A Positive Experience

Published by Mister Asmodeus in the blog Asmo's Unsafe Space. Views: 541

Might come off as a bit sappy. I'm also very bad at saying things like this. Please bear with me.
I realize I haven't been here a very long time, but that shouldn't make me any less right in what I'm about to say. My time here has, thus far, been an extremely positive experience. I was in something of a down-in-the-dumps mindset when I joined up. In person, there aren't many circles where I feel extremely welcome, even within my own family. This place, however, seemed to welcome me with open arms.
I'd name a few people that specifically come to mind, but eff it, you all do. Anyone I've had a conversation with. You've all made me feel like I belong here. I've yet to meet anyone here I don't genuinely like, and I have a hard time warming up to most people.
So I know I've only been here a few months, but unless I die, you can expect me to remain for years to come. That's what was on my mind this afternoon.

  • RainbowDash9000
  • Tyro D. Fox
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