<Robot Pony Game> - The Everypony Game Mk II

Discussion in 'General Creations' started by Tyro D. Fox, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Older members of the site might remember that I once planned to make a game where the RP section runs amok and the characters of the RPs at the time would attack, with the then Staff rushing in to try to thwart the attack.

    That failed because I hadn't built anything before.

    Members with long memories might remember me mentioning I was trying to make another game along the same lines with robots.

    And all my friends are sick to death of me because I've actually built most of it, been rambling on and on about it and have asked them to play it.

    The eventual idea is that Bots have taken over the RP section and have infected it, making it run wild and threaten Everypony.com (here visualised as a litteral never-ending convention with all the elements of the site as rooms (yes, this is the idea I ran with for that Everypony fan-fic I didn't finish)). The Staff come up with the idea of modding Autobrony (an old pony android that used to DJ on the radio when other DJs weren't DJing (and when EPR was a thing)) to fight. Their old friend freshly 'Megaman'd', Autobrony sets off into the RP section to put the threat to rest.

    Gameplay wise, it's a combat card game with simultaneous turns. You enter the match with your loadout pre-selected and then have cards rated from 2 to 9 handed to you in groups of five. They're Ammo Cards and power your abilities. The number represents Priority, which dictates the order things are resolved in when you get to the Action phase, which is the only phase where things actually happen.

    I've been testing this idea out in paper form with the intention of making it a digital game. Why? Because it's easier to update things and allows for Online Play. Also, because my IRL tests are making it pretty bloody clear that this thing is ridiculously slow when you have to figure everything out yourself.

    But, I've had some positive feedback so far. Though, I will always want more feedback and data. So, try it yourself:

    The rules might be a little rough and some of the cards are cleaned up but are still likely kinda OP. Right now, I'm trying to see what sticks and what's fun. I'm trying to avoid stuff that outright shuts down an opponent too often and I'm trying to avoid slamming too much damage in one go. But I'm also experimenting with new ideas, like new ammo types, a side deck and Summons.

    Like I said, just seeing what sticks.

    So, if you do play, please bare in mind that these cards are still very rough. The idea is to make it a computer game and get the computer to do most of this stuff anyway. Though, if you find something hard to understand or interpret; let me know. If you think something isn't enjoyable to play or play against; tell me. If you make up some house rules or changes to some cards; I want to hear about it. They'll make later versions much easier. With the 'AI' cards, you can also play alone or as a team too.

    Also, really sorry about this; Some Assembly Required. And some Dice. And some Counters.

    Full list of required stuff:
    • A Deck of Cards for each Player
    • Some way to keep track of Armour Points and HP
    • Paper and Printer to print out cards
    • Scissors to cut the cards out
    • A way of keeping track of Charge Tokens
    • At least 1 d4 and 1 d6 die
  2. Queen Cerali

    Queen Cerali Rebel queen of the shifter kingdom

    Oct 13, 2015
    Bro hoofs Received:
    The secret caverns beneath ponyville
  3. Tyro D. Fox

    Tyro D. Fox Ho, hog, heg! I can does Game Dev thing, yes!
    Admin Veteran

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Earth, Milky Way, A few thousand dots to the right
    Glad you like. Tried playing it at all yet?

    I'm considering making a Tabletop Simulator deck out of the same stuff to make it easier to play.

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