Oh, that piece of crap? Yeah, it was only popular because Nintendo had artificially inflated demand by deliberately understocking the system. Face it, when Iwata died, Nintendo died with him.
I've had on and off stress through this month. I am just thankful my apartment is still stocked enough that there is still food, even if it's low. I have little to no soda, but I've made the sacrifice before when there is none. I'm just pissed I have so little money atm. I would get some gas station snacks or a hot cappuccino if I still had a few bucks, but nope. Though, I admitably am in a generally good mood today. I had a chance to be myself and loosen up at a overnight party at a new friends house out in the country. We drank plenty of beer, got a bonfire started, and grilled some good ass food. If anything, I felt like I had nothing to loose and nothing mattered other than enjoying myself. In fact, that is why I have been absent the past two days on here and Discord.
I'm an extremely insecure person IRL despite my outward friendly appearance. Losing romantic relationships in particular is devastating to me
I always thought the stereotype of MMO players all being addicts was just that, a stereotype. After playing FFXIV every day for round about 2 months straight now, I'm beginning to actually think it is a problem as I'm being less productive with other projects I should be sinking time into.
So me and a girl met about a week ago, and after last night, she randomly decided to go back to her ex Love is good and all, but who needs it?
Sorry if this newbie is butting in with you veterans, just... I need to tell someone at this point, and my social anxiety doesn't extend to anything online. I want to write fanfiction so, so so so much, because I want to give everyone something to brighten their day, and making people happy makes me happy, makes me feel like I matter. The problem? I have Dysgraphia. It makes it extremely hard to put sentences together, write anything long, or write words in a way that make sense, and the only reason I'm as good as I am now (Average at best) is because of relentless practice but at this point I'm not getting any better no matter how much I try and it's driving me to tears at this point.
I need to pick up some lights and mirrors for my new bicycle, but I can't decide between getting the cheap stuff from Walmart or going to a bike shop and getting better stuff that matches the beach cruiser style.
Is it weird that I look forward to 3 and 4 day weekends but by the 3rd day, I'm ready to go back to work?
A number of things are on my mind, but none would be too wise to vent here. Well, vent would be the wrong word. Eh. Truthfully, I am looking forward to some actual snow for Christmas Eve. Chances that I'll accumulate are pretty low considering how mild it's been. Honestly I think it's going to be the same as the past few years where we don't get snow till January or February.
The US Postal Service never fails to confuse me. Why the hell does the item I ordered have to go from Virginia Beach to Charleston, WV in order to get to Lexington, NC? That's like handing the football off at the 50 and running it back to your end zone before trying to pass the line of scrimmage!!
I'm kinda pissed off about what happened last night. My friend ended using my 2DS and updated *squee!* on it for me solely to play around with street pass and get more stuff for his character on his 3DS. He didn't tell me he planned on doing this, til literally after the fact. What he updated was the Miiverse app, which allows you play minigames with street pass points. He seriously was so *squee!*ing desperate for new players to pop-up at his plaza that he went and updated mine just to get me for his 'precious' Miiverse minigames. Pretty much reversing my intentions with the Miiverse app. I never was on the 2DS enough to care about Miiverse. Infact, it's the one app I kinda want to destroy and get rid of all data on just because of him now. I know it's kinda petty I'd get pissed off about it, but I just hate when people do mindless *squee!* like this.
I swear, sometimes living within earshot of a highway AND train tracks can make sleep damn near impossible!!
Being a female on the internet is hard. Usually it involves a bunch these "depressed" or "lonely" guys that want to go out with me and be a total creep in the worst way possible. I was being dragged into ERPs and doing things that I didn't want to to do. They treat me like I'm soms kind of goddess or something. Like seriously, men these days need to seriously stop drooling over girls behind a screen and get *squee!*ing life.
Starting to lose any reason for sticking around in life. The more I think about my future and what it might be the more I think I have no future. I'm barely holding myself together. My life so far has been an endless repeat. I get depressed I feel I have no reason to live Something keeps me distracted for a few weeks I feel like I'm getting better Something happens that sends be back into depression repeat My life has been like this for upwards of 5 years and It's not changed despite how hard I've tried and it's getting to the point where I don't think I can keep it up.