A New Ordinance in Wisconsin is being passed to stop Child Bullying in Schools article In the city of Shawano, Shawano School District is cracking down on bullying after massive reports of bullying happening. A ordinance has passed to stop child bullying and if the child that is bullying isn't stopped in 90 days by the parents, the parents will be fined $366 for the first offence and a steep $681 dollars for the second offence. Schools all across the area are in talks to see how they will be able to implement the new ordinance. See article via the link provided above to learn more about the situation.
Bull*squee!*. Bullying's been around since before the evolution of Homo Sapiens, and it'll be around long after we're all dead. Fining parents for letting their kid act like a kid is idiotic.
I was a kid and I never hurt anyone bullying isn't exactly just a kid being a kid. you don't have to be a bully while being a kid.
Being a bully is not synonymous with childhood. Maybe parents of the bullies will get sick of paying fines and use it as motivation to teach their kids to be decent human beings.
I don't know what kind of fairytale school y'all went to, but when I was a kid, it was survival of the fittest.
Parents should raise their kids better, yeah, but that sounds a little excessive. Oftentimes, the parents don't know it's happening. Why fine parents for not spying on and disciplining their kids at school? This is coming from someone who was bullied heavily, by the way. Even I can see where this is a problem.
Are you saying that kids who drive others to self harm, or suicide, should be allowed to do as they so choose? That's what bullying leads to, depression and if not taken care of, it can and HAS led to suicide. I just asking, there is ZERO need to get hostile with me.
I would hardly call bullies, who tend to be insecure poltroons, to be "fit" people. They certainly aren't all that tough on a level playing field. I don't know if I would go as far as fining parents, but there should be serious consequences for bullies, up to, and including, juvenile or criminal charges.
You do realize from what it says up there, they tell the parents and then give them 90 days (3 months!) to change their kid's behavior before they are fined. If you can't get across to your kid to stop bullying in that much time (or come to terms with your inability to raise your child and ask for help with your kid) then yeah, you either Aren't a very good parent (since you didn't ask for help and couldn't get it done). Or you just don't care and deserve the fine.
They're seriously taking bullying to a whole new level. But yeah, fining parents for this kind of stuff sounds pretty idiotic. I'm guessing parents don't raise their kids well enough (or they just don't give a *squee!* for what they do.) I think the bullies' parents should send their kids to juvenile detention for their behavior, to teach them how to get better and not let the parents take all the blame for it.
I know that sending a child to Juvenile would be the easy out but it will not address the issue, just contain it. Whether people want to accept it or not, if you are under 13 years old, parents take full responsibility for your actions and behavior. If you cause trouble out in public, your parents will get slammed more than you for not teaching you to behave better. In this case, the students we are talking about are young children. The schools can not do much to teach children a lesson outside detention. The parents will be the target for the fines because because if a child acts up, the parent is responsible for not teaching them right. Juvenile is for children that misbehave even with the parents telling them it's wrong. Not for little children who could behave but the parents are refusing to care or will not teach them better. There is a difference there. Keep in mind of that.
It was anything but a fairy tale for me. I was on the ass end of my fair share of it. I learned to defend myself but not all kids are as strong as I was. Not all kids CAN fight back like I did. After reading the subsequent posts, I like the fact that the parents are made aware of their child's behavior. I feel like it should have been done a long time ago.