Clockmakers Creatures: The Descendants
Published by AnTec in the blog AnTec's blog. Views: 347
Now, i hope you know about The Clockmaker, because what i'm about to tell you is a tad private. Back in the days, around The Second Clockmaker, there was Nothing. There wasn't even a Void. There was only The Second Clockmaker aaaaand Nothing. Yes, Nothing was a thing back then, don't pretend it's false.
Anywho, The Second Clockmaker watched out the window one day. He saw Nothing through that window. Looking at Nothing is kinda boring, so he started mixturing elements, just like he had done when he created Time. Except this time, he knew what to mix and what to leave. The first one was basic, Earth along with its ingredients where poured into a bowl, then poured into a flask. As of today, we have no idea what that flask was made of, for it was destroyed in a accident.
And thus, 1 was created. He was the first, and most basic, out of all the descendants. He created the first basic shapes, such as the circle and rectangle. Very basic but it was necessary.
Next was 2. He was created through Wind and its necessary elements that followed. 2 could create stuff that could move more than 1s creations, for example: 1s creations can roll, but are very stale and static, while 2s creations could had limbs that could move around on axises and similar things. Although he couldn't create beings with sentient living, it was more of a land where everything had routines.
3 came next. A combination of Water and a few other elements and boom! You had sentient life. Makes sense in a way. Anywho, 3s creations had sentient life, which he granted to 1s and 2s creations later on. But, 3s life could not evolve, they stayed in their form, not moving on and changing with Time. So he had to make them perfectly self-capable.
4 well, he made what is known as Humans and Lithians, so on and so forth. Simply told, he made sentient life that changed. This made it all as a game for him; he simply had to create or take a basic form from 1 or 2, and out it in one of his worlds. With Time passing, that being would change and develop, gaining new forms and new resistances. Then he would take a already developed form from 3 and put it in the world, creating a predator or prey for the evolving creature. Then it was to simply wait and see if the evolving creature would survive or perish.
5 was next. But you probably get the idea. They created life as we know it, so let's go to 10 instead.
10 was... different. He didn't create anything. He just watched the others create and create, doing nothing but watching. When The Second Clockmaker asked what he was doing, he simpy replied, "Creating is becoming dull. And, where running out of space. My creations require alot of space." And so, he only created a single planet, dead and cold. He was banished for different reasons to a place that was hidden from everything, and put outside the chain of worlds.
It's now called 103s Prison. And it houses a single, dead and cold prisoner.
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