" rule for fairness!)