Queen Cerali's OC list

Discussion in 'OC Lists' started by Queen Cerali, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Queen Cerali

    Queen Cerali Rebel queen of the shifter kingdom

    Oct 13, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    The secret caverns beneath ponyville
    Their personalities are still subject to change if I think of a really good Idea, and are REALLY vague, if they're there at all, in any case. I haven't even created histories for them, and would appreciate help in doing so, as well as suggestions for the aforementioned personalities. anyways, here they are:

    name: Queen Cerali
    age: indeterminate
    gender: female
    race: changeling
    appearance: somewhat similar to Chrysalis, but with a dark purple coat, magenta wings, black and blue mane, and red eyes
    personality: she's a benevolent ruler who's every thought is for her subjects, who have taken the name "shifters" to distance themselves from the changelings.
    she has recently decided to open diplomatic relations with Equestria, believing this to be the best way to feed her subjects.
    Also, the shifters have similar coloring to Cerali, because I have a headcanon that a changeling's basic color scheme is determined by what queen they follow

    name: Etheran (name suggestions would be appreciated)
    age: indeterminate
    gender: genderless
    race: alicorn
    appearance: grey coat, silver mane and tail, red eyes, wings that appear to be made of fluid silver, curved horn just cuz',silver aura, partial solar eclipse cutie mark.
    Etheran is the ruler of the spaces between many fundamental forces of the universe, although they primarily represent the balance between night and day.
    they are the personification of a universal law, originally serving as a backup for the two sisters if one or both should be unable to move their respective celestial body, but over time they withdrew from the world for the most part, instead taking the role of an impartial observer

    name: Rolir
    age: 25
    gender: male
    race: crystal unicorn
    appearance: light blue coat, dark blue mane and tail, pink eyes, crystal perfume bottle cutie mark.
    Rolir is an alchemist who specializes in the creation of perfume. I honestly have absolutely no idea where in the world I got the idea for this character

    name: Kala
    age: 20
    gender: female
    race: pegasus
    appearance: purple coat, black mane and tail, grey eyes, chisel made of clouds cutie mark.
    personality: she is quiet, and usually calm, being very hard to upset. she's very understanding of other's problems, and a very reliable friend. she sometimes likes to separate herself from the world and relax for short periods of time, simply enjoying the peace and quiet, but she also enjoys being in a large group of people, and is always excited to meet someone new.
    Kala is a sculptor

    name: Solon
    gender: male
    race: unicorn
    appearance: red coat, ashen mane and tail, green eyes, red aura, burning house cutie mark
    personality: hot-headed and aggressive, arrogant and extremely cocky. considers himself on the same level as the princesses
    Solon is a very powerful mage, but can only cast a spell if work some sort of fire or heat into it. He sets houses on fire when he's bored

    name: Qaline
    age: 3o
    gender: female
    race: earth pony
    appearance: snow white coat, extremely light grey mane and tail, ice blue eyes, jagged ice shard cutie mark
    personality:cold(fittingly) and aloof, difficult to befriend, but fiercely loyal if you do
    Qaline is an assassin from the frozen lands to the north

    name: Garon
    age: 45
    gender: male
    race: gryphon
    appearance: silver head and front leg feathers, black body feathers and fur, white tail, bone white talons and beak, blue eyes
    personality: pragmatic, calculating, caring nothing for others
    Garon is an important figure in the black market, specializing in the purchase, sale, and transport of dragon eggs

    name: Zeran Xunorla
    age: somewhat fluid, ranging from 10 to 28.
    gender: female
    race: Zebra
    appearance: silver with pale purple stripes, a mid-length mane that covers one of her eyes, red eyes. tall, athletic and acrobatic. (as much as a pony/zebra can be acrobatic)
    personality: they're my Ponysona, so they're me. and I do not know how to describe me.....
    #1 Queen Cerali, Oct 13, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  2. Queen Cerali

