
Published by Toaster Repair Pony in the blog Toaster Repair Pony's blog. Views: 468

I don't usually do these things, but I just needed to get this out somewhere, even if no-one reads it, so here goes.

So I'm living with my Dad at the moment, which is fine normally, he's a really nice guy and all, the only problem being that he's what I like to refer to as a 'perceptually recovering alcoholic'. What I mean by that is that he's fine when he doesn't drink (duh), but every few months or so he'll slip back into it and eventually end up drinking himself into a helpless stupor for about a week, which is what he's in the process of doing as I type this.

Now I'm not a completely heartless bastard, so I obviously try and help him, as does everyone else who cares about him, but I can only do so much, and ultimately only he can break the cycle. Or at least, that's what I've come to believe. (he's been doing this for over 20 years, so I think it's safe to say most solutions to the problem have been tried.)

Those are the facts, and now comes the whiny self-centredness; this really upsets me, partly because I have to watch him stumble down that self-destructive path, and partly because I hate what he becomes when he drinks. Now don't get me wrong; he's not abusive or anything, he's just not him. It's kinda hard to explain, but it hits me harder than anything else. It also produces some pretty untenable living conditions; I've had to break in before because he's deadlocked the door and then passed out.

Anyway, that's what's going on in Toasterland at the moment, and I guess the point of all this is that I'm not really sure what to do; stay here and try and put the brakes on this thing (which if previous experience is anything to go by may be a hopeless task), or just leave and let it run it's course. If anyone's got any experience dealing with this kinda thing, I'm all ears.

I realise this has been a bit heavy, so in the interests of balance, here's a picture of a dog dressed as a Christmas pudding.

(I hope it's ok to talk about this kinda stuff here, I guess it could fall into 'depression thread' or maybe even medical advice territory, and if so I apologise.)
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