    Queen Cerali Rebel queen of the shifter kingdom

    Oct 13, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    The secret caverns beneath ponyville

    name: Queen Cerali
    age: indeterminate
    gender: female
    race: changeling
    appearance: somewhat similar to Chrysalis, but with a dark purple coat, magenta wings, black and blue mane, and red eyes Cerali by Zeig.png personality: she's a benevolent ruler who's every thought is for her subjects, who have taken the name "shifters" to distance themselves from the changelings. she has recently decided to open diplomatic relations with Equestria, believing this to be the best way to feed her subjects
    Also, the shifters have similar coloring to Cerali, because I have a headcanon that a changeling's basic color scheme is determined by what queen they follow

    name: Etheran
    age: indeterminate
    gender: genderless
    race: alicorn
    appearance: grey coat, silver mane and tail, red eyes, wings that appear to be made of fluid silver, curved horn just cuz',silver aura, partial solar eclipse cutie mark.
    personality: confident and logical. they are almost always calm due to their power, but tend to get exasperated when they deal with Aborel
    Etheran is the ruler of the spaces between many fundamental forces of the universe, although they are primarily seen as representing the balance between night and day. they are the personification of a universal law, originally serving as a backup for the two sisters if one or both should be unable to move their respective celestial body, but over time they withdrew from the world for the most part, instead taking the role of an impartial observer

    name: Rolir
    age: 25
    gender: male
    race: crystal unicorn
    appearance: light blue coat, dark blue mane and tail, pink eyes, crystal perfume bottle cutie mark.
    Rolir is an alchemist who specializes in the creation of perfume. I honestly have absolutely no idea where in the world I got the idea for this character

    name: Kala
    age: 20
    gender: female
    race: pegasus
    appearance: purple coat, black mane and tail, grey eyes, chisel made of clouds cutie mark. Kala by TRP (1).jpg
    personality: she is quiet, and usually calm, being very hard to upset. she's very understanding of other's problems, and a very reliable friend. she sometimes likes to separate herself from the world and relax for short periods of time, simply enjoying the peace and quiet, but she also enjoys being in a large group of people, and is always excited to meet someone new.
    Kala is a sculptor

    name: Solon
    gender: male
    race: unicorn
    appearance: red coat, ashen mane and tail, green eyes, red aura, burning house cutie mark
    personality: hot-headed and aggressive, arrogant and extremely cocky. considers himself on the same level as the princesses
    Solon is a very powerful mage, but can only cast a spell if work some sort of fire or heat into it. He sets houses on fire when he's bored

    name: Qaline
    age: 3o
    gender: female
    race: earth pony
    appearance: snow white coat, extremely light grey mane and tail, ice blue eyes, jagged ice shard cutie mark
    personality:cold(fittingly) and aloof, difficult to befriend, but fiercely loyal if you do
    Qaline is an assassin from the frozen lands to the north

    name: Garon
    age: 45
    gender: male
    race: gryphon
    appearance: silver head and front leg feathers, black body feathers and fur, white tail, bone white talons and beak, blue eyes
    personality: pragmatic, calculating, caring nothing for others
    Garon is an important figure in the black market, specializing in the purchase, sale, and transport of dragon eggs

    name: Aborel
    age: indeterminate
    gender: female
    race: Draconequus
    appearance: silver dragon head, black manticore body, bat wing, raven wing, crystal arm, timberwolf arm, pony leg, changeling leg
    personality: energetic and random, she has a hard time paying attention to a single thing for very long. she also loves crystals, and has a cat made of crystals that used to be a Timberwolf.

    name: Zeran Xunorla
    age: somewhat fluid, ranging from 10 to 28.
    gender: female
    race: Zebra
    appearance: silver with pale purple stripes, a mid-length mane that covers one of her eyes, red, angular eyes. tall, athletic and acrobatic. (as much as a pony/zebra can be acrobatic)
    personality: Kind and understanding, slow to anger, but when they do snap they do so spectacularly. they're usually quite cheerful, and do their best to make those around them feel comfortable
    interesting things: they know martial arts, and were one of the two apprentices of Etheran

    name: Xaryl
    race: Deer
    gender: female
    appearance: black, with silver spots on her sides and small silver horns. sea blue eyes. small.
    personality: quiet and somewhat reclusive, observant, and rather creepy. she stares at anyone she's talking to, and never seems to blink. nothing seems to faze her. however, despite her usual demeanor, once you get to know her she is very kind and caring
    profession: she makes gothic dresses, and wears such dresses in public

    name: Doram Dracune
    race: vampony
    gender: female
    appearance: Doram prefers the classic vampiric outfit, and so usually wears a cowled black velvet cloak with a red underside. she has a midnight blue coat, a dark purple mane, and violet eyes. her cutie mark is a black and white image of a stereotypical vampony rearing up and flaring their cape, but with a spot of color: blood on the pony's fangs and hooves.
    personality: early on, she often tried to act like a stereotypical vampire, but was eventually convinced to not do so. she is cheerful and friendly, but has a grim sense of humor and enjoys horror stories and similar things.
    grimdark specific traits: in her grim-dark RPs, she has a...... less pleasant side she rarely shows. she enjoys seeing death and can sometimes come unhinged if put under stress, such as when she herself is tortured or nearly killed, becoming a sadistic torturer and serial killer
    bio: a mob destroyed her first home in Fillydelphia, and she still hasn't found a good one in her new haunting grounds, the region around Canterlot. she doesn't remember a time before she became a vampony, but she can't remember the first few decades of her 3000-year existence, so she doesn't know if she was born a vampony or bitten, but she doesn't really care all that much anyway.

    name: Luram
    race: bat-pony
    gender: male (female only when Berrilyn is using them)
    appearance: thin, with pale green wings and a light gray coat. orange eyes
    profession: desk clerk/ accountant
    personality: generally bored and apathetic, nearly always using a very dry tone. hates pretty much every customer whatever company he works for are running

    name: Floof
    age: somewhere around 22
    gender: female
    race: Flufflepuff
    appearance: a dark blue fluffball with yellow eyes
    personality: basically the same as Flufflepuff, because I want to have a character like this to roleplay

    OC's OCs (characters I think of as having been created by another OC)

    Non-Pony OCs:

    name: Mandar
    age: 60
    gender: male
    race: cyborg human
    appearance: tall, with cybernetic replacements for most of his body including his right arm and left leg, and the majority of his torso.
    personality: quiet, but enthusiastic when it comes to anything he cares about. somewhat detached from the rest of the world
    mini-bio: Mandar was a normal citizen until kidnapped by a secretive branch of the government for conversion into an android. he ran away before they replaced his entire body, but not before they replaced his vital organs and even his brain.

    name: Ghiosu
    race: Draco-Sergal
    gender: male
    appearance:black fur, red scales, and demonic-seeming eyes
    personality: calm and polite, but if he gets angry or goes too long without meditating to relieve stress, he goes beserk, destroying and killing until someone catches or calms him somehow
    (a friend told me about sergals, I thought they were cool, so I decided "let's add some dragon into that and make a character out of it)

    name: (Queeb) Ceraku
    race: human (anime)
    gender: fluid
    appearance tall and slim, with short purple hair and bright blue eyes. they usually wear a light black coat, dark blue shirt, and black jeans
    personality: friendly, easily distracted, but serious and focused when there's something important or dangerous

    Berrilyn's OCs

    Name: Canzalite Berrilyn
    age: 25
    race: seemingly earth pony, though many who live near her claim they have seen her flying.
    appearance: brown coat, one pink eye and one orange eye, pink and orange swirls in a poofy mane and tail similar to pinkiepie's, except shorter.
    personality: bubbly and cheerful, but rather insane at times.
    they were one of the two apprentices of Etheran

    name: Taram
    age: approximately 35
    gender: dependent on the RP, but usually female
    appearance: grey coat, orange eyes, magenta mane and tail. usually wearing tough leather armor adorned steel plates on the shoulders and hooves
    personality: curious and eager, but extremely serious when necessary
    profession: adventurer.
    #2 Queen Cerali, May 14, 2016
    Last edited: May 24, 2016

